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Jermain Dye to be on all night with todd wright


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talked about having the physical when teams called and said he signing with the whitesox.

likes the team we have

parents taught him be a man of his word

likes how the team will always play hard

they want to get better defensivly

said with the others they may bring in

likes the posednik deal

he will be playing right

thinks rowand is moving to left

thinks the stolen base will help as long as there spead at the top of the lineup

talked about why oakland couldnt get over the hump in the playoffs

saids pitching and defense win ballgames

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- Said Arizona, Texas, Chicago and I think New York Mets (zoned out on the last one) were interested. Said Kenny had talked to him over the long hall and he wanted to be there.


- Liked the Sox philosphy, said he knew Ozzie and says Chicago wants the guys to play hard and thats the type of baseball they want to play. Dye said the team wants to get better defensively. Then went on to say along with.....a few others they may bring in.


- Todd Wright said he thought Pos (by the way from now on I'm calling him Spod cause I don't want to call him Pos, could be a bad omen for piece of s***, lol) was going to play CF and then Jermaine said as of now he was going to be playing right field. Said Rowand has good speed and is a good outfielder but isn't sure of there plans. Says maybe he'll play in left field.


- Then talked about Beane being against stolen bases. Dye likes the idea of stolen bases though. His theory is that there is a time and a place but as long as you have speed at the top of the lineup you'll score runs. Then talks about his days in KC where he had Johnny Damon and Ray Sanchez and they had 5 guys with 100 RBI's.


- Ask him why the A's never won in October. Thinks maybe the pitchers wore down since the A's put so much pressure on them over the regular season.


- Says Chicago is one of his favorite cities. He looked at the starting lineup on paper and there pitching and in his mind starting and defense wins and he says there is no doubt they'll be in every game.

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- Said Arizona, Texas, Chicago and I think New York Mets (zoned out on the last one) were interested.  Said Kenny had talked to him over the long hall and he wanted to be there.


- Liked the Sox philosphy, said he knew Ozzie and says Chicago wants the guys to play hard and thats the type of baseball they want to play.  Dye said the team wants to get better defensively.  Then went on to say along with.....a few others they may bring in. 


- Todd Wright said he thought Pos (by the way from now on I'm calling him Spod cause I don't want to call him Pos, could be a bad omen for piece of s***, lol) was going to play CF and then Jermaine said as of now he was going to be playing right field.  Said Rowand has good speed and is a good outfielder but isn't sure of there plans.  Says maybe he'll play in left field. 


- Then talked about Beane being against stolen bases.  Dye likes the idea of stolen bases though.  His theory is that there is a time and a place but as long as you have speed at the top of the lineup you'll score runs.  Then talks about his days in KC where he had Johnny Damon and Ray Sanchez and they had 5 guys with 100 RBI's. 


- Ask him why the A's never won in October.  Thinks maybe the pitchers wore down since the A's put so much pressure on them over the regular season. 


- Says Chicago is one of his favorite cities.  He looked at the starting lineup on paper and there pitching and in his mind starting and defense wins and he says there is no doubt they'll be in every game.

:headbang Thanks alot, i have a damn radio right by too lazy to turn it on. :bang

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Rowand is a CFer DAMMMMMMIT

This was him assuming. Based on his tone he wasn't told anything. Said I assume I'm playing right but haven't talked to the Sox. Kenny's quotes on ESPN radio early tonight (the national one) specifically mentioned SPod in left.


However, he did act as if he had been told some names and sounds like the Sox could have another move up there sleeve. A non pitching related one. They better have a pitcher related one coming, lol. But I don't think you can put much stock into this, I think he's probably heard some names or even more likely the ideas Kenny has in terms of what he'd like to accomplish this offseason, thats about it.

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This was him assuming.  Based on his tone he wasn't told anything.  Said I assume I'm playing right but haven't talked to the Sox.  Kenny's quotes on ESPN radio early tonight (the national one) specifically mentioned SPod in left.


However, he did act as if he had been told some names and sounds like the Sox could have another move up there sleeve.  A non pitching related one.  They better have a pitcher related one coming, lol.  But I don't think you can put much stock into this, I think he's probably heard some names or even more likely the ideas Kenny has in terms of what he'd like to accomplish this offseason, thats about it.

for some odd reason i have a feeling your right and i think kw will suprise us all. half the time when he talks he is not a good lier to the chicago media. i would deff look for kw getting a nother postion player

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This was him assuming.  Based on his tone he wasn't told anything.  Said I assume I'm playing right but haven't talked to the Sox.  Kenny's quotes on ESPN radio early tonight (the national one) specifically mentioned SPod in left.


However, he did act as if he had been told some names and sounds like the Sox could have another move up there sleeve.  A non pitching related one.  They better have a pitcher related one coming, lol.  But I don't think you can put much stock into this, I think he's probably heard some names or even more likely the ideas Kenny has in terms of what he'd like to accomplish this offseason, thats about it.

In Kenny's press conference which is on whitesox.com Kenny metioned that Ozzie thought Spod should play center to save Rowands legs. Just thought I would add that. When it comes down to it, I am sure Ozzie will have some input.

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