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quotes from Bor-ASS


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"Ordonez's workout in front of interested teams this weekend was called off, but Boras said it had nothing to do with the outfielder's health. Ordonez appeared in only 52 games last season because of a knee injury."


"We really just wanted to do [the workout] in a private way," Boras said. "Magglio Ordonez is a player who had a meniscus tear. Anything else you heard is medically false."


i smell these f***in rats and i dont like em

good riddance

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Oh yeah, I hate this guy.


Boras said that he didn’t expect to consummate a deal for Beltran before the holidays. In response to a question from a reporter, the super agent tells us that he and the Red Sox have agreed to the money on the first four years of a five-year deal for Jason Varitek. He indicated that the terms of the fifth year were still being negotiated.


I asked Boras about the status of Jered Weaver, and he turned to me and said “Is that a question?” I rephrased it, suggesting that it was the Angels and not Weaver who had the leverage at this point. Boy, did I strike a nerve! Boras said it was “disingenuous” of the Angels to draft Weaver and not negotiate with him in good faith. He made it clear that “our demands were fully known before the draft,” that “11 teams had passed on him,” and the fact that the whole process was “unfair to Jered.”


I told Boras that I was sympathetic to their situation but mentioned that it would be difficult, if not impossible, to make up the lost money should Weaver choose to wait and go back into the draft next June.

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I love Maggs and hate to see him go, but damn; it's one thing after another with his knee. I do believe some team will take a chance and be happy they did when all is said and done, but that's 100% pure speculation on my part. With the payroll being strapped as it is on the South Side, KW really had the decision made for him. We could not take a chance on him with the lingering questions of his health. HOWEVER, Jermaine Dye??? not exactly a guy who has proven he can withstand a 162 game schedule.

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  BaseballNick said:
I love Maggs and hate to see him go, but damn; it's one thing after another with his knee.  I do believe some team will take a chance and be happy they did when all is said and done, but that's 100% pure speculation on my part.  With the payroll being strapped as it is on the South Side, KW really had the decision made for him.  We could not take a chance on him with the lingering questions of his health.  HOWEVER, Jermaine Dye???  not exactly a guy who has proven he can withstand a 162 game schedule.

Actually, in 2000, 2001 and 2002 Dye played in a minimum of 157 games. I'd say that proves he's capable. Last year he played in 137. Anyone can have an injury from time to time and Dye's had a couple of freakish ones. It's not like this guy has a chronic, recurring problem. He'll be fine.

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Borass just flat out lies. THe reson they cancelled borass says is they didn't want to create a media frenzy at the meetings. Yeah right if maggs was 100% they would want to do exactly that to induce more competition and bidders. Maggs said in the sun times he was not 100% and right now cant jump so thats why they didn't do it. See there it is right there. Thats the proof Borass lies. Once a lier always a lier.

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  winninguglyin83 said:
any team that gives maggs more than a year is flatout stupid

It really depends on how this is structured. Years is just one part of the package. For example 1 year $8 million is not as good as 2 years @ $4 million per. 6-Years, all incentive driven, off the league minimum would be awesome for some team. Clauses that void the contract if the knee proves unhealthy wouuld make a multi-year possible. Clauses that severly reduce his earnings if he cannot play OF could also be used. So the balance becomes a give and take. If Maggs wants more year he would probably have to take on more of the risk on his health. If a team only wants to give him one year, the pay would go up.

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