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that you dislike and lets keep it somewhere so posters will not change their mind during the season.


1. clee. no faith in since he got here.

2. m.olvio no faith b.c imo he is over rated.

3. mark buerle. he has alot of people fooled on where he wants to be. from 2 yrs ago comment.

4. kw b.c he is a dump f***. on a side note i like JM and JR.

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4. kw b.c he is a dump f***. on a side note i like JM and JR.

On a side note..... As each game passes, I'm beginning to think JM is the REAL problem with this team. Either that, or he is letting KW influence his decision making WAY too much.

ummm the season when the sox won, that was before kw took the reins right.


i still think that when you are looking over your shoulder to see if the micro-managing punk think you are doing it right, they it will affect the way you do things.

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I literally like every player that the Sox have. The only ones I'm not crazy about are the ones that haven't been here long enough for me to gather an opinion one way or the other. Players like D'Angelo, Olivo, Colon, Loaiza, Daubach, Rios, Koch (although I love his attitude), Gordon, and all the others that are new for '03. Other than them, I like everyone, but will reserve comment on those I listed until I see em for a couple of months.

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I literally like every player that the Sox have.  The only ones I'm not crazy about are the ones that haven't been here long enough for me to gather an opinion one way or the other.  Players like D'Angelo, Olivo, Colon, Loaiza, Daubach, Rios, Koch (although I love his attitude), Gordon, and all the others that are new for '03.  Other than them, I like everyone, but will reserve comment on those I listed until I see em for a couple of months.

true but i wanted a list of those who you don't like. the prob is posters have the mistake of changing their opinions and said that he have always like this or hate that.


so i added mine so when i say clee is a homo, you know its is from a dislike as to being a personal knowledge.

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true but i wanted a list of those who you don't like. the prob is posters have the mistake of changing their opinions and said that he have always like this or hate that.


so i added mine so when i say clee is a homo, you know its is from a dislike as to being a personal knowledge.

Well, by saying "I like everyone", I'm saying that I don't dislike anyone.


And yes, you're right. People like to change their minds on people. I normally don't dislike a player based on their performance -- the only time I dislike someone is when their attitude or effort is lacking. If someone is trying and not succeeding, I can deal with that. But when someone dogs it or is a non-performing prima donna, I can't stand that. The Sox don't seem to have anyone like that at this time.

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and jimenez came with alot of baggage and from what ive seen im not sure he is lead off material...we are gonna really miss durham :(

Durham wasn't leadoff material either Baggs.

yeah but he could score 100-120 runs in this offense....he still stole 30 bases a season...jimenez has 8 in over 700 ML at bats....and he's a free swinger like durham but doesnt have the power ray had...ray still carried an obp of 360 while he was here..can jimenez do that???...i dont think he can..id feel so much better with this team if ray was still here..but he is not, so let get miles here :lol:

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4. kw b.c he is a dump f***. on a side note i like JM and JR.

You might not wanna get hsc started, LDF!


Anyways, D'angelo Jiminez is making me scratch my head. Why is he fishing for balls that are miles away from the strike zone? This is gonna be interesting.

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clee..because he is brain dead

Ahhhhh, C'mon Baggs! I was starting to like ya! :nono

sorry heather..but cmon..he didnt even know it was strike three in one at bat today...he's you husband...WAKE HIM UP !!!! :lol:

S'all right! He's coming home to me Thursday night. We're gonna have some...fun...if I may say. :headbang

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and jimenez came with alot of baggage and from what ive seen im not sure he is lead off material...we are gonna really miss durham :(

Durham wasn't leadoff material either Baggs.

yeah but he could score 100-120 runs in this offense....he still stole 30 bases a season...jimenez has 8 in over 700 ML at bats....and he's a free swinger like durham but doesnt have the power ray had...ray still carried an obp of 360 while he was here..can jimenez do that???...i dont think he can..id feel so much better with this team if ray was still here..but he is not, so let get miles here :lol:

I'm looking at Miles' numbers from last season in Birmingham, and they're good, but I don't know if that means anything since it was AAA. His avg. was .322, with 40 walks (531 AB), 25 steals (41 attempts), and his OBP was .369. He also committed 26 errors.


My analysis....


- Very good average. You have to figure it will come down, though, since pitching is obviously the best at the ML level

- 1 walk every 13.275 AB's is not acceptable for a lead-off hitter

- 25 steals is good, but when you're caught 16 times, that's not a good percentage. And catchers are probably much better at the ML level, and pitchers are probably better at holding runners

- Good OBP, but when you consider he hit .322, it should be much higher than .369

- And his errors are also high (26 in 138 games)


So, while he was impressive in ST, I don't know that he's all that great of a player. Until he can learn to take a walk and obviously cut down on the errors, I say he belongs in AAA.

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and jimenez came with alot of baggage and from what ive seen im not sure he is lead off material...we are gonna really miss durham :(

Durham wasn't leadoff material either Baggs.

but who can forget that hof pitcher we got in return and to boot oak is getting a 1 rounder for him.


great job kw.

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St. JosE6 as in error on his first chance of the season.



I want everyone to do good for the Sox sake but we need good defense and it better be supplied this year.

why do you want clayton back?

Now the f***ing hell who says I want Clayton back, which I f***ing don't want at all?


If you equate good defense only with Clayton, that is your thing, not mine.


I believe - and can comprehension be taught? or is it just ignored sometimes? - that Valentin better play good defense.


If Jose cannot play good defense then he does not belong on our team.


Anything over 20 errors will generally be considered not good defense by me.


That is all that I have ever said.

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and jimenez came with alot of baggage and from what ive seen im not sure he is lead off material...we are gonna really miss durham :(

Durham wasn't leadoff material either Baggs.

Ray sure as hell was lead off material. It was his fielding that was an issue. Ray consistantly scored 100+ runs, 30+ steals, and with an OBP of 350+.. he was in the top 20%.


Jimenez will haunt this team.


Oh.. as for who I don't like.. Willie (stupid f'ing moron) Harris.

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St. JosE6 as in error on his first chance of the season.



I want everyone to do good for the Sox sake but we need good defense and it better be supplied this year.

why do you want clayton back?

Now the f***ing hell who says I want Clayton back, which I f***ing don't want at all?


If you equate good defense only with Clayton, that is your thing, not mine.


I believe - and can comprehension be taught? or is it just ignored sometimes? - that Valentin better play good defense.


If Jose cannot play good defense then he does not belong on our team.


Anything over 20 errors will generally be considered not good defense by me.


That is all that I have ever said.

i never said that you wanted clayton. read it again and follow your own words of comprehension. :nono i just asked a simple question and to be honest it was a tongue in cheeck statement.


jose brings more to the table to offset his errors.


That is all that I have ever said.

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If it were tongue in cheek, next time add a  :lol: so I can know that.  :nono

ROTFLMAO!! Way off topic but just as I was reading this I was being told a story about an employee that was asking what it meant when a guy stuck his tongue in his cheek (i.e.. referring to a BJ).


:lol: :D

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