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Magglio doesn't go so quietly aft


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December 10, 2004


BY GREG COUCH Staff Reporter


Magglio Ordonez, the quietest White Sox player, is no longer a member of the Sox.


And he is no longer quiet.


Calling himself frustrated by his treatment from the Sox, Ordonez took offense to what he saw as a parting shot from the team in Thursday's Sun-Times. General manager Ken Williams said Ordonez's camp had given "inaccurate'' information regarding details of the right fielder's mysterious knee surgery and treatment in Austria.


Unhappy with being painted as the bad guy, Ordonez twice called the Sox "liars'' Thursday and suggested they never had any interest in re-signing him in the first place.


"They always say they want to win, they want to win,'' Ordonez said. "They don't care about winning. They only care about making money.


"I don't know why they want to pull this campaign against me in the newspapers. The only thing I ever did in Chicago was play hard, do my job and be quiet.''


It is an ugly departure for one of Chicago's superstar athletes. And Ordonez painted an ugly picture of the way the Sox do business.


'Pay me now, and I'll sign now'


Ordonez said he felt the Sox badmouthed him in the papers during his final season, making his knee injury appear worse than it was to drive down his value. He said he wanted to stay with the Sox but received only one offer of a contract extension, last spring.


"And it was good money, but it was all deferred,'' he said. "Up to 20 years. I said, 'No; pay me now, and I'll sign now.' They didn't want to do that.''


Ordonez said he hadn't had contact with the Sox in months, since he called Williams to complain about comments suggesting that Ordonez likely wouldn't be able to play next season because of the injury. Ordonez said that wasn't true and that Williams knew it.


Ordonez thanked Sox fans for being so good to him for so long and said, "I guess I'm going to have to sell my house in Chicago now.''


Not necessarily. Asked about the possibility of signing with the Cubs, he said with a laugh: "That would be nice. Really, really nice.''


No further comments from GM


Williams chose not to speak about Ordonez on Thursday, letting his comments from earlier in the week stand.


"Everyone close to the organization never thought of it ending in this fashion,'' Williams said Wednesday of the decision not to offer arbitration to Ordonez. "We thought we would sign him when we engaged in contract talks during the season. It's disturbing that some info out of their camp is inaccurate.


"I'm more concerned with making sure Magglio Ordonez's legacy is intact and the feeling that he will always be a welcome part of the Sox family than I am in trying to defend ourselves. I'm comfortable we have all the information and truth on our side.''


The Sox said they never received medical reports on Ordonez's knee, making it impossible to offer around $14 million a year for a player who might not play.


"They say they never had my medical reports; that's a lie,'' Ordonez said. "I sent the medical report right away from Austria. I had it translated and everything into English. They just don't want to pay.''


Ordonez's agent, Scott Boras, said earlier this week that "it is important to note, No. 1, the name of the surgeon [in Austria] was given to Magglio from the staff of the White Sox.'' Williams denied that in Thursday's paper.


But Boras provided an e-mail from Sox podiatrist Lowell Scott Weil to Ordonez talking about the specialist in Austria.


"Dr. Schaden would be happy to hear from you, and he says he would really like to see your MRI,'' Weil wrote. "You could take some digital pictures and e-mail them to him. If he thinks that he can help you, he will discuss this with you personally and tell you what his experience has been with similar cases.''


Asked about the e-mail, Weil said he was acting as an intermediary and that Ordonez had asked him not to talk about his treatment, so Weil said he never told the Sox. In other words, Williams might have been out of the loop.


"He was going out of the system,'' Weil said. "If he said, 'Don't say anything,' I wasn't going to say anything. I've worked in sports for a long time. ... with the Bears for 25 years. The person comes first. If a guy says, 'Don't say anything,' I'm not going to [sox chairman Jerry] Reinsdorf to say this or that.''


Weil is the medical director of a private foot and ankle institute in Des Plaines. He said he was working with Ordonez at the request of Frank Thomas. Ordonez had confided in Thomas, Weil said, that he was afraid his knee injury might be career-threatening.


Not happy to leave Chicago


Weil confirmed that while in Austria, Ordonez underwent surgery for a second meniscus tear and two procedures to treat bone-marrow edema. The first procedure was an injection of a medication approved in the U.S. only to treat blood pressure. The second was a shockwave treatment of intense sound waves.


Weil said he spoke to Ordonez two weeks ago, and at the time he was undergoing rehabilitation. Ordonez said he will be ready by Opening Day but isn't ready now. He can run, he said, but isn't ready to jump. He wants to take things slowly.


"I'm not happy I have to leave Chicago,'' he said. "I appreciate everything the fans did for me. They supported me. I was hoping the White Sox would offer me arbitration, but they never called.''


