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U.S. forces rescue POW in Iraq

Mr. Showtime

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You are an idiot! Halabja 1988! Thousands of Iraqis dead! Thats why you dont like this war. Because its about the Iraqis and you are too selfishly incompetent to pull your head out of your a-- and give a rats f--- about anyone but yourself! This war is about the Iraqis. So obviously a self indulged moron like yourself isnt gonna care...


And may I ask why is it that you can point out every minor "atrocity" that we commit yet you have failed to point out that Saddam Hussein has been torturing and murdering his own people for decades? Would you mind answering my question? And please think about it. Dont just tell us youre mentally incompetent which is already rather obvious...

1988? Would that we the weapons WE provided him to do that with and Rumsfeld shook his hand afterwards?


And since when did you give a flying f*** about the Iraqi people? Would that be when Ringmaster Bush told you to when he was wagging the dog to avoid the s***ty economy and the fact that he never won the election?


I've been helping Voices in the Wilderness for a while getting them food etc.


Wait wait wait, OldRoman...you call the murder of tens of thousands of innocents during the Pinochet regime "minor"? You call the 3000 killed by US troops in the Dominican Republic in 1956 "minor" (The US deposed their government and the people rose up in the streets to demand him to be reappointed), you call allowing the Falange & Israel to massacre 2000 people "minor"? You call the massacres at Sabra and Shatila "minor"? I could go on for ages. These are all things that the US assisted in perpetrating or allowed to happen. And I should add the gassing of the Kurds in 1988 because we gave him the weapons and allowed him to do it...and hell, Rummy even shook the man's hand.


And OldRoman, I wouldn't be insulting people. You've already been schooled for letting your mouth run without thinking before. Don't make me do it again. Thanks.


I never said Saddam was lily white. I did however say that this war is illegal and hell, even George's DAD agrees with me! George's dad knows what is going on and has stated about Saddam and overthrows:


"We should not march into Baghdad. . . . To occupy Iraq would instantly

shatter our coalition, turning the whole Arab world against us, and make a

broken tyrant into a latter-day Arab hero . . . assigning young soldiers to

a fruitless hunt for a securely entrenched dictator and condemning them to

fight in what would be an unwinnable urban guerrilla war. It could only

plunge that part of the world into even greater instability."


That's from George Bush I. Tell me, how is bombing civilians, invading their country, going to steal their oil, and destroying their infrastructure all the while thumbing our nose at international law and the UN CHARTER helping the Iraqis?


If you are that niave that you actually buy into the "it's all to help the Iraqis" then check out www.iraqbodycount.net or how about the civilians who were shot to death at the checkpoint (women and children!) And actually the AP and other organizations are reporting that they were fleeing from their town because the American propaganda flyers said "flee and be safe" so they were fleeing and got shot because they were so nervous to get out of the country. Good to know that we kill civilians.



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http://www.smh.com.au/articles/2003/04/02/...8962796085.html 'I saw the heads of my two little girls come off'





They confirmed that Raytheon (a US company) was the company that made the missile that flew into the Baghdad market and it was indeed an Allied missile.


And the casualties from this war....will be "shocking"



Let's hear it for good old imperialism and the military industrial complex! :puke :puke :puke :puke

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Ya know.. I really do think there is a way to discuss this stuff without all the s***ty treatment of others. Roman.. would YOU like being told to go to hell because someone disagreed with you..?

Steff, I don't care if he tells me to go to Hell or whatnot. It just shows that he has no argument if he has to resort to personal insults.

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Ya know.. I really do think there is a way to discuss this stuff without all the s***ty treatment of others. Roman.. would YOU like being told to go to hell because someone disagreed with you..?

Steff, I don't care if he tells me to go to Hell or whatnot. It just shows that he has no argument if he has to resort to personal insults.

I don't entirely agree with that.. but the jist of it is that there's got to be a better way to debate.

