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The thing that bothers me


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Is how flat we looked today. There really didn't look like a lot of emotion. For godsakes its openning day. It looked like we were in a mid summer fog today. No one really seemed to be into it. If we see a couple more of these kind of outings can a Manuel firing be far behind? :huh:

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No to Manuel firing.


The players seemed a tad flat, I agree with you on that. These are professionals and they know what they have got to do. They have to pick it up themselves. I saw Manuel in the dugout being very involved with the players, he did his job - we need to see a Frank mammoth home run or something else to get these guys really going, it will ahve to come from them, in their own selves and as the plays happen that spark them.

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It shouldn't matter where we start. As a matter of a fact they should know that these are the teams that we should be getting fat on. The bottom feeder teams of the league we need to kill so that if we play like crap against the AL West or the Twins again, we have some padding.

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Look at their flight schedule the last 3 days. might be why they were flat.

Could be. I hadn't really thought about that til you posted it. That sounds like more of a NBA schedule, than an MLB schedule.


But leave it to Jerry R to have his team running around like fools trying to make a few extra bucks before the regular season. I think I read that only like 6 teams played yesterday.

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