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Don Cooper on the Score

Mr. Showtime

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Don starts out by talking about the pitching clinics that he is running. Says it's going over well, thanks B&B for letting him use the air waves to promote it.


Says it builds up the kids self esteem and is great for the community.


Looking forward to the challenge of working with Dustin and Viz, some competition remaing. Thinks it allows Kenny to look in 4-5 other areas.


Knowns KW is looking for pitching, and maybe even middle infielder. "I know we're not done..."


Moves are changing the face of the team. Outfield is set. "Kenny doesn't rest". Thinks the fans should be excitied.


Hoping new starter is under X-Mas tree. :santabye


TB commented about Lowe/Perez, Don says he would love to have either under his tree. Always pleased with the pitchers he brings in. Colon, Garcia....


Lowe is a ground ball guy, which plays big. Other names still out there.



More to come....

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Fans want a clean game, reads that players want it to.


List reasons why pitching has been harder over the years.


Not everyone is on it, lot of good hitters out there. Feels that everything has gone against pitchers. Feels fans don't appreciate 1-0 game. Understands how from a game perspective that the home run brings the fans.


Would make his job a lot easier if the game was clean.


More talk of roids and how pitchers have to pitch better. His players accept the blame, don't blame roids, don't make excuses. He won't accept that from his guys...


Knows something needs to be done, and the Union will do it.


Another plug for his clinic...


Jesus, Don is long winded.

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