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Ya know.. I really do think there is a way to discuss this stuff without all the s***ty treatment of others. Roman.. would YOU like being told to go to hell because someone disagreed with you..?

Steff, I don't care if he tells me to go to Hell or whatnot. It just shows that he has no argument if he has to resort to personal insults.

I don't entirely agree with that.. but the jist of it is that there's got to be a better way to debate.

there is you just have to know your s*** your debating for :) if you just jump on the war bandwagon or peace bandwagon chances are you can not debate, but if you really care about it, you will learn about it, and thus having a better argument for your story.

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we have proved you wrong over and over..you refuse to even acknowlege our responses..goes a little something like this


apu: this war is illegal and bush should be tried as a war criminal


me: under resolutions 678 , 687 , and 1441 the US has authorization to go to war with iraq..it is a legal war


apu: this war is illegal and bush should be a war criminal...no one can prove me wrong!!!


cubkilla: apu, 1441 says  if saddam doesnt disarm immediately he will suffer severe consequences...hans blix himself said saddam is still playing games and not cooperating 100%..there is your proof for a legal war..


apu;..this is a illegal war...bush is s***ting all over the constitution...its a useless document now thanks to bush :fyou


cubkilla:jesus christ , are you that f***in dense???..


apu: youre just attacking me because you cant prove me wrong!!!

Try reading the resolutions for yourself. Don't take the media spin on them. But thanks for playing.


I had the opportunity to read them (I have free time) and afterwards I also was able to talk to people who helped craft the resolutions. It's too damn bad for you guys that none of these resolutions authorize war. But then again, thanks for playing.

of course the resoulutions dont say anything about goin to war. they are suppose to be ressoulutions to solve the first war, which saddan has s*** on.(apu do you not agree) Making him void the resoulution first making this a legal war :)

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You forgot the part where he compares surgical strikes on military targets in Iraq to hijacking airplanes and flying them into 2 symbolic, civilian Towers and one military target..... and a brief mention of the fourth plane which crashed in PA Baggs  ;)

What about the Al Jazeera photos of children in the hospital because of "surgical strikes"? Eh, CK and Baggs? What about that? Oh yeah, the infamous children and women brigade.


According to news reports today we killed children under the age of 5 in a car at a checkpoint. We feeling heroic yet, USA?


And did you know that they were originally going to call this Operation Iraqi Liberation until they found out that spelled OIL.

it is war and if you dont stop, when we tell you to after that car bombing it is your own fault.(warning shots where fired first)

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Ya know.. I really do think there is a way to discuss this stuff without all the s***ty treatment of others. Roman.. would YOU like being told to go to hell because someone disagreed with you..?

Steff, I don't care if he tells me to go to Hell or whatnot. It just shows that he has no argument if he has to resort to personal insults.

I don't entirely agree with that.. but the jist of it is that there's got to be a better way to debate.

there is you just have to know your s*** your debating for :) if you just jump on the war bandwagon or peace bandwagon chances are you can not debate, but if you really care about it, you will learn about it, and thus having a better argument for your story.

I agree with that. My point is that there's no need for the s***ty way some people treat others in regards to their political views.

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you becoming rediculous apu..youre losing..and you cant admit it or accept it...everyday its becoming more and more clear this action was the right thing to do...you cant accept that



And what weapons have we found? Um, could that be ZERO?


We haven't found any of the WOMD that they supposedly have. Let's hear it for Operation Iraqi Libertation, cuz OIL is what it's all about. ;)

that is a niaive statement diddnt those resoulutions say anything about how he treated his own civilions, if so and even if he doesnt have womd, so what he is killing his own civilions.(and that is ok right apu because he doesnt have womd to do it with)


i still think he has them we just havent found them yet.

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that is a niaive statement diddnt those resoulutions say anything about how he treated his own civilions, if so and even if he doesnt have womd, so what he is killing his own civilions.(and that is ok right apu because he doesnt have womd to do it with)


i still think he has them we just havent found them yet.

