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Where is Ben Maller pulling this out of...


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those angry with maller should redirect their anger. He doesn't really report rather he collects, kind of like Drudge.

Maller has some connections just like drudge and rotoworld. But for the most part they just take stories from various newspapers around the country like you said.

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First ... this was an article or Q&A or whatever you want to call it ... out of the ass of one single Tribune writer.


Secondly, in the far-fetched hypothetical scenario proposed of sending Sosa/Prior here for Lee and whatever, the hypothetical scenario, proposed by someone who posts on this board, included the Cubs not being responsible for the remainder of Sosa's contract -- the Sox would be.


Thirdly, how the hell you jump to sending Sosa to the Mets for next-to-nothing (salary wise), with "this cash saved" that was never THERE .. in a HYPOTHETICAL SCENARIO is beyond me, as well as probably everyone else that posts here.


Lastly, I can't even begin to get into the "w/ the cash saved, go after Beltran" addition that you put on there w/o going hysterical. You say you'd be a better GM than KW. Your ideals, logic and proposals wouldn't even be accepted by ASB05 on the Xbox, much less in the real world of MLB GMs.


Hi. I'm from earth. Have we met?

I guess its hard for people to read all the way down the post...


"Again this is all a pipe dream, IMO this deal is only would work on MVP 2004 with the fair trades turned off!"

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really if Sosa as reported earlier awhile ago would agree to get rid of that trade clause that gives him an extra year and the cubs pay a significant part of his pay and we dont give any good talent Sosa wouldnt be half bad.

Are you kidding?

I guess attendance would raise though because I would personally set myself in RF and throw beer on him the entire game.

The guy makes me want to :puke


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