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Where was KW yesterday?


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According to rotoworld, Matt Clement was in Arizona visiting with the DBacks yesterday. Well, according to the MJH, they thought that KW was calling from Arizona. It's very likely that KW was talking with Clement or Clement's agent then. However, there is also news that he will visit the Angels and Dodgers this week, with the Angels being a serious contender to sign him.

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According to rotoworld, Matt Clement was in Arizona visiting with the DBacks yesterday.  Well, according to the MJH, they thought that KW was calling from Arizona.  It's very likely that KW was talking with Clement or Clement's agent then.  However, there is also news that he will visit the Angels and Dodgers this week, with the Angels being a serious contender to sign him.

Of course, Randy lives in Arizona too.

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I think the Sox are after Randy. Especially if reports are true and he was told that RJ would accept a deal to Chicago.


If so get it done Kenny, just make sure Rowand is not part of a deal, unless its a package surrounded around him with Garland staying here. But Rowand and Garland together = NO DEAL.


Unless Kenny all of a sudden gets approval to sign Beltran after the deal :lol:


Someone on WSI said Berry (i think hes' the one that negotiates the contracts) is in talks ith 7 different FA's. Don't know how reputable the poster is, but figured I'd put that in here too.


Said that Clement was one the Sox were seriously after.


Personally I think Kenny may quickly reach a deal with RJ. I think it would have to happen quickly if he's considering it cause he can't afford to miss out on RJ and find out that Odalis Perez and Clement are off the market.


Right now he has leverage and I got a sneaking suspicion (I've been wrong so many times lately on these though, lol) that he directly mentioned them being after Clement to give a clue to the Dbacks that Randy isn't the only option he has.

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Jason, you know the Clement thing is a long shot.


Randy is more realistic option, only have to beat out 1 team.

Plus the Yanks don't seem as desperate lately, especially with Boston having such an awful offseason.


Bostons pitching staff is going to have 3 guys right around 40...in Wakefield, Schill, and Boomer. There are some definate questions surrounding Boston and I think they'll get desperate and make a big time offer for Burnett (don't think Fla does it unless a 3rd team is involved that gives Fla a major league pitcher) or Clement.


They don't have enough for Huddy, although Hanley Ramirez could definately interest Beane. He just won't provide immediate help.

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I have the strangest gut feeling that the sox are going to land Randy Johnson before Christmas....Think about it...the Red Sox just signed Renteria...The Yanks will go after Beltran...Then the Sox grab Randy...

Imo, the Sox don't wait till Xmas, unless Kenny has a very good feeling (i'm talking 75-90% odds) that he's going to get RJ.


He can't let the other FA pitchers jump off the market cause trading for RJ still leaves them a void. I'm assuming JR would up payroll roughly 5 million if they picked up RJ.


I also think the front 4 with RJ coming aboard would look awfully good. But they need to get a serviceable 5th like Elo (who should do better then he did last year). And Elo did not leave the Sox on bad terms, I think he would gladly come back, as long as no one offers him a 3 year deal (thus far Washington hasn't done that, If they had, he'd of been signed already).

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