There are many other dictators that kill their civilians in a much greater amount than Saddam could ever dream of achieving....except they don't have oil.


It's not a niave statement. I have read the resolutions and have been able to speak to Doug Rokke who helped craft these resolutions since he was one of the lead inspectors in 1991-1998 in Iraq. They don't allow for vigilante military actions like the US is doing now. They authorize that the inspectors go back in to validate the US/UK claims and if they find anything, destroy it. There was no need for war in this situation. Did anybody think they would give up anything (assuming they have anything) when the entire time Bush is amassing troops around their borders ready to kick their ass? If they had weapons, it wasn't logical that they'd say "Here they are." when they knew that the US was going to invade either way.

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http://www.smh.com.au/articles/2003/04/02/...8962796085.html 'I saw the heads of my two little girls come off' 





They confirmed that Raytheon (a US company) was the company that made the missile that flew into the Baghdad market and it was indeed an Allied missile.


And the casualties from this war....will be "shocking"



Let's hear it for good old imperialism and the military industrial complex! :puke  :puke  :puke  :puke

we have killed some inocent civilions yes but that # we have killed is 1/1000 that of which suddan has killed,(apu do you not agree). and it is a tragedy when things like this happen.

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that is a niaive statement diddnt those resoulutions say anything about how he treated his own civilions, if so and even if he doesnt have womd, so what he is killing his own civilions.(and that is ok right apu because he doesnt have womd to do it with)


i still think he has them we just havent found them yet.

There are many other dictators that kill their civilians in a much greater amount than Saddam could ever dream of achieving....except they don't have oil.


It's not a niave statement. I have read the resolutions and have been able to speak to Doug Rokke who helped craft these resolutions since he was one of the lead inspectors in 1991-1998 in Iraq. They don't allow for vigilante military actions like the US is doing now. They authorize that the inspectors go back in to validate the US/UK claims and if they find anything, destroy it. There was no need for war in this situation. Did anybody think they would give up anything (assuming they have anything) when the entire time Bush is amassing troops around their borders ready to kick their ass? If they had weapons, it wasn't logical that they'd say "Here they are." when they knew that the US was going to invade either way.

o so now you are saying they do have womd which is a violation of that resoulution(so it is still an illegal war because they have WOMD and the resoulution stated that if they have WOMD they will get attacked) they have womd they get attacked, they kill there own civilions they get attacked i see nothing wrong with this. and we are not steeling there oil we are giving them much needed food to survive instead of money(suddan just took it all and put it in his bank anyway)

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we have killed some inocent civilions yes but that # we have killed is 1/1000 that of which saddam has killed,(apu do you not agree). and it is a tragedy when things like this happen.

Give the war more time, I am sure there will be more accidents because civilian deaths are inevitable. But these deaths are on the rise. Wait until the urban warfare in Baghdad starts. The US troop and Iraqi civilian body bags will be piling up really really fast. I wonder how the media is going to paint that.


I agree that Saddam has killed civilians but for a surgical strike mentality and liberation movement like we are advocating, these are a lot of civilian deaths.


But tell me in the UN Sanctions that killed over 500,000 people and the US has made it a FEDERAL CRIME for US civilians to smuggle food into Iraq to give to the starving...how do we not have any of that blood on our hands?......or do we?


And 420 I said IF they had weapons, a purely hypothetical situation. I didn't say that they DEFINITELY had them.

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we have killed some inocent civilions yes but that # we have killed is 1/1000 that of which saddam has killed,(apu do you not agree). and it is a tragedy when things like this happen.

Give the war more time, I am sure there will be more accidents because civilian deaths are inevitable. But these deaths are on the rise. Wait until the urban warfare in Baghdad starts. The US troop and Iraqi civilian body bags will be piling up really really fast. I wonder how the media is going to paint that.


