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Trouble in Gitmo

Rex Kickass

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From the article:


The human-rights group decried tactics used on some detainees — including severe temperatures, loud music and other sounds, the sharing of medical information with interrogators and forced nudity — that it said violate international rules against torture adopted by the United States and other countries.


The report marked the first time that the ICRC formally noted potentially serious violations of international law, including physical torture, at the U.S. Navy base where the administration has held captives in connection with the war on terrorism since early 2002, the source said.


ICRC reports are confidential. While Red Cross officials would not confirm that their July inspection of the facility found instances of torture, an official at the organization's Geneva headquarters did say that "there are significant problems" at the prison "that have not yet been addressed."


If the Geneva Conventions don't apply to our enemies now, how can we expect them to apply to us later?

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A decent society never accepts or justifies torture. It dehumanizes both torturer and victim, yet seldom produces reliable intelligence. Torture by rogue American troops or agents puts all Americans at risk, especially our rank-and-file soldiers stationed in dozens of dangerous places around the globe.

--Rep. Ron Paul (R-TX)


From the WoPo: "Pentagon investigations in recent months have said there have been about 300 allegations of prisoners killed, raped, beaten and subjected to other mistreatment at military prisons in Iraq, Afghanistan and Guantanamo Bay since the start of the war on terror."


So Killa, I'd say rape and murder are torture. We must preserve our beacon of shining democracy but acting in authoritarian quasi-fascist ways to do so? If we allow ourselves to justify and participate in torture etc. then the terrorists truly did win.

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Severe temps, loud sounds, and forced nudity..... Oh the HORROR!!!!!

But sharing Medical information with interrogators truly is a horror. Take it for what it's worth, but that was a common interrogation technique of the Third Reich.


I just seem to be seeing mounting evidence that we're willing to exempt ourselves from our moral code to protect our moral code. And that frankly scares the living s*** out of me.

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But sharing Medical information with interrogators truly is a horror. Take it for what it's worth, but that was a common interrogation technique of the Third Reich.


I just seem to be seeing mounting evidence that we're willing to exempt ourselves from our moral code to protect our moral code. And that frankly scares the living s*** out of me.

"Some Animals are More Equal Than Others."


--George Orwell

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