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Father who smacked son banned from home for six months


Sam Jones

Thursday December 9, 2004

The Guardian


A father who was spotted smacking his young son during a shopping trip was barred from his own home and separated from his family for six months, it emerged yesterday.

Earlier this year, a detective putting up murder inquiry posters in Chorlton, Greater Manchester, saw the 41-year-old giving a single smack to the bottom of his three-year-old son. The father, who cannot be named for legal reasons, pleaded guilty to common assault at Manchester magistrates court yesterday.


Bail conditions imposed by the court and social services had banned him from the home he shared with his partner and two children - including a new-born baby girl - as he waited six months for his case to come to trial.


He was also prevented from having any unsupervised contact with his son, and for several months was not even allowed phone contact with him.


Yesterday the man said that the ban had punished not just him but his entire family.


"My partner had to look after our son and bring up our baby all on her own for six months because I wasn't allowed to be around," he said.


"It's not just been punishing for me, it's been punishing for her and the kids. I was dealt with really unfairly."


Magistrates in the case, which came only weeks after an attempt by rebel MPs to outlaw smacking completely was defeated in parliament, placed the man on a two-year rehabilitation order.


They heard how the father had been out shopping with his partner, their son and their baby daughter in June this year when the incident happened. The three-year-old boy was misbehaving, and the father smacked him and was spotted by the detective.


Don Fletcher, prosecuting, said: "The policeman went to speak to the defendant and a security guard also saw the defendant lash out with his right hand and strike the small boy on his bottom."


The boy, who was lifted into the air by the force of the slap, began to howl, drawing the attention of other shoppers.


But Sara Lewis, defending, explained that the child had run out in front of a car, placing himself in danger, and that his behaviour had pushed his parents to the end of their tether.


She said the father, who wanted to bring the boy up properly, had accepted that the force of the slap was a little excessive and was sorry.

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What happened to the "what is said in the parking lot stays in the parking lot?".


Dammit Steff.  I'm disappointed in you.



Oh no, no... :nono


I didn't say what happened...


I'm giving Murcie the whip for this one.. :whip ;)

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Spanking your child doesn't equal child abuse.  Beating your kids is one thing...spankings are quite another.

You see how a lot of small children act nowadays? I had a kid who couldn't have been more than 6 years old tell me to "f*** off" at the mall the other day. Parenting is getting a lot worse either cause parents are just too busy to do it effectively, they dont care or they're weak.


There's nothing wrong with giving a kid a good smack in the behind when they get out of line.

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You see how a lot of small children act nowadays?  I had a kid who couldn't have been more than 6 years old tell me to "f*** off" at the mall the other day.  Parenting is getting a lot worse either cause parents are just too busy to do it effectively, they dont care or they're weak. 


There's nothing wrong with giving a kid a good smack in the behind when they get out of line.

No, we're just not allowed to be parents anymore as evidenced by the above story.


"Time-out" just doesn't work sometimes...

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when i took my nephew to watch the incredibles we had a couple 10 yr old punks, w/o their parents, behind us cussing and calling people names such as fat ass and much, much worse such as calling a black guy a n***** and then saying "yeah i said it" immediately afterward (the dude was pretty muscular and i was hoping he'd get up and kick their ass :lol: ). when seeing s*** like this one can only conclude that parenting has gotten much worse. i would have been afraid to act like that as a kid...

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the last time I was out at the grocery store I saw about a 12 yr old kid throw a tantrum then when he didn't get his way he booted his mom in the shins a good one. If I had done something like that boy, I wouldn't want to know what would happen when I got home.

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You see how a lot of small children act nowadays?  I had a kid who couldn't have been more than 6 years old tell me to "f*** off" at the mall the other day.  Parenting is getting a lot worse either cause parents are just too busy to do it effectively, they dont care or they're weak. 


There's nothing wrong with giving a kid a good smack in the behind when they get out of line.

Now that giving your kid a swat on the ass has become "abuse" I can see where it's become harder to stop them from acting up. Back when I was a kid I got plenty of cracks on the ass or my hands slapped. These days that, obviously, will land you time away from your family. Bulls***, IMO.

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the last time I was out at the grocery store I saw about a 12 yr old kid throw a tantrum then when he didn't get his way he booted his mom in the shins a good one.  If I had done something like that boy, I wouldn't want to know what would happen when I got home.

I believe the phrase my parents like to use for that is, "picking your teeth off the floor."


I can't imagine doing a tenth of some of the stuff kids do and get away with now...

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  • 3 weeks later...

When a child I'm responsible for acts up in public I simply ask the child one question:

"Do you want me to call a cop?"

You see it works both ways. Why spank when you get the child to face the consequence of their actions? By seeking the state's help in the matter I the parent am free from blame & punishment. The state then becomes responsible for the child's action & misbehaving.


Lucky for me I've not had a child of mine say "yes" to that question. It seems to be effective enough. If they do say "yes" I would follow up with this ..

"ok then. It's been nice knowing you. We'll help you pack for the orphanage where nasty kids are going to pick on you & steal anything you ever get."

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