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Holy crap, did anyone see ESPN News?

Guest JimH

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Don't get me wrong I think the C Lee for Castillo part of the trade is great...

However to give up Anderson for a guy who hit .244 last year. I mean call me crazy but i'd rather have Willie learning CF and hitting .260 with a .340+ OBP then those pathetic Posednik numbers.

yeah...i would definitley take podsedniks 2003 season though :D

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Off season survival guide


Get happy / pissed when you see the guy wearing a White Sox cap and KW is smiling like he just signed Barry Bonds for $3,000,000 a year. For the really conservative types who do not want to get their hopes up, wait for Mariotti to tell you the guy sucks and KW could have had someone better but JR is too cheap and should sell the team.

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why not take the gamble...What are the Sox predicted to do this year?? Cleveland's coming...and so is Detroit. It might pay off it might not either way....everett could play left coming from the bench and rowand goes back to center with dye in right. Anderson is more than a season from being ready for the majors.....aren't majority of the fans wanting something to be done now and not when Anderson's ready.

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one year??....he's been in the majors for two full seasons...plus another 20 games the 2 before.  Give him at least three to four seasons to show CAREER statistics.

Once more he is a career .265 hitter in the minors. Don't see him doing much better than that in the majors.

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I want to win as much as anyone but I don't think Pod hitting .250 is going to go it for us...

Anderson won't even be here in 2005. Podsenik and Castillo would be added...and lee would be subtracted in the deal. Plus the possibility of signing Dye to give some more power. 0-1(Lee)+3(Pods, Castillo, and Dye)="Ozzieball" in 2005

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