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Cubs-Sox comment about Clement

Mr. Showtime

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While I don't think we'll sign Clement, I was thinking about the history of players who made their name on one side of town, and then switched. I mean players in their prime or atleast still good switching sides. You see this more in NY with the Mets usually getting Yankee castoffs, not so much here.


Perhaps my history is off but most recently we've seen Garland come to the Sox, but wasn't a real Cub or any kind of star. Sosa wasn't a great player for the Sox, he eventually became good with the Cubs, but at the time he wasn't.


I'm not sure I'm expressing this the right way, but the idea of a guy switching sides while still being a good player is very interesting to me.

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The last starting pitcher that went from actually pitching for the Cubs to the Sox was Jaime Navarro, I believe.

I blocked that memory out. :lol:


I'm also looking at this from a media angle.


Clement made his name with the Cubs. From the fake beards on the back page of the papers, to being in "the greatest rotation ever put together".


How would this be portrayed? Would this be "Cub reject lands with Sox".

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Their budget is 100 million or so, they still have other holes to fill as well.


Ramirez is due for a new contract as well, Beltre is gonna set that market.

Didn't they extend Ramirez sometime in the last year? I know Wood and some other guys got raises though. They are going to be in some trouble. Plus Alou's salary went to Nomar.


Its not they paid Nomar the full value last season so I think they are pretty much evened out and are going to up payroll roughly 5 mill. Hendry has to move payroll before he does anything, imo.

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Supposedly they only have like 5 million to spend.  Don't know how true it is though.

That cannot be right what did alou make lasy year, 12 or 14 million? They have not added one person. Oh wait they did resign perez, they are planning to get a closer, outfielder, and a starting pitcher with five million? Not possible.

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Didn't they extend Ramirez sometime in the last year?  I know Wood and some other guys got raises though.  They are going to be in some trouble.  Plus Alou's salary went to Nomar. 


Its not they paid Nomar the full value last season so I think they are pretty much evened out and are going to up payroll roughly 5 mill.  Hendry has to move payroll before he does anything, imo.

He was still four to six million less than alou. I cannot remember if he made 12 or 14 last year.

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Well you have there spending this year:

- Neiffi (minimal)

- Todd Walker (i'm assuming this is a wash from Grudz/Walker last year)

- Nomar (8 mill...plus some incentives, which is an increase)

- Alou (2 mill option)

- I think Sosa gets a raise in his contract, Wood does, Prior should get more, Derrek Lee gets more, Ramirez gets more. Don't know the specifics of all that though, but I think it pretty much washes up what they gained.


- Plus They signed Henry Blanco at like 2 mill.

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Well you have there spending this year:

- Nomar (8 mill...plus some incentives, which is an increase)

- Alou (2 mill option)

- I think Sosa gets a raise in his contract, Wood does, Prior should get more, Derrek Lee gets more, Ramirez gets more. Don't know the specifics of all that though, but I think it pretty much washes up what they gained. 


- Plus They signed Henry Blanco at like 2 mill.

How much can alou make with the incentives? I don't think it will be much more than 3.5 million. Sosa is only going up one million from last year, from 16 to 17 million. Do you mean a 2 million dollar buy out for alou? Blanco's deal is worth 2.7 over two years.

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How much can alou make with the incentives? I don't think it will be much more than 3.5 million. Sosa is only going up one million from last year, from 16 to 17 million. Do you mean a 2 million dollar buy out for alou? Blanco's deal is worth 2.7 over two years.

Ya, Alou 2 mill buyout is counted in this years budget. Then you have Nomar who gets 8 mill plus 3 mill or so in incentives. I guess Blanco didnt' get as much as I though, so 1.5 (rounded up).

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While I don't think we'll sign Clement, I was thinking about the history of players who made their name on one side of town, and then switched. I mean players in their prime or atleast still good switching sides. You see this more in NY with the Mets usually getting Yankee castoffs, not so much here.


Perhaps my history is off but most recently we've seen Garland come to the Sox, but wasn't a real Cub or any kind of star. Sosa wasn't a great player for the Sox, he eventually became good with the Cubs, but at the time he wasn't.


I'm not sure I'm expressing this the right way, but the idea of a guy switching sides while still being a good player is very interesting to me.

Steve Stone pitched for both the Sox and Cubs. I believe Don Kessinger played for both.

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