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Wrath of the Jocks

Wise Master Buehrle

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There's no way I'd RETIRE retire. I can't even sit still when I'm on vacation.



Missing work? Grab a lawn chair outside the Chicago stadium on a night that should have hockey, but now nothing is going on inside. Take a touristy stroll under the El Tracks. You'll see plenty of excitement and feel like you are back at work.

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Is roofer better for you?


WOuld you rather be busting your back till your 60 living off that money, or would you rather have enough money to retire at 35, and STILL have income?

Tell ya what, come back here once you have reached 35 and life has gone EXACTLY as you have planned, and then get snotty. But until you have actually been in the working force of the world, and you have seen the cards life has dealt you, don't be an ass. Also, never look down at the people working blue collar. If all of these construction workers, waiters, roofers (yeah, find the balls to do THAT job), or any other job that you wish to look down, just stopped, the friggin' world would all but explode. The world can survive without corporate lawyers if it could learn to talk to each other again, but it can't survive without concrete workers, steel workers, etc.


I myself will do whatever job needs to be done that will help my family, as long as it isn't degrading or illegal.


I had my problems with jock in highschool more than most. It comes with being a longhaired freak who wore spikes and jewelry at a time when Punk was NOT cool. But most of those people changed once they got into the real world, and many of them are friends now.

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Tell ya what, come back here once you have reached 35 and life has gone EXACTLY as you have planned, and then get snotty. But until you have actually been in the working force of the world, and you have seen the cards life has dealt you, don't be an ass. Also, never look down at the people working blue collar. If all of these construction workers, waiters, roofers (yeah, find the balls to do THAT job), or any other job that you wish to look down, just stopped, the friggin' world would all but explode. The world can survive without corporate lawyers if it could learn to talk to each other again, but it can't survive without concrete workers, steel workers, etc.


I myself will do whatever job needs to be done that will help my family, as long as it isn't degrading or illegal.


I had my problems with jock in highschool more than most. It comes with being a longhaired freak who wore spikes and jewelry at a time when Punk was NOT cool. But most of those people changed once they got into the real world, and many of them are friends now.

I tell kids who have worked for me


"If you cannot be successful as a waiter, how the hell do you think you'll be successful as a lawyer?" Is being a lawyer easier?


Some get it, some don't. Do your best at everything. Develop great habits, and success comes in whatever you are doing.

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Obviously it is NOT easier, I'm just saying that you need respect for every profession that is out there, but many find it easier to look down at the blue collar crowd. Lawyers are needed due to, in many cases, people being greedy bastards. THe profession is needed, to stop people from killing each other. In an ideal world though, a lawyer would NOT be needed. One of my favorite people in the past few years was a lawyer who got me out of a lawsuit that was 100% greed. I loved her. :headbang

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I'll try to cover all the different points this thread has.


First of all, I'm in the wrong business. Or at least the wrong company. You'd think a programmer would make more than a carpenter... :huh


Second, I never really fit into any specific category when in high school. I like computers (nerd), playings sports (jock), wearing black (goth), and have long hair (metal head). I owned a long black trench coat (long before the guys at Columbine did) but would also wear Guess clothes(prep).


For the most part, I could get along with just about any group and wasn't really bothered by anyone. I never got into a fight at school which is probably a good thing considered I've accidentally hurt a number people just playing football.


Lastly, I have no idea what happened to all the "popular" people from my HS. I guess I'll find out when I go to my 10-year reunion next year. All I know is that no matter what anyone thought of me back then, I have a house, a job and a family that I'm happy with and proud of.

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Tell ya what, come back here once you have reached 35 and life has gone EXACTLY as you have planned, and then get snotty. But until you have actually been in the working force of the world, and you have seen the cards life has dealt you, don't be an ass.

Snotty? Me being an ass? Let's just say I have things planned out well. If they don't work, they don't work. I'll just finish studying IT and finish out my life on that.


But seriously, if you think me making a positive comment about my future is being snotty, or me posing the question would you rather retire at 35 or work in carpentry till 60 is being snotty, than that's lame.


And by the way, life doesn't deal you cards. You deal your own cards.