Contributing: Doug Padilla




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You must have missed the part what good old JR wanted to Defer money for 20 years? Name another team that does that to their players? I think JR is Charles Comisky.

If you believe Ordonez, it seems as though he is confusing himself since he has become vocal. Maybe that's why he was so quiet during his tenure here.

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You must have missed the part what good old JR wanted to Defer money for 20 years? Name another team that does that to their players? I think JR is Charles Comisky.

And you apparently don't know the CBA very well.. That is a flat out lie because according to the CBA money can not be deferred for longer than 2 years unless approved.. and it must be with interest. Expect to see this get even more nasty. And the one to suffer will be Maggs. Hope he's pleased with his new rep. ;)

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I love the part where he says we are liars, knew about the surgery, recommended it, and had all the medical records. Even Boras throwing in the email, lol. I'm glad Weil at least had the guts to admit the Sox didn't know because he didn't tell them. And the ultimate topper, I was waiting for the Sox to offer arbitration. Maggs, you are one funny guy.

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If you believe Ordonez, it seems as though he is confusing himself since he has become vocal. Maybe that's why he was so quiet during his tenure here.



The Sox say they know nothing yet, it is proven that the Sox DR was the one giving the info to Maggs, The reason KW wants this to die is simple, we have a hard enough time getting FA to come here, and now our own players are speaking against us... THATS NOT GOOD PR.

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The Sox say they know nothing yet, it is proven that the Sox DR was the one giving the info to Maggs, The reason KW wants this to die is simple, we have a hard enough time getting FA to come here, and now our own players are speaking against us... THATS NOT GOOD PR.

Guess you missed the part where Weil said he was NOT employed by the Sox when he disclosed the info on the doctor to Maggs and Boras.


Typical though.

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And you apparently don't know the CBA very well.. That is a flat out lie because according to the CBA money can not be deferred for longer than 2 years unless approved.. and it must be with interest. Expect to see this get even more nasty. And the one to suffer will be Maggs. Hope he's pleased with his new rep.  ;)

I'm pretty sure it was with Intrest.. I just love the fact that you fit the JR fan perfectly..


Believe the BS that comes out of my mouth.....ANd you do...


They f***ed over Maggs, plan and simple, the team only cares about making a profit, not winning, Much like the Cubs of the late 90's, The only problem is we don't have a "superstar" here to rake in the dough.


It very simple business, you have to spend money to make money.. something JR is not willing to do.

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They f***ed over Maggs, plan and simple, the team only cares about making a profit, not winning, Much like the Cubs of the late 90's, The only problem is we don't have a "superstar" here to rake in the dough.



He has a potentially career ending injury, won't disclose information about how well his knee is healing and expects the Sox to just drop an ass load of cash on him?


Maggs and Borass can and should shut their mouths or at least provide some proof rather than smoke and mirrors.

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I'm pretty sure it was with Intrest.. I just love the fact that you fit the JR fan perfectly..


Believe the BS that comes out of my mouth.....ANd you do...


They f***ed over Maggs, plan and simple, the team only cares about making a profit, not winning, Much like the Cubs of the late 90's, The only problem is we don't have a "superstar" here to rake in the dough.


It very simple business, you have to spend money to make money.. something JR is not willing to do.

I'm NOT a JR fan one bit. I actually hate his guts for what him and Kenny did to Ray..


But I'm not going to sit here and be a f***ing cry baby when it's clear as the ocean in the Bahamas that the Sox DID offer Magggs a fair deal (from the HORSES mouth, by the way), Maggs changed agents under the radar, and had surgery WITHOUT the Sox knowledge, with a doctor that he was referred to by someone NOT working for the Sox - even though him and Boras both LIED and said they did.

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He has a potentially career ending injury, won't disclose information about how well his knee is healing and expects the Sox to just drop an ass load of cash on him?


Maggs and Borass can and should shut their mouths or at least provide some proof rather than smoke and mirrors.

If they would have offered him a decent contract last year we would not be sitting here today discussing this, instead looking for a SP and SS..But, in typical sox fashion we low ball everyone, and then b**** about one thing or another of why we can't sign anyone.

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If they would have offered him a decent contract last year we would not be sitting here today discussing this, instead looking for a SP and SS..But, in typical sox fashion we low ball everyone, and then b**** about one thing or another of why we can't sign anyone.

5 years $70 million isn't decent?

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If they would have offered him a decent contract last year we would not be sitting here today discussing this, instead looking for a SP and SS..But, in typical sox fashion we low ball everyone, and then b**** about one thing or another of why we can't sign anyone.

They did offer one to him (or so was reported and backed up by a couple people, or so I seem to remember). They can't force him to take it.


Had he taken it, the sox would be just as screwed because potentially they dropped an ass load of cash on a guy that can't play.

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