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Nightmare PR possibility


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As it looks now, the Sox might not get the impact starting pitcher that all of us fans wanted them to sign, and KW might stick to his statement that they'll keep the money for later resources. The problem I have with this is that with the players we've lost recently (fan favorites of Lee and Maggs), combined with possible outrage by fans over KW not spending the money saved in the lopsided Carlos trade, the possibility of public relations problems between the Sox management and Sox fans is forseeable. I don't attended SoxFest, but I could only imagine what the Q & A would be like with KW if things stay status quo.

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As it looks now, the Sox might not get the impact starting pitcher that all of us fans wanted them to sign, and KW might stick to his statement that they'll keep the money for later resources.  The problem I have with this is that with the players we've lost recently (fan favorites of Lee and Maggs), combined with possible outrage by fans over KW not spending the money saved in the lopsided Carlos trade, the possibility of public relations problems between the Sox management and Sox fans is forseeable.  I don't attended SoxFest, but I could only imagine what the Q & A would be like with KW if things stay status quo.

agree totally.... I posted something similar to this in the RJ thread but revolving around the idea of how the papers and radio are going to SHRED him.... this is better than the stump porn Mariotti normally watches to get off

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He will probably sign some reclamation project for the 5th starter. Someone who used to be good and he believes he can get lightening in a bottle from. He will have his payroll at a good point and call it a day.


JR happy, KW happy, sox fans pissed.


:fyou :puke

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As it looks now, the Sox might not get the impact starting pitcher that all of us fans wanted them to sign, and KW might stick to his statement that they'll keep the money for later resources.  The problem I have with this is that with the players we've lost recently (fan favorites of Lee and Maggs), combined with possible outrage by fans over KW not spending the money saved in the lopsided Carlos trade, the possibility of public relations problems between the Sox management and Sox fans is forseeable.  I don't attended SoxFest, but I could only imagine what the Q & A would be like with KW if things stay status quo.

If you made this thread...does that make you the complainer and not me for agreeing with it wholeheartedly? ;)


We will be lambasted by the Chicago media, Sox fans, Flub fans, the national media, small children, woodland creatures, just about anyone that has followed this organization.


That said, I love my Sox. You'll be hard-pressed to find a more die-hard fan that I...well, besides all the happy posters at Soxtalk. ;)


Ah yes, they have me by the bag and there is nothing I can do about it. :lol:

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I dont think so.




I am surprised that there hasnt been as big of an uprising by most fans over the absurd signing of hermanson.


"We've been targeting him for 3 years now."-Kenny Williams


Well, ya couldve gotten this crap pitcher for nothing after he pitched disgustingly horrible for boston. Instead, u decide to waist 5.5 million over 2 years for this crap. Big disapointment.


As far as the lee and dye moves........I liked the dye move, i thought the sox got him at a good price and was pleased with the move.........I think the sox improve with the lee deal, especially if they use the 5 million the saved in the deal, but I believe the sox could've gotten a much better deal-Lee was a hot ticket.

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If you made this thread...does that make you the complainer and not me for agreeing with it wholeheartedly? ;)


We will be lambasted by the Chicago media, Sox fans, Flub fans, the national media, small children, woodland creatures, just about anyone that has followed this organization.


That said, I love my Sox.  You'll be hard-pressed to find a more die-hard fan that I...well, besides all the happy posters at Soxtalk. ;)


Ah yes, they have me by the bag and there is nothing I can do about it. :lol:

Hey, I'll be labeled as a complainer too, and if KW suprises me I will eat crow and praise him.... but I'm a huge "proof is in the pudding" type guy and I want to see something positive before I stop!!!!!

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I dont think so.




I am surprised that there hasnt been as big of an uprising by most fans over the absurd signing of hermanson.


"We've been targeting him for 3 years now."-Kenny Williams


Well, ya couldve gotten this crap pitcher for nothing after he pitched disgustingly horrible for boston.  Instead, u decide to waist 5.5 million over 2 years for this crap.  Big disapointment.


As far as the lee and dye moves........I liked the dye move, i thought the sox got him at a good price and was pleased with the move.........I think the sox improve with the lee deal, especially if they use the 5 million the saved in the deal, but I believe the sox could've gotten a much better deal-Lee was a hot ticket.

I have told you two times now, look at his numbers as a reliever. Also a career 4.31 era is far from sucking. If you want to know some pitchers that suck just ask me.

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He will probably sign some reclamation project for the 5th starter.  Someone who used to be good and he believes he can get lightening in a bottle from.  He will have his payroll at a good point and call it a day.


JR happy, KW happy, sox fans pissed.


