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Here's what John Kerry did yesterday

Rex Kickass

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Former U.S. presidential candidate, Senator John Kerry (D-MA), lays flowers on the casket of U.S. Marine Lance Cpl. Dimitrios Gavriel during his military funeral at Arlington National Cemetery near Washington DC, December 2, 2004. Gavriel, from Haverhill, Massachusetts, died November 19 while fighting in Al Anbar Province in Iraq (news - web sites) and his funeral is the 99th 'Operation Iraqi Freedom' funeral at Arlington National Cemetery. REUTERS/Jason Reed


George Bush has still never gone to a single funeral of a soldier killed in Iraq.

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RIP :pray


Bush attending anything turns it into a media event. I am not so certain I would want the President, as in any President, at my son or daughter's funeral. I do not believe this is out of any cowardness or callousness that he has not attended any of the funerals.

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RIP  :pray


Bush attending anything turns it into a media event. I am not so certain I would want the President, as in any President, at my son or daughter's funeral. I do not believe this is out of any cowardness or callousness that he has not attended any of the funerals.

It's not cowardess, but Bush runs the serious risk of it turning into a BAD media event...


There's no telling who would blame Bush for their son/daughter/brother/sister/friend/whatever's death, and how that could turn into a bad situation very fast.

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Sure that's sad, may the person rest in peace, but it's not going to change the outcome of the election obviously. Yesterday I got a Christmas card from George and Laura Bush. Tell me if the Kerry's sent one out.

Kerry limits his greetings mostly to his constituents. Kerry did send a congratulations message to my son for earning Eagle Scout rank.


BTW, if Kerry attended before the election, some would call it a shallow campaign move. These guys really cannot win with some people.

Edited by Texsox
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Something tells me that even if Bush attended EVERY funeral for a slain serviceman some people here would still give him s*** over it.

I do hope he has personally contacted all the families and offered our nation's condolences. Whether of not anyone supports our leader's decision to fight this war, we need to respect the sacrifice these men and women have made for love of country. The only one, IMHO who should convey the countries wishes, is the President.


I also do not need to see him on the phone talking to the families.

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So Kerry's a very honorable man and the American public made a huge mistake,  what's new. :banghead

How do you come to that conclusion from ANYTHING posed above? The president doesn't go because it would be a media event every time he did, and if he were to miss one, someone would be sure to be offended. Kerry went after the elections, and goes to those that happen to be his constituents. He realized that if he went during the elections, some would have seen that as pandering, whether it was or wasn't. Even now, some hardcore will see it as pandering, especially if he made any sort of announcement that he was going there. If he were a truely honorable man, now that he has lost, he would let the President know what his secret plans were for ending the war, so he could stop going to those funerals.

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How do you come to that conclusion from ANYTHING posed above?  The president doesn't go because it would be a media event every time he did, and if he were to miss one, someone would be sure to be offended.  Kerry went after the elections, and goes to those that happen to be his constituents.  He realized that if he went during the elections, some would have seen that as pandering, whether it was or wasn't.  Even now, some hardcore will see it as pandering, especially if he made any sort of announcement that he was going there.  If he were a truely honorable man, now that he has lost, he would let the President know what his secret plans were for ending the war, so he could stop going to those funerals.

The election is over, isn't it? Kerry can talk about his plan all he wants, but Bush won and it should be Bush's plan that is implemented. That is what the country wants. Kerry and his 49% of the vote was crushed in a landslide, he and those voters, can and should be ignored for the next 4 years.

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If he were a truely honorable man, now that he has lost, he would let the President know what his secret plans were for ending the war, so he could stop going to those funerals.

That's easy.


1.) Let everyone who sat by idly and who did nothing before and now in Iraq in on the reconstruction.


2.) No further military action unless there is unanimous UN approval..... although France, Russia, and Germany said they would NEVER approve action against Iraq. God forbid the US cut off their supply of illegal $$$$$ :rolly .

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Of course if Bush was an honorable man, by your logic, he'd invite the Senator over to the White House for a meeting of the minds about how to resolve the problem. But that, of course, assumes that the President recognizes there's a problem to begin with.

You do realize Bush is probably busy with the transitioning of the majority of his cabinet and such don't you :rolly ? Oh..... and there is that WAR going on in Afghanistan and Iraq. And maybe, just maybe, it's about time the President visited CANADA don't you think?


You dislike Bush. We got the point. Move on.

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You do realize Bush is probably busy with the transitioning of the majority of his cabinet and such don't you  :rolly ? Oh..... and there is that WAR going on in Afghanistan and Iraq. And maybe, just maybe, it's about time the President visited CANADA don't you think?


You dislike Bush. We got the point. Move on.

"Move on." Interesting choice of words there, Killa. :lol:

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