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U.S. forces rescue POW in Iraq

Mr. Showtime

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Ever hear Tariq Aziz talk about the US? Sounds almost exactly like you-know-who  :puke

Wow, CubKilla. Ad hominem attacks really do little but make me laugh. You can't prove me wrong using the facts, so you've gotta insult me. Pretty goddamn pathetic.


Onto the rescue. Glad there's one less body bag from this war.

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we have proved you wrong over and over..you refuse to even acknowlege our responses..goes a little something like this


apu: this war is illegal and bush should be tried as a war criminal


me: under resolutions 678 , 687 , and 1441 the US has authorization to go to war with iraq..it is a legal war


apu: this war is illegal and bush should be a war criminal...no one can prove me wrong!!!


cubkilla: apu, 1441 says if saddam doesnt disarm immediately he will suffer severe consequences...hans blix himself said saddam is still playing games and not cooperating 100%..there is your proof for a legal war..


apu;..this is a illegal war...bush is s***ting all over the constitution...its a useless document now thanks to bush :fyou


cubkilla:jesus christ , are you that f***in dense???..


apu: youre just attacking me because you cant prove me wrong!!!

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we have proved you wrong over and over..you refuse to even acknowlege our responses..goes a little something like this


apu: this war is illegal and bush should be tried as a war criminal


me: under resolutions 678 , 687 , and 1441 the US has authorization to go to war with iraq..it is a legal war


apu: this war is illegal and bush should be a war criminal...no one can prove me wrong!!!


cubkilla: apu, 1441 says  if saddam doesnt disarm immediately he will suffer severe consequences...hans blix himself said saddam is still playing games and not cooperating 100%..there is your proof for a legal war..


apu;..this is a illegal war...bush is s***ting all over the constitution...its a useless document now thanks to bush :fyou


cubkilla:jesus christ , are you that f***in dense???..


apu: youre just attacking me because you cant prove me wrong!!!

Try reading the resolutions for yourself. Don't take the media spin on them. But thanks for playing.


I had the opportunity to read them (I have free time) and afterwards I also was able to talk to people who helped craft the resolutions. It's too damn bad for you guys that none of these resolutions authorize war. But then again, thanks for playing.

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we have proved you wrong over and over..you refuse to even acknowlege our responses..goes a little something like this


apu: this war is illegal and bush should be tried as a war criminal


me: under resolutions 678 , 687 , and 1441 the US has authorization to go to war with iraq..it is a legal war


apu: this war is illegal and bush should be a war criminal...no one can prove me wrong!!!


cubkilla: apu, 1441 says  if saddam doesnt disarm immediately he will suffer severe consequences...hans blix himself said saddam is still playing games and not cooperating 100%..there is your proof for a legal war..


apu;..this is a illegal war...bush is s***ting all over the constitution...its a useless document now thanks to bush :fyou


cubkilla:jesus christ , are you that f***in dense???..


apu: youre just attacking me because you cant prove me wrong!!!

You forgot the part where he compares surgical strikes on military targets in Iraq to hijacking airplanes and flying them into 2 symbolic, civilian Towers and one military target..... and a brief mention of the fourth plane which crashed in PA Baggs ;)

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we have proved you wrong over and over..you refuse to even acknowlege our responses..goes a little something like this


apu: this war is illegal and bush should be tried as a war criminal


me: under resolutions 678 , 687 , and 1441 the US has authorization to go to war with iraq..it is a legal war


apu: this war is illegal and bush should be a war criminal...no one can prove me wrong!!!


cubkilla: apu, 1441 says  if saddam doesnt disarm immediately he will suffer severe consequences...hans blix himself said saddam is still playing games and not cooperating 100%..there is your proof for a legal war..


apu;..this is a illegal war...bush is s***ting all over the constitution...its a useless document now thanks to bush :fyou


cubkilla:jesus christ , are you that f***in dense???..


apu: youre just attacking me because you cant prove me wrong!!!

Try reading the resolutions for yourself. Don't take the media spin on them. But thanks for playing.


