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Why should I be excited about Odalis?


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Well, the Sox look to disappoint once again. If Kenny does not answer the team's most pressing need this off-season, I will never forgive him for it. We needed a pitcher more than anything this off-season and he has yet to show up. In fact, all the guys we have targeted have taken off in other directions. So, with Johnson to the Yanks (trade still pending), Hudson to the Braves, and Clement entertaining higher offers from the Angels and the Red Sox, why the hell should I be excited about Odalis Perez? Is this really the guy to answer our off-season pitching problem? Has Kenny failed miserably?


And for those of you that believe Kenny is going to bring in AJ and this guy, why? What has Kenny done in the past to lead us to believe he will bring in this many guys in one off-season.


I think I have to agree with Moronotti on this one. If Kenny doesn't use that Carlos money to address our pitching issue, this was nothing more than a salary dump. We wuz robbed.

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I'll shamelessly copy a reply of mine from today which addresses this issue.




As of right now, remaining FA's are teetering on a delicate balance; waiting for one event (likely Clement signing) before remaining clubs, prices are established


Hopefully Williams has created various scenarios or plans. He cannot afford to wait everything out.


Perez will command atleast 7 million; perhaps the Sox will join the bidding. However, by the time Perez has selected his club, Piercynski or Polanco could be off the market. No Perez, no catcher upgrade, and limited second base options leave us desperate and scavagaing for bargains.


What's the safer option? As of right now, I believe if Clement chooses another team besides the Sox, Williams will pass on Perez. He will work to snatch up Piercynski, whom is possibly the best catching option on the market. I don't know, maybe A.J's agent will wait for other clubs to enter bidding wars, but perhaps chasing A.J/Polanco is the safer option.




My honest assessment: Clement or bargain bin 5th starter/assortment of IF upgrades.

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les see what happens b4 we get 2 angry guys theirs a lot of off-season left and its impossible to predict whats going on in KW's mind

Please, let's not draw the "long off-season" card.


Longer Williams holds out, the less likely we are to substantially improve our rotation. Do you believe Odalis Perez will hold out until Spring Training? No, Shawn Chacon is the type of player which is achieved from waiting.

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Please, let's not draw the "long off-season" card.


Longer Williams holds out, the less likely we are to substantially improve our rotation.  Do you believe Odalis Perez will hold out until Spring Training? No, Shawn Chacon is the type of player which is achieved from waiting.

lol why not draw the long offseason card... its the truth you all just need to be a bit more patient... frankly im glad KW didnt destroy our team for Randy Johnson and pay 10 million for matt clement....


I didnt say wait till spring training but hell man it aint even january yet dont go crazy yet...

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I hate him as much as the next guy, but overlooked free agent of the day:


Kevin Millwood.

Overlooked agent of the decade: Scott Boras.


Milwood ain't happening.


Who's ready for it...


...you know exactly what I'm talking about...


The White Sox introduce Dustin Hermanson as the fifth starter.


Brace yourself. Its coming.

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why the hell should I be excited about Odalis Perez?


I don't think you should. Clement was our best shot because he wanted to stay in Chicago. Odalis will now become just as over priced as Clement but he would have no motivation to come to the Sox other than money. Sox lose bidding wars. I have had my hopes up for RJ or Clement. I won't make that mistake with Odalis.


Time to get a veteran pitcher off of the scrap heap and sign Polonco and AJ Pryz. Any fifth starter would be better than last year. Right?


I wouldn't put it past KW to come up with plan D or is it E now. He may have a trade up his sleeve that none of us have even thought about. Scary huh.

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les see what happens b4 we get 2 angry guys theirs a lot of off-season left and its impossible to predict whats going on in KW's mind

yeah, I realize that, but I'm just wondering if KW has the wrong mindset to GM the White Sox... I think his plan of getting a top pitcher was flawed because of the Sox salary issues. I think JR seriously has to consider firing KW and bringing in a Money Ball man....

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oh god not another moneyballer...... yeah when the top guy besides beane is running the LA Dodgers and cant make a high payroll team anygood i dont want any of them moneyballers... whose the other one? the gm of toronto right yeah real winners there.

Well, I'm not saying they're all great, but Boston did okay this past year.

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What's the safer option? As of right now, I believe if Clement chooses another team besides the Sox, Williams will pass on Perez. He will work to snatch up Piercynski, whom is possibly the best catching option on the market. I don't know, maybe A.J's agent will wait for other clubs to enter bidding wars, but perhaps chasing A.J/Polanco is the safer option.


I agree.

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Well, I'm not saying they're all great, but Boston did okay this past year.

Podesta also got that team into the playoffs, and he's still putting his mark on that team.... I just think KW miscalculated by going after all these high end pitchers, I just hope he has a few backup plans because I defended the Lee trade thinking he would spend the money in the offseason, not in July

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Podesta also got that team into the playoffs, and he's still putting his mark on that team.... I just think KW miscalculated by going after all these high end pitchers, I just hope he has a few backup plans because I defended the Lee trade thinking he would spend the money in the offseason, not in July

Podesta inherited that team and made one stupid trade at the deadline. He now has made another interesting trade to say the least if this rj deal goes through. Also maybe they have the moneyball mentality on how to put a team together but they definitely don't have the payroll restrictions, Theo and Paul that is.

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I agree.

Its going to come down to...


Dustin Hermanson, Shawn Chacon, Jason Grilli and the like.


I will never, ever support Kenny Williams again if he fails to bring in a starting pitcher this off-season. That is simply pathetic. You're on the clock Kenny. Spring Training isn't as far off as you'd like to believe and NO, the Sox nation will not be able to stomach trading Carlos Lee for Scott f***ing Podsednik and getting no starting pitcher.


This could be the biggest salary dump in years and we all missed it. I want to support you Kenny, but if you don't use that money wisely, I'll be calling for your head.


For that, he should be fired.

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lol why not draw the long offseason card... its the truth you all just need to be a bit more patient... frankly im glad KW didnt destroy our team for Randy Johnson and pay 10 million for matt clement....


I didnt say wait till spring training but hell man it aint even january yet dont go crazy yet...

I can't settle down.


Blame society; everyone else uses it as a scapegoat. Our technological, fast paced world has led me to believe demands are to be met immediately. ;)


Seriously, I can wait, but my expecations for this club will not waiver. Several months ago I was expecting a top tier starter pitching for the White Sox, and this will not change. Personally, I feel signing a FA is the easiest method of improving a club without giving up much in return. While its obvious the market is ridiculously slanted towards the players, and no one is willing to overpay money for a questionable starter, two viable options remain: Perez and Clement.


If not either of those two, what then? Have you seen how many teams are bidding for Clement's services? We're not the only clubs which will be looking for Millwood, Lowe after other options are exhausted. Eventually, whether it be Piercynski, Perez, or Polanco, we'll have to pay considerable costs. Would you rather pay now; complain later, or do nothing and look forward to possible scrap-heap acquisitions.

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