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Let's have a "I've already given up Thread"


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shame on you baggs for being a fairweather fan..... dont you know that jimenez is da bomb...........hes our savior there up the middle.. heck if it werent for him then guys like rowand wouldnt have any pratice out there in the outfield............ :P

yeah we are both fair weather fans..since about 1970 :lol:


how can anyone be a fairweather fan of the white sox???....we havent been to the world series in 43 years..or won one in 85....both the worst in the AL...you have to actually have won something recently to attaract fairweather fans the watch them leave when you go bad again...


we just suffer yer after year and b**** our ass off :headbang

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Baggs, if you go into ST with a starting position, the only reason I see that person losing it is if he didn't perform.  Jimenez didn't do anything to warrant losing his spot.


also, check out Miles over the last week, he cooled off a bit. 


Jimenez deserves to be here, but if he struggles, I wouldn't hesitate bringing up Miles.

Heh, cooled off "a bit"? I'd say he cooled off a lot.


And I agree that if D'Angelo doesn't perform well for a prolonged time, Miles should get an opportunity to prove himself (provided he's playing well in AAA, of course). But obviously, it's absurd to suggest that after 1 GAME he should lose his job. That's what some people said, and probably even more feel, and IMO those people are a disgrace to us knowledgeable Sox fans.

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Yeah....the season is over.  We suck.  f***....we're in goddamn last place.  We f***ing suck.


:fyou me.... :fyou you....and  :fyou you...and  :fyou you....and  :fyou the White Sox


Oh....and  :fyou you too

You might want to get some help for that crack pipe problem. that s*** will kill ya. :D

Hey - crack kills




Thanks, wsf, I was just dying to see that... :D

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Actually, Jiminez made two really nice relays which helped us gun two different runners out at the plate. Unfortunately it didnt help us win the game...

Yeah, but he went 0-4, and that's all that matters, right all of you non-fans?


The fact that he helped save 2 runs means nothing.


Sad how some people overlook the good things a person does in a game and instead focus on the negative.

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Guest hotsoxchick1
It's a good thing we have the most loyal and smartest sox fan on our side.  And he knows it! "clujer420" Congrats!

aint that the truth...........im so glad we have his wisdom and many sox years of knowledge here to guide us in our opinions .............. :D

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It's a good thing we have the most loyal and smartest sox fan on our side.  And he knows it! "clujer420" Congrats!

aint that the truth...........im so glad we have his wisdom and many sox years of knowledge here to guide us in our opinions .............. :D

Just because you're old, that doesn't mean you have knowledge. You should be old enough to know that -- or maybe you're SO old that you've forgotten. Which is it?

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It's a good thing we have the most loyal and smartest sox fan on our side.  And he knows it! "clujer420" Congrats!

Where did I say I was the most loyal or the smartest? You sure do like putting words into my mouth in an attempt to....what exactly are you trying to do anyway? I don't understand your motivation for making things up.

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Guest hotsoxchick1
It's a good thing we have the most loyal and smartest sox fan on our side.  And he knows it! "clujer420" Congrats!

aint that the truth...........im so glad we have his wisdom and many sox years of knowledge here to guide us in our opinions .............. :D

Just because you're old, that doesn't mean you have knowledge. You should be old enough to know that -- or maybe you're SO old that you've forgotten. Which is it?

im not too old to be puttin your young ass in its place little man...........why do you have to be such a know it all smart ass instead of trying to have a normal conversation with people..... your not civil at all and beat around the bush with snyde remarks.. why not just be honest and upfront about things instead............ remember no one likes an "IKE"..... im sure you know what that is right...........or are you too young to figure it out..........

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im not too old to be puttin your young ass in its place little man...........why do you have to be such a know it all smart ass instead of trying to have a normal conversation with people..... your not civil at all and beat around the bush with snyde remarks.. why not just be honest and upfront about things instead............ remember no one likes an "IKE"..... im sure you know what that is right...........or are you too young to figure it out..........

It's very clear to me that ever since I questioned the purity of girls with tattoos and piercings (I'm sure you have many of each, by the sounds of it), you will never read my posts with a clear mind, so I cordially request that you stop reading them.


