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Shitty Beer Poll


Which of these is the absolute worst.  

40 members have voted

  1. 1. Which of these is the absolute worst.

    • Natty Light
    • Milwaukees Best
    • Colt 45
    • Olde English
    • Old Style
    • Pabst Blue Ribbon
    • Write in ( please describe )

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I've had some s***ty beers before but nothing could possible top a swill called "Marzen Smoke". This stuff earns its name because it tastes like someone took a bottle of guiness and dropped about 10 cigarette butts in it.




The only reason I didn't make it a poll choice is that not many people know about it and the only reason I do is because CubKilla had me drink one on a dare. I had to hold my nose to finish it.

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I've had most of these except colt 45 and old style. Keystone Lights are pretty f***in terrible too. And crappy 40's like that high gravity Steel Reserve aren't too fun either. But I'd have to say PBR is the absolute worst. I can't take that stuff.

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I'm going to have to go with OE800 of that list, simply because on the label it's big selling point is "charcoal filtered". ;)


I mean, Stroh's is 'fully krausened', Old Style was 'From God's Country,' Hamm's is 'from the land of sky blue water,'... None of which could have touched Tuborg, 'The Beer of Danish Kings'! (Ah, beer marketers...)


But, if all a beer has going for it is that it's 'charcoal filtered' (implying they are using skanky water, btw), then I think you have a winner.


Sadly, maybe once a year I partake in the ritual drinking of the Old English 'foty' - when the state lotto gets up close to 100 million and I break down and buy a ticket at 7-11, I usually pick up a foty and try to bargain with the universe: "OK, if I drink this... ALL of it.... how about letting me win?"


So far it has not worked.

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I've had some s***ty beers before but nothing could possible top a swill called "Marzen Smoke".  This stuff earns its name because it tastes like someone took a bottle of guiness and dropped about 10 cigarette butts in it.

I'd probably really like that. Sounds like a nice traditional Bavarian Rauchbier (smoked beer). Have that with some nice German sausages and sharp cheeses ande that is living.


Alaskan Brewing Company's Smoked Porter is broadly in the style, and when I get my hands on one of those it's like beervana.

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I chose Bud, but I'm sorry, I know I'll take some s*** for this, but Blue Moon is the absolute worst! A guy hadn't seen in a long time sent one over to me at Bw3's about a year ago. I think I still have that nasty taste in my mouth! :puke

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I chose Bud, but I'm sorry, I know I'll take some s*** for this, but Blue Moon is the absolute worst! A guy hadn't seen in a long time sent one over to me at Bw3's about a year ago. I think I still have that nasty taste in my mouth!  :puke

Blue Moon is a mega's attempt at a witbier on a budget, so of course it is going to fall flat. Try Hoegarden or Bavik Wittekerke or Allagash and see if the style is for you.


I adore the style, love it's folksy farmhous brewery history, and I think it's amazing that the style literally died out before Pierre Celis resurrected it in the 1080s. It's also impressive that the really good examples of the style can pack so much complexity into such a delicate beer (courtesy of some creative late-spicing in the kettle and a little Lactobacillus fermentation).

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Famously bad beer memories.


Drinking two year old cans of Meister Brau when i was 12 in the garage.


Watching and Ernest movie marathon with a 12 pack of Warm Schlitz.


Playing that 70s Show drinking game with Mickey's Hand Grenades.


But three words take the crown for crappiest beer ever.


New. Schlitz. Ice.


It was 1.99 on sale for a 12 pack. Worst two bucks I ever spent. Tasted like burnt hops.


I like PBR though. When I lived in Northern Michigan. Every night after work, Id walk the two miles to the liquor store and back to get my nightly forty of PBR. And the bar I liked, the Sawmill had it on draft for a buck fifty. Perfect while playing Club Keno.

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Two that I can remember drinking in college...Red, white and Blue and Black Label. AWFUL!!!


By the way, back when I was at U of I, I was friends with a manager at CO's and he would tell me that the first keg was always what it said on the tap. And after that, unless they had an abundance, was ALWAYS Natty Light. Mmmm...



My roommate and I used to go to Piccadilly every Friday and get a six pack of some new and different beer and then get a case of Dog Style...oops, sorry Old pile. DAMMIT...I mean Old Style. Cuz, y'know, after the first three, it doesn't really matter anymore.

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Blue Moon is a mega's attempt at a witbier on a budget, so of course it is going to fall flat.  Try Hoegarden or Bavik Wittekerke or Allagash and see if the style is for you.


I adore the style, love it's folksy farmhous brewery history, and I think it's amazing that the style literally died out before Pierre Celis resurrected it in the 1080s.  It's also impressive that the really good examples of the style can pack so much complexity into such a delicate beer (courtesy of some creative late-spicing in the kettle and a little Lactobacillus fermentation).

Worst Beer: Miller Light


Blue Moon: I am happy to see the Big Boys at least recognize that there is more to beer than piss in a can. I will have Blue Moon on occasion when at the bars...it's better than most offerings, althought I have noticed that Hacker-Pschorr is becoming somewhat regular on tap in Chicago bars, which is tremendous. I am a big fan of Weiss beers and Hacker-Pschorr ranks as one of my favorites. Also, if you're in the Chicago area and enjoy Weiss beers, do yourself a favor and try Two Brothers Edelweiss. It can be found in the bottle in Chicago and or on tap at least in Naperville. If had fresh, it ranks with the best weiss beers available and it's brewed in Warrenville.

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I've posted this once before, but at the liquor store I worked at we sold Crazy Ed's Cave Creek Chili Beer. :puke That f***er sat on the shelves for YEARS before it finally got rid of it.


Here's the review from www.tobp.com


Steve: I bought this for the novelty, because it has a chili floating in it. I thought it would be neat...it turns out it's to warn off anybody who wants to try it as a novelty! I poured this beer last night while sitting down with a bowl of chili, took one sip, and almost died. It tastes EXACTLY like liquified, extra-hot, chili. Which is the last taste you want when drinking beer. This was absolutely undrinkable!!! (also note: There is a light version of this that I will NEVER review. EVER! Nor will we respond to requests to review it.) I hope this brewery goes out of business before they polute the earth with more of their malted monstrosities. THIS BEER SUCKS!!!





:puke :puke :puke :puke :puke :puke :puke

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The (sadly) now defunct Weinkellar brewpub from Berwynn did a tremendous Bavarian weissbier. A brewing industry friend of mine did his internship there after getting his degree at Siebel, before opening up a Bavarian-focused micro down here. Sadly, that is also now closed - due much more to the crap beer tastes of the unwashed Florida masses than the quality of his beers.


I'll also have Blue Moon if the only alternatives are American megaswill. I think it's a damn sight better than Sam Adams' early attempts at wit-influenced beers, although they have improved a bit as well.

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The (sadly) now defunct Weinkellar brewpub from Berwynn did a tremendous Bavarian weissbier.  A brewing industry friend of mine did his internship there after getting his degree at Siebel, before opening up a Bavarian-focused micro down here.  Sadly, that is also now closed - due much more to the crap beer tastes of the unwashed Florida masses than the quality of his beers.


I'll also have Blue Moon if the only alternatives are American megaswill.  I think it's a damn sight better than Sam Adams' early attempts at wit-influenced beers, although they have improved a bit as well.

If ya don't mind my asking, where in FLA are you? I spend quite a bit of time down on Sanibel and will be there for Feb/March this year. I have been looking at opening a high end beer/wine/cheese type store (probably a few years off for now), but have considered FLA. My fear is that it is just not a mature beer market and it will be much easier to start in Chicago and open other locations if/when it's successful.

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