:fyou  :puke

KW unhappy and me unhappy. I believe that KW wants to win as bad as any of us. He'd sign anybody to make us win. JR is a cheap ass jerk! (unless we sign pierz and a good pitcher) and maybe hairston. I'm starting to hate beng a sox fan!

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Maybe they can borrow the Bulls PR campaign



Jimmy you are going to a sox game? But they got rid of everyone.


You can tell me not to go see my sox. Where else can you see Randy Johnson, those amazing Twins, and Alex Rodriguez.


But they dumped salary and put it in their own pockets.


Think about it, box seats right behind third base all to myself. I am on the bandwagon before it gets going. We have Pods, Arow, and have you seen our minor leagues. Sweeney, Bmac, honel, and Anderson. Ozzie will have this team flying and playing to win.


Well have fun with these kids can play Jimmy.


You are missing out, these kids can play is right. And you know I love my whitesox, Through thick and thin.

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I don't really know if there was any impact pitchers on the market outside of Pedro.


Player ERA+

Pedro 167

Ortiz 103

Pavano 100

Wright 91

Perez 102

Clement 98

Lieber 104

Millwood 111

Alvarez 113

Benson 103

ERA+ is park adjusted ERA, 100 being average.


I don't think I missed anyone, but those names were just off the top of my head. That's a pathetic pack of pretty f***ing ordinary pitchers. No reason to get upset about not getting anyone there... Especially considering how many people hate Jon Garland and his career 101 ERA+.

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I'm starting to hate beng a sox fan!

We all need to settle down.


I think these late-night rants are simply products of these Clement/Unit rumors.


Things will be just fine. In just a few months the 2005 Chicago White Sox will be taking the field and all of this off-season anxiety and frustration will be out the window. They will take the field, and we will love them. Unity will reign supreme once again.

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We all need to settle down.


I think these late-night rants are simply products of these Clement/Unit rumors. 


Things will be just fine.  In just a few months the 2005 Chicago White Sox will be taking the field and all of this off-season anxiety and frustration will be out the window.  They will take the field, and we will love them.  Unity will reign supreme once again.

This late night rants are due to the dwindling market for prime FA pitchers. KW said last year pitching was the key. Colon got away, Flash, and we wound up with Cotts and Jackson in the pen. Our pen is a hell of a lot better than last year. But we are missing the number one thing that was identified as a problem from last year. JR himself said on the Score that the only reason we lost last year was due to the number 5 starter. When the chairman makes that statement its obviously an issue. But to get shutout on this is a huge issue. Its not only a PR issue, but an issue with the makeup of this team. Last year when the number 5 spot came up the sox played like crap. It was almost like the team felt is was an automatic loss. Filling this with a top tier FA was a huge priority. It not only fills a need, but helps with the team makeup. Trotting Garland out as your 4 is ok, but diaz/cotts/grilli etc at 5 is not going to do it.


Plus this puts more pressure on Garland. How roasted will he get if he gives up his 5 run crap this year. When someone with a 7 ERA follows him in the rotation.

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The sox were doin good being busy this offseason. Last year we did not sign anybody. But I agree with almost everyone here, this offseason wont be a success without a new SP added. There are still a lot more option there, I dont mind Perez, Washburn, Milwood, Milton. We cant afford another 5th starter disaster.

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That's a pathetic pack of pretty f***ing ordinary pitchers.  No reason to get upset about not getting anyone there... Especially considering how many people hate Jon Garland and his career 101 ERA+.

Cheat, you can't honestly suggest these pitchers aren't valuable to our club because none of them are "impact players."


Where is Grilli on this ERA+ chart? Or is his 5-9 wins acceptable because he's cheap?


When this ideal impact player is available next offseason, do you suppose his market valuelwill fall within our price range? I'm not intending to put you on the spot, but what are we to do if market trends continue to favor players? Sit back and pick the cheap solution because there's a "low risk, high reward" clause?

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We all need to settle down.


I think these late-night rants are simply products of these Clement/Unit rumors. 


Things will be just fine.  In just a few months the 2005 Chicago White Sox will be taking the field and all of this off-season anxiety and frustration will be out the window.  They will take the field, and we will love them.  Unity will reign supreme once again.

I can't tell if you are overly negative or overly optimistic. :P

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These late night rants are caused when people actually read what is being said by Sox management, and not by the rumor mills or the dreaded message board poster. All along, KW has stated the line about saving the money for the trade deadline. Well, we all jumped on the RJ, Clement, and other rumors thinking that the Sox were going to go all out for them. However, why in the world would we think that we could compete with offers made by powerhouse budget teams like Yanks, Red Sox, and Angels?

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