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Beirut, October 23, 1983: Simultaneous suicide truck-bomb attacks

were made on American and French compounds in Beirut, Lebanon,

killing 242 Americans and 58 French troops were killed, too.


Look, the "cheese-eating, surrender monkey" French died with our boys. Maybe that's why they don't want a brain-dead US president starting a war in the Middle-East. They have been dealing with terrorism for 20 years. The French have been hit with bombs before too. Maybe that's why they are a little more hesitant than us. Also, did you all know that Powell was going to resign if Bushie didn't go to the UN?


And the man whose foreign policy failures helped to lead to that Beirut attack....none other than




And the WOMD that Saddam has that they COULD supply to terrorists....

Well, so could North Korea.

Well, so could Cuba.

Well, so could Libya.

Well, so could Pakistan.

Well, so could India.

Well, so could Russia.

Well, so could Algeria.

Well, so could Saudia Arabia.

Well, so could Iran.

Well, so could North f***ing Pago-Pago, but Bush only has eyes for Saddam.

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could be..


it could also be the french are just pussies  :lol:

I guess this is being big and strong then, eh Baggs? Shock and awe, my ass. This is the death and destruction campaign. We're liberating them from their oil and their lives. Tell me, Baggs, which of these children was fighting for Saddam that they needed to get hurt? Huh?


http://www.aljazeera.net/news/arabic/2003/...3/3/3-22-26.htm (NOT FOR THE SQUEAMISH)


http://www.bartcop.com/rummys-war.htm That's an article that appeared from Reuters. Let's check out some of the excerpts of this article a la Bartcop.com



*Rumsfeld repeatedly rejected advice from Pentagon planners that substantially more troops and armor would be needed

*Rumsfeld insisted at least six times that ground troops be sharply reduced and got his way.

*"He thought he knew better. He was the decision-maker at every turn,"

*"This is the mess Rummy put himself in..."

*Rumsfeld overruled Gen. Tommy Franks to delay the invasion

*"[Our troops on the ground] have no resources.

*...the war was now a stalemate.

*Much of the supply of Tomahawk cruise missiles has been expended,

*aircraft carriers were going to run out of precision guided bombs

*serious maintenance problems with tanks, armored vehicles and other equipment,

*they planned to bring in another 100,000 U.S. soldiers by the end of April.



What a mess - have you ever seen bunglers screw up so incredibly bad?



Politically, we have to compare this to Mogadishu, the GOPs favorite subject of all time

Clinton never wanted to be in Somalia - that was Bush 41's screw up

Clinton didn't try to micromanage Somalia,

Clinton didn't reject the advice of all his top generals

It's only been days, and we've lost 61 men - either dead, missing or POWs that probably aren't coming back


And they want to send another 100,000 men so Rummy can gamble some more?


All this, because the Unelected Fraud has a physical lust for Iraq's oil.


Today is March 31th, and we have 61 dead.

How many dead will we have thirty days from now?


...and if you're not sickened yet, check this, from an unnamed former senior Pentagon official:


"The only hope is that they can hold out until reinforcements arrive."



We should recall the troops, apologize to the world and remind them we didn't elect these blood-thirsty thugs.


I don't want to watch hundreds (please, not thousands) of our bravest men die live on CNN.


We need to stop this war.




This war is sickening borderline imperalism bulls***. Let's hear it for our unelected leader! (and don't give me the electoral college bulls***, you have not read about the 57,700+ LEGAL voters purged from the voter rolls in Florida that were over 90% traditional voting Democrats and members of the Democrat party...majority black, latino and poor whites)

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here is my "dissenting" POV of how this war is going from what you say..


we have in 12 days done the following


1. secured the port at umm qasr before saddam could blowup the oil rig in the gulf like he did in 91..we are still cleaning up from that eviromental disaster..imagine if saddam did it again


2. securing that port and clearing mines in the gulf have led to humantiarian aide starting to come into the port at umm qasr...feeding iraqis in the south who were starving...thats huge to winning over the iraqis


3. securing the two air fields H2 and H3 in the west..the 2nd one being the size of heathrow airport in london


4. securing the scud launching sites in the west..this was huge because it has kept saddam from launching scuds into israel and jordan...the last thing we need is getting israel wanting in on this


5. the southern oil fields..in the gulf war saddam set fire to 300 or so oil wells in kuwait..there was fear he would set fire to up to 500 oil wells in the south..we secured the southern oil fields with only 9 of them being set ablaze..last count 6 have been extinguished...huge success


6. the brits are moving in on securing basra...basra is the 2nd largest city in iraq..2 million people...thats like securing a city the size of metropolitian portland oregon....in 12 days..this is also an area where saddam sent quite a few fadeyeen terrorists..that alot of work going door to door...


7. the 3rd id and the marines have moved over 250 miles towards baghdad...


8. intel reports we have decimated both the medina and baghdad divisions of the republican gaurd....we have our coalition deaths at around 50 plus whatever happened today...we cant get a real report because iraq wont give out the right numbers but DOD last friday was saying we have killed 25000 to 35000 iraqi troops...iraq has captured 7 POW's...we have over 5000 iraqi POW...if those kill and POW ratios are anywhere near close to the truth how can anyone say this hasnt been a success so far???