I had the opportunity to read them (I have free time) and afterwards I also was able to talk to people who helped craft the resolutions. It's too damn bad for you guys that none of these resolutions authorize war. But then again, thanks for playing.

i didnt take the media's spin on it..if i did i would be agreeing with you...what media re you watching..outside of foxnews if you didnt get all the picture and just had to go by what the correspondants are sayng you would think we had lost the war already and there was no hope..


you bring up 50 deaths on our side..not to trivialize the death of these brave young men but the casualty rate for iraq is probably pushing close to 50,000...how can we be losing the war???


i saw the resolution too..the key part..saddam (or iraq) must comply and disarm immediately or face severe consequences...immediately means right now..not tommorrow , not next month , not next year , but now...we gave him more than enough time to comply..but he didnt...hans blix when asked said while iraq's compliance had gotten better , they still wernt doing everything in their power to disarm...game over..thanks for playing

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i saw the resolution too..the key part..saddam (or iraq) must comply and disarm immediately or face severe consequences...immediately means right  now..not tommorrow , not next month , not next year , but now...we gave him more than enough time to comply..but he didnt

Severe consequences doesn't say War Baggs :rolleyes: . I guess Saddam crawling a gauntlet through a spanking paddle machine is the "severe consequence" the UN had in mind :huh:

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You forgot the part where he compares surgical strikes on military targets in Iraq to hijacking airplanes and flying them into 2 symbolic, civilian Towers and one military target..... and a brief mention of the fourth plane which crashed in PA Baggs  ;)

What about the Al Jazeera photos of children in the hospital because of "surgical strikes"? Eh, CK and Baggs? What about that? Oh yeah, the infamous children and women brigade.


According to news reports today we killed children under the age of 5 in a car at a checkpoint. We feeling heroic yet, USA?


And did you know that they were originally going to call this Operation Iraqi Liberation until they found out that spelled OIL.

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You forgot the part where he compares surgical strikes on military targets in Iraq to hijacking airplanes and flying them into 2 symbolic, civilian Towers and one military target..... and a brief mention of the fourth plane which crashed in PA Baggs  ;)

What about the Al Jazeera photos of children in the hospital because of "surgical strikes"? Eh, CK and Baggs? What about that? Oh yeah, the infamous children and women brigade.


According to news reports today we killed children under the age of 5 in a car at a checkpoint. We feeling heroic yet, USA?


And did you know that they were originally going to call this Operation Iraqi Liberation until they found out that spelled OIL.

cubkilla..oh yeah..forgot about that :lol:


what about it apu???...go ask saddam why he didnt disarm...thats where the blame lies...he disarms...NO WAR...youre really reaching now..throwing all kinds of s*** on the wall to see if any sticks...


those women and children killed you are blaming on us...they were put in that car by saddam's forces and forced to drive at gunpoint into that US checkpoint on a suicide mission or the rest of their family and village would have been executed...that comes from a high ranking muslim cleric who heads the village...just saw that on tv...they had an interview with the cleric...those people were shiites...the shiites hate saddam...and the 35,000 daollars that was supposed to go to whats left of their family...didnt happen...you still want to blame us for their deaths???


al-jezeera??...yeah they are real objective :lol:

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You forgot the part where he compares surgical strikes on military targets in Iraq to hijacking airplanes and flying them into 2 symbolic, civilian Towers and one military target..... and a brief mention of the fourth plane which crashed in PA Baggs  ;)

What about the Al Jazeera photos of children in the hospital because of "surgical strikes"? Eh, CK and Baggs? What about that? Oh yeah, the infamous children and women brigade.


According to news reports today we killed children under the age of 5 in a car at a checkpoint. We feeling heroic yet, USA?


And did you know that they were originally going to call this Operation Iraqi Liberation until they found out that spelled OIL.

cubkilla..oh yeah..forgot about that :lol:


what about it apu???...go ask saddam why he didnt disarm...thats where the blame lies...he disarms...NO WAR...youre really reaching now..throwing all kinds of s*** on the wall to see if any sticks...


those women and children killed you are blaming on us...they were put in that car by saddam's forces and forced to drive at gunpoint into that US checkpoint on a suicide mission or the rest of their family and village would have been executed...that comes from a high ranking muslim cleric who heads the village...just saw that on tv...they had an interview with the cleric...those people were shiites...the shiites hate saddam...and the 35,000 daollars that was supposed to go to whats left of their family...didnt happen...you still want to blame us for their deaths???


al-jezeera??...yeah they are real objective :lol:

They are more objective than FOX News. Which seems to be the right's biased news du jour.

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Ever hear Tariq Aziz talk about the US? Sounds almost exactly like you-know-who  :puke

God forbid anybody make this nation accountable for some of the horrible atrocities that it has perpetrated.

I usually let you rant and rave and carry on without commenting, but one of the days, you are actually going to get out of school, maybe. You'll get out into the real world, hold down a job, raise a family. Then you will see what it is right, what is wrong, what is media BS and what isn't. In the mean time, carry on.

