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Bruce Levine reports....


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I can tell you one thing, if the Sox pick up Huddy or Sheets or someone else really good this board is gonna have 200 plus people on it for the first time ever :headbang


Now all of us together....lets think Sheets or Huddy :lol: 


If were gonna wish, wish big :cheers

How many people were on board during the Opening day meltdown last season? It was funny because both Soxtalk and WSI crashed because of too many users. :lol:

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Anyone know the salary ramifications of a Lee for Pod and Ginter trade.... Sox have about 3m under the 75, so if this adds only about 3m and sox have 6m left, I'm not sure that leaves them a ton of flexability

The Sox would basically save 7.5 million. So it would give them just over 10 mill to play with.

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Finally one other person (actually I'm making an assumpion here Steff) that agrees with me that Otis was absolutely full of s***.


The guy lucked out and to this day I believe he was completely full of crap.

Add me to the list too :)

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Kind of funny, but it was 187 users...probably was a bad omen  :lol:

Well my buddy and I were really pissed off because our Cubbie loving buddies watched the ninth inning with us, and I just got so pissed. My buddy IM me asking "dude, did you get banned from WSI too?" :lol:

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The more I think about it.


Lee for Pos and Hardy or whoever.  Don't know if they could get them, but get the prospects necessary (maybe the A's be interested in Spivey).  Whatever it takes get the prospects necessary to pull a deal with the A's and then the Sox include Anderson or whomever else to make it work out. 


That would give Oakland a very good prospect (probably near top) from Mil, a top prospect from the Sox (Anderson) and then Beane's pick at one of the pitchers not named Bmac (or whatever the hell else he wants and yes if begged enough I'd deal Bmac too).


Sox net Huddy and Pos and pretty much complete their offseason. 


On an unrelated sidenote, if the Sox deal Konerko and if they really are interested in Koskie, you could almost see them deal Everett for Koskie and I bet Toronto does that cause they get away from a long term deal.

Lee and our top prospect for a 1 year rent of Hudson and Pods? Hmmm.... I'd rather a different direction


Lee has 2 years left

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Thanks a lot you assholes, now once again I have stopped writing my history paper which is due in two hours.



don't feel bad, i should be studying for finals now, but nooooooo

i'll end up reading this entire thread and i know it's going to come w/ a dissapointing ending :lol:

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Both the Score and AM1000 are talking about Milwaukee, the Posednik thing.  That's the latest update at 12:20 pm CST.

the wheels on the bus go round and round. Please remembe the holes:



Fifth starter


leadoff hitter.


If we can trade one guy to get two of these, I am all for it. Easier to find a guy that hits 25 hr's and 80 RBi's. They are all over the place. s*** for that Matter, everett could get hot and do it.

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I am trying to reach my brother who is in the Brewers Organization.  He told me that talks went on for a long time last night, but that KW wanted too much in return.  I will try to get something on this before Bruce. :)

JD I didn't know your brother was in the org.. cool :headbang . I heard that there was a meeting in a conference room that went on well past 2am. Same one ya think..?

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