9. in the north the past 6 months special forces have been working with the kurds and have built an army 70k to 90k strong that can move in from the north to help secure baghdad..we also dropped in 1000 troops 72 airborne out of aviano italy to help out..and i believe the 101st is up north now too..we have secured some air fields up there and are in the process of securing the northern oil fields


10. the bombing of baghdad...ther eis still no real proof if saddam survived the first night of bombing...if he did we obviously got a message to him that if he sticks his head out in public we will blow it off ...



10 huge successes so far...have things gone wrong??..yeah they have...things always go wrong in war...im not gonna harp on them because every news agency in the world is doing that..and thats all they are doing...they dont focus on the positives...war correspondents never do...the news always looks for the negative..its their nature...another positive..peter arnett got fired..lol


how long is this war gonna take??...i dont think very long...but we should be in no hurry to finish it because when you hurry you make mistakes..remember we started this war before we had all the troops in place and were really ready to go...we had to go early to complete our objectives of saving the oil fields and secured western scud sites...it was a brilliant move by tommy franks...now we can just wait for the 4th id to get in country with all their equipment and have them shore up the supply lines...that also gives the units in the north time to move south and open up a northern front...in the meantime we can keep bombing baghdad and the republican gaurds to soften them up before we start the final push to baghdad...take a two week break with the ground troops if thats what it takes..wait till everything is as perfect as it could be before going into baghdad..


i know this hasnt gone exactly to plan , the fighting has been more fierce than most expected from the iraqis..i admit i thought we would have alot more than 5000 POW's by now and i didnt expect this kind of resistence...but has there ever been a war go exactly to plan??..remember in the gulf we wernt going for a regime change..only to expell iraq from kuwait...took over 50 days..and ground troops didnt go in until after we bombed the iraqis for 38 days..we have adapted very well to some unexpected situations...says alot about the training in our military


12 days..id say this war , when you look at the big picture..especially the oil fields and the israeli situation, is well ahead of schedule


oh yeah..forgot to add...we control the skies..if any iraqi plane flies..it dies



side note..did you know over on the other site there is another alarmist that is actually wondering when the US will start using nukes to finsh off iraq because the iraqi are , in his mind , kicking our ass???...and there are people who are actually taking him seriously...its sad how the press shapes your little lefty minds..j/k :D


call it politics , call it perspective , call it lack of objectivity , call it whatever you want...but we are not watching the same war...one of us is 100% wrong..guess time will tell who was right

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I am just saying that the Pentagon is REALLY pissed off at Rumsfeld because he made a lot of dumbass decisions.


And about the nukes, Bush has had some rumblings that he may want to use tactical nukes. I REALLY doubt that the US will use them (cuz, hey, we can't harm that precious precious oil that Bush is cumming all over the place about, right?)


I really don't think this war is going well. We just shot and killed 7 women and children in a car. Yes, I remember now, the infamous Iraqi women and children battallion! :angry:


Also, this war is going to get a LOT more bloody. We haven't seen anything yet. The plans are gonna be urban warfare in Baghdad and Iraq is promising guerrilla warfare. There are going to be a LOT of body bags coming back to the US and UK because of this piss poor foreign policy move by George W. Bush.


I also find it sickening that they are already adding the building blocks for trying to legitimize a future invasion of Iran too.


But when Tommy Franks and the rest of the Pentagon heads say that "This isn't the type of war that we war gamed against", it scares me that these troops are being put out there in this sort of situation. With the Pentagon giving such discouraging news that Rummy is such a f***ing moron, it scares me even more.


Why does this administration hate the troops so much that they are sending them off to die without adequate force and why do they hate them so much that they are giving them faulty chemical suits? (Yes, Doug Rokke who is still heavily involved with US military workings etc. etc. etc. has told me that the GAO has found that the chemical suits being given to our troops are faulty and don't work. Isn't that just a comforting thought that we are sending them out there with suits that don't work?

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if all these alarmist scenarios come true...we wil llose this war..so we will soon see if you are right

I am not saying that we will lose. I am however saying that this war is not going to be the cakewalk that the Bush administration made it out to be and the public consensus believed it was going to be. I am saying that there is going to be a great cost for this war, at least in the amount of body bags that will be piling up.

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if all these alarmist scenarios come true...we wil llose this war..so we will soon see if you are right

I am not saying that we will lose. I am however saying that this war is not going to be the cakewalk that the Bush administration made it out to be and the public consensus believed it was going to be. I am saying that there is going to be a great cost for this war, at least in the amount of body bags that will be piling up.

up to this point ,keeping in context that this is war and people will die and things cant always go as planned 100%, this war is a close to a cakewalk as the US has ever had...


we arnt just trying to push saddam backbehind his borders , or dropping a few bombs on libya to send mommar a message...we are going for a regime change here..against a brutal dictator who spent almost all his countries fortunes on his military and controlling his people...if one could ever say there was a war that was a slam dunk , to this point so far , this would be it

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