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Well f***ing excuse me for making a comment before reading ahead.



And if you want to get technical a contractor DOES have enough $$ at 35 if they play their cards right to employ carpenters - which is very different from a "roofer" - and do nothing while collecting a paycheck.


Interesting how you altered your initial response..

My uncle does roofing. I was trying to give you a worse thing than carpentry where you won't make as much money.


I get pissed off when 3 or 4 different people tell me the same thing. I suggest you read the whole thread before posting, like I do. If I see something I want to post about during the thread, I just make a mental note to post when finished reading.


Your call though.


And, um, maybe I altered my initial response because 3 people thought I made a bad analogy, so I tried to make a better one. :bang :bang :bang

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And by the way, life doesn't deal you cards. You deal your own cards.

Tell that to the people who just lost their homes and jobs to the hurrcanes in Florida.. or those that just lost their jobs downtown. Or the woman who lost her husband and kids who lost their father to a drunk driver Saunday night.


We, humans, don't control s***. Life can change - for the good or the bad - in an instant. It's a bit "cocky" to think anyone is above fate.




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And by the way, life doesn't deal you cards. You deal your own cards.

I planned my life out pretty well I thought also. But then things happened to people around me causing me to rearrange my plans. I now sit someplace I never expected to be, but at the same time I can't imagine myself being any happier.


I do congratulate you on standing up for yourself to the jock. But someday, that jock will a much better fighter, and as long as you are willing to be on the recieving end of an ass-kicking, then keep fighting. I mostly take my hat off to you though for telling him you guys had it out, and it was done as far as you were concerned. It's a shame that some people can't clear thier heads after time.

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:rolly Whatever. I'm done, you will continue to argue your point and won't back down. Get back to work.

You'll get the point someday when you enter the read world, kid. Hopefully you'll never have to deal with adversity.. if you do.. just from your attitude here.. things wont be very pretty for you.

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Missing work? Grab a lawn chair  outside the Chicago stadium on a night that should have hockey, but now nothing is going on inside. Take a touristy stroll under the El Tracks. You'll see plenty of excitement and feel like you are back at work.

Taking a walk under some sections of the "L" Id feel less safe than I did even during the worst days I had in Iraq. :lol: At least over there I was properly armed to handle a rough neighborhood.

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First of all, I'm in the wrong business. Or at least the wrong company. You'd think a programmer would make more than a carpenter...  :huh

You would also think doctors and teachers would get paid more than atheltes.



Abd Shelter is more important than programing IMO ;)

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Tell that to the people who just lost their homes and jobs to the hurrcanes in Florida.. or those that just lost their jobs downtown. Or the woman who lost her husband and kids who lost their father to a drunk driver Saunday night.


We, humans, don't control s***. Life can change - for the good or the bad - in an instant. It's a bit "cocky" to think anyone is above fate.




And you just try to tell the kid who grew up in a s***ty neighborhood who worked his ass off in high school and college to become a lawyer and get his family out of a rut that fate dealt him those cards.


Things just happen. Even if those things you mentioned do happen, so God gave you a bad hand this round, life isn't over. You can still go on to become a multi-millionaire. Nothings stopping you.


You deal your own cards. If your family has the money and you decide to screw around in school, fine, you dealt your cards, your gonna be a super senior or doing manual labor. Fate has been taken as far as it can be taken. I've heard "Fate gave me A.D.D., that's why I'm stupid." and I just puke. ADD is just an excuse for parents to not having to hassle their kids to do better in school. Did ADD exist 10 years ago? No!

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Im not gonna defend all JOCKS as you call them, but i can tell you from my personal life, I played alot of sports and didnt discriminate who I talked to... however did hang out with the kids on my teams more than anyone else.... it's a brotherhood when you step out on the field/rink/court etc... that is hard to break. That being said, it's extremely short sighted to have them be your only friends as you broaden your look on life with the different types of people you meet.


And to call Jocks stupid is very ignorant... I played sports and still managed to keep a 92 average in highschool, so you'll understand if i take acception to the idea that Im going to work for you someday...



Wrong + Wrong = Not a Right

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