You claim to be so knowledgeable and so mature, while I am so immature and such a punk, yet you resort to name-calling. That sure is mature.


And I am very civil with people who deserve it. You certainly are not one of them. You are a jaded b****, and it seems that anyone under the age of 200 that has an opinion contrary to the almighty "Michelle" is wrong.


And Ike = Dwight Eisenhower

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im not too old to be puttin your young ass in its place little man...........why do you have to be such a know it all smart ass instead of trying to have a normal conversation with people..... your not civil at all and beat around the bush with snyde remarks.. why not just be honest and upfront about things instead............ remember no one likes an "IKE"..... im sure you know what that is right...........or are you too young to figure it out..........

It's very clear to me that ever since I questioned the purity of girls with tattoos and piercings (I'm sure you have many of each, by the sounds of it), you will never read my posts with a clear mind, so I cordially request that you stop reading them.


You claim to be so knowledgeable and so mature, while I am so immature and such a punk, yet you resort to name-calling. That sure is mature.


And I am very civil with people who deserve it. You certainly are not one of them. You are a jaded b****, and it seems that anyone under the age of 200 that has an opinion contrary to the almighty "Michelle" is wrong.


And Ike = Dwight Eisenhower

You know I have a problem less with your opinions and more with your attitude that you get to decide who "deserves" to be treated civilly and when.

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im about ready to give up on d'angelo jimenez and giving the job to the man who really won it..aaron miles..


dumbass swings 3-1 when we are down 2 runs late and need baserunners...ugh

First you say that a play in the 2nd inning cost us the game, and now you're giving up on D'Angelo after 1 game? I think I get the picture as to what kind of fan you are.

Here's one quote that i'm making up. What are you telling him here? he's an idiot? or dont pay attention? Do i need to waste my time and dig through these threads of you attacking people?

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Guest hotsoxchick1
im not too old to be puttin your young ass in its place little man...........why do you have to be such a know it all smart ass instead of trying to have a normal conversation with people..... your not civil at all and beat around the bush with snyde remarks.. why not just be honest and upfront about things instead............ remember no one likes an "IKE"..... im sure you know what that is right...........or are you too young to figure it out..........

It's very clear to me that ever since I questioned the purity of girls with tattoos and piercings (I'm sure you have many of each, by the sounds of it), you will never read my posts with a clear mind, so I cordially request that you stop reading them.


You claim to be so knowledgeable and so mature, while I am so immature and such a punk, yet you resort to name-calling. That sure is mature.


And I am very civil with people who deserve it. You certainly are not one of them. You are a jaded b****, and it seems that anyone under the age of 200 that has an opinion contrary to the almighty "Michelle" is wrong.


And Ike = Dwight Eisenhower

well for one i dont have alot of tats nor piercings.. and at one time i did read your posts and thought them very well thought out and said.. but then you started with your snobby condescending tone to others and thats where the line is drawn.... i have known most of these people on here for a few years now and most of them in person to boot..... they are nice people.. we may not always see eye to eye but we can talk to eachother in a manner which none of us gets offended by what is said... and if we do then we let the other know and its done with... you on the other hand do not let things slide and do not know the difference between real talk and venting talk....... and your f***in a right... if you dont agree with the almighty me then kiss my ass... i honestly dont care..and im in a position in life where i do not have to care one way or another......youll never see that day in your life..........

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im not too old to be puttin your young ass in its place little man...........why do you have to be such a know it all smart ass instead of trying to have a normal conversation with people..... your not civil at all and beat around the bush with snyde remarks.. why not just be honest and upfront about things instead............ remember no one likes an "IKE"..... im sure you know what that is right...........or are you too young to figure it out..........

It's very clear to me that ever since I questioned the purity of girls with tattoos and piercings (I'm sure you have many of each, by the sounds of it), you will never read my posts with a clear mind, so I cordially request that you stop reading them.


You claim to be so knowledgeable and so mature, while I am so immature and such a punk, yet you resort to name-calling. That sure is mature.