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Apu, the car that got shot up by our troops wouldnt stop. After the suicide bombing the other day (and may I ask why you didnt say a thing about this?) our troops should be a lot more careful. The car wouldnt stop and they had no choice.


Apu, its your right to protest. But Im just letting you know I really am starting to think youre one of the most idiotic people I know...

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You forgot the part where he compares surgical strikes on military targets in Iraq to hijacking airplanes and flying them into 2 symbolic, civilian Towers and one military target..... and a brief mention of the fourth plane which crashed in PA Baggs  ;)

What about the Al Jazeera photos of children in the hospital because of "surgical strikes"? Eh, CK and Baggs? What about that? Oh yeah, the infamous children and women brigade.


According to news reports today we killed children under the age of 5 in a car at a checkpoint. We feeling heroic yet, USA?


And did you know that they were originally going to call this Operation Iraqi Liberation until they found out that spelled OIL.

cubkilla..oh yeah..forgot about that :lol:


what about it apu???...go ask saddam why he didnt disarm...thats where the blame lies...he disarms...NO WAR...youre really reaching now..throwing all kinds of s*** on the wall to see if any sticks...


those women and children killed you are blaming on us...they were put in that car by saddam's forces and forced to drive at gunpoint into that US checkpoint on a suicide mission or the rest of their family and village would have been executed...that comes from a high ranking muslim cleric who heads the village...just saw that on tv...they had an interview with the cleric...those people were shiites...the shiites hate saddam...and the 35,000 daollars that was supposed to go to whats left of their family...didnt happen...you still want to blame us for their deaths???


al-jezeera??...yeah they are real objective :lol:

They are more objective than FOX News. Which seems to be the right's biased news du jour.

you becoming rediculous apu..youre losing..and you cant admit it or accept it...everyday its becoming more and more clear this action was the right thing to do...you cant accept that

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you becoming rediculous apu..youre losing..and you cant admit it or accept it...everyday its becoming more and more clear this action was the right thing to do...you cant accept that



And what weapons have we found? Um, could that be ZERO?


We haven't found any of the WOMD that they supposedly have. Let's hear it for Operation Iraqi Libertation, cuz OIL is what it's all about. ;)

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the pentagon is now saying the republican gaurd division the medina (an amour division - considered saddam's best ) and the baghdad division are now considered all but destroyed...iraqis are turning around and fighting on our side now (this was shown on your favorite station aljezeera - though they spinned it to say these iraqis are being force to kill their brother muslims at the gun point point of the evil americans - :lol: )


everything you posted about this war dragging on for years..about how rumsfeld and cheney screwed this whole thing and we were in a stale mate is being proved wrong right now...


typical of the radical left, when you are proved wrong you cant admit it so now you change the subject to something that less tangable..like now its all about oil...


so is that how its gonna go...instead of admitting you were wrong youre just gonna about all your doomsday scenarios youre just gonna forget you even said it and move on??


as far as weapons of mass destruction go...i hope we dont find any..i hope saddam did destroy them all... it was already proved that saddam grossly violated all the UN resolution when he fired a sear sucker missile at kuwait...that weapon is more dangerous then a scud because it flies low to the ground and under the radar screen..thats all the proof we needed to justify this war to anyone..we dont WOMD to justify anything anymore..but we will still probably find some somewhere..of course you will ratonalize that find away too..probably pull out some articles from the radical left about how the US planted them there

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You are an idiot! Halabja 1988! Thousands of Iraqis dead! Thats why you dont like this war. Because its about the Iraqis and you are too selfishly incompetent to pull your head out of your a-- and give a rats f--- about anyone but yourself! This war is about the Iraqis. So obviously a self indulged moron like yourself isnt gonna care...


And may I ask why is it that you can point out every minor "atrocity" that we commit yet you have failed to point out that Saddam Hussein has been torturing and murdering his own people for decades? Would you mind answering my question? And please think about it. Dont just tell us youre mentally incompetent which is already rather obvious...

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You are an idiot! Halabja 1988! Thousands of Iraqis dead! Thats why you dont like this war. Because its about the Iraqis and you are too selfishly incompetent to pull your head out of your a-- and give a rats f--- about anyone but yourself! This war is about the Iraqis. So obviously a self indulged moron like yourself isnt gonna care...


And may I ask why is it that you can point out every minor "atrocity" that we commit yet you have failed to point out that Saddam Hussein has been torturing and murdering his own people for decades? Would you mind answering my question? And please think about it. Dont just tell us youre mentally incompetent which is already rather obvious...

where did that come from :huh:




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