And I am very civil with people who deserve it. You certainly are not one of them. You are a jaded b****, and it seems that anyone under the age of 200 that has an opinion contrary to the almighty "Michelle" is wrong.


And Ike = Dwight Eisenhower

Michelle is a b**** and we know it she'll admit it. But you have no idea what i'm pointing out to you. Michelle has been around these boards for at least 3 years that i know of and people know her. you just got here and you're pissing people off and you think i'm twisting your words around.

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Guest hotsoxchick1

i am probably the biggest b**** that you will ever have the pleasure of knowing............and im a b****, that when the chips are down you will want on your side fighting for you ........i guarentee ya that much ............

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i am probably the biggest b**** that you will ever have the pleasure of knowing............and  im a b****, that when the chips are down you will want on your side fighting for you ........i guarentee ya that much ............

I believe it. Both parts!

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Guest hotsoxchick1
i am probably the biggest b**** that you will ever have the pleasure of knowing............and  im a b****, that when the chips are down you will want on your side fighting for you ........i guarentee ya that much ............

I believe it. Both parts!

your just saying that because i like your pic.......... :D

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im in a position in life where i do not have to  care one way or another......youll never see that day in your life..........

When I'm in my 40's, I pray that I'm not on a message board going back and forth with someone that is an "immature, condescending, arrogant, smart ass little punk". You're right -- I will never see that day in my life.

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im not too old to be puttin your young ass in its place little man...........why do you have to be such a know it all smart ass instead of trying to have a normal conversation with people..... your not civil at all and beat around the bush with snyde remarks.. why not just be honest and upfront about things instead............ remember no one likes an "IKE"..... im sure you know what that is right...........or are you too young to figure it out..........

It's very clear to me that ever since I questioned the purity of girls with tattoos and piercings (I'm sure you have many of each, by the sounds of it), you will never read my posts with a clear mind, so I cordially request that you stop reading them.


You claim to be so knowledgeable and so mature, while I am so immature and such a punk, yet you resort to name-calling. That sure is mature.


And I am very civil with people who deserve it. You certainly are not one of them. You are a jaded b****, and it seems that anyone under the age of 200 that has an opinion contrary to the almighty "Michelle" is wrong.


And Ike = Dwight Eisenhower

wait a minute on my first day back from limbo, i had a counter on my spelling and so forth. ho can that be civil when you are trying to show that you are soooo superior to others by pointing out their faults. then you counter by saying that you can't read these boards with others who don't have the command of the queens language so to speak.



so how that be a friendly person who wants to be taken as a nice guy.

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i really hate adding this b/c you may think that i am trying to water down the situation. but i wanted to say, after reading the beginning part that this was a great and funny thread.

Heh, yeah, it's funny "watching" people argue, particularly on a message board like this. It's all in good fun until the attacks start getting personal -- which is what some people on here have taken it to. I hope that changes, though, because I'm on here to discuss Sox ball -- not to get into flaming wars.

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i really hate adding this b/c you may think that i am trying to water down the situation. but i wanted to say, after reading the beginning part that this was a great and funny thread.

Heh, yeah, it's funny "watching" people argue, particularly on a message board like this. It's all in good fun until the attacks start getting personal -- which is what some people on here have taken it to. I hope that changes, though, because I'm on here to discuss Sox ball -- not to get into flaming wars.

ahh but sometime we come at each other in a friendly banter. do you think that it was you that took it personal?


i have had rps and hsc1 and others have called me on the carpet for what i may have said or posted or interpretation of something. but knowing them for the board they did it fun and was deserved at the time.


sometime you will bite the dog and on other days the dog bites you.

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i really hate adding this b/c you may think that i am trying to water down the situation. but i wanted to say, after reading the beginning part that this was a great and funny thread.

Heh, yeah, it's funny "watching" people argue, particularly on a message board like this. It's all in good fun until the attacks start getting personal -- which is what some people on here have taken it to. I hope that changes, though, because I'm on here to discuss Sox ball -- not to get into flaming wars.

damn..missed al lthe fun tonight


clujer....get a clue...you're acting like little b**** ass punk

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