I agree that Saddam has killed civilians but for a surgical strike mentality and liberation movement like we are advocating, these are a lot of civilian deaths.


But tell me in the UN Sanctions that killed over 500,000 people and the US has made it a FEDERAL CRIME for US civilians to smuggle food into Iraq to give to the starving...how do we not have any of that blood on our hands?......or do we?


And 420 I said IF they had weapons, a purely hypothetical situation. I didn't say that they DEFINITELY had them.

we are cutting off supply from other people, we are giving the civilions food, we just made it a law so people coudn't send to the iraqi soilders and saddan.


saying that blood is on our hands for people starving is a f***ing joke, 7 billion dollars is what saddan has made since he was in power(he came from nothing). But you are right everything is the US fault

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apu..in 91 we got the shia's and the kurds toi rebel against sddam..promisiong them US support...then we chicken out and god knows how many of both groups were killed...


im very proud to call george w bush our president..he had the guts to do what neither his father nor clinton didnt...finally keep our word to those people and finish off saddam..you can give all the alterior motives you want...but the president never waivered on his stated goals and so far we are delivering on every promise he made to the iraqi people 100%..

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OK, apu Im sorry I insulted you. But I do not agree with you. No matter what, I never will. You are too biased. You only focus on our own wrongdoings but pay no attention to theirs. Yes, the US military is not perfect yet they are only human. Saddam Hussein isnt even close to perfect. We dont order our men to kill innocent people. It just happens. Its war. Innocent people are going to die. But Saddam Hussein tells his men to kill innocent people. Yes, if the war continues more innocents will die but if Saddams regime continues many more innocents will die.


And do you think heroism is sitting behind the computer and chucking insults to the American military? I dont think so. Why dont you enlist and go fight. Try not to kill any innocents tho. Its not easy. War is not organized, it is not a video game. War is hell. And dont give me any bs about how Im doing nothing. I am 15. Im going to go to college and then Im going to become an officer in the Navy. But if youre talking about what a lousy job our military is doing, go help them. You say Bush is a coward for not going to Nam. Well, what are you waiting for?

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apu..in 91 we got the shia's and the kurds toi rebel against sddam..promisiong them US support...then we chicken out and god knows how many of both groups were killed...


im very proud to call george w bush our president..he had the guts to do what neither his father nor clinton didnt...finally keep our word to those people and finish off saddam..you can give all the alterior motives you want...but the president never waivered on his stated goals and so far we are delivering on every promise he made to the iraqi people 100%..

You see apu, this war is about them not us. I rejoiced in seeing the Iraqis celebrate our arrival. I truly care about the Iraqi people. I dont give a rats f--- about oil so dont even say I do. I want the US to be the country who liberated a people and destroyed a tyrant. If we take oil, fine. But lets set these innocent people free first...

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And do you think heroism is sitting behind the computer and chucking insults to the American military? I dont think so. Why dont you enlist and go fight. Try not to kill any innocents tho. Its not easy. War is not organized, it is not a video game. War is hell. And dont give me any bs about how Im doing nothing. I am 15. Im going to go to college and then Im going to become an officer in the Navy. But if youre talking about what a lousy job our military is doing, go help them. You say Bush is a coward for not going to Nam. Well, what are you waiting for?

Well said Roman. I knew you had it in you. However, you may just want to take a page out of my book and ignore the "sideshow." After he compared 09/11 to the Iraq War, I told myself I wouldn't discuss politics with him anymore. I just scroll up when I see his avatar and skip to a post not authored by the "sideshow."


On a sidenote, I was watching CNN and they aired a press conference with Iraqi Foreign Minister Tariq Aziz. He suggested the US be brought up on War Crimes, that the War with Iraq was illegal, that Bush and the United States were the real threat to the world, that the US and British media claims were all fabrications..... get where I'm going with this Roman?

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Thank CK. I dont think Ill stop discussing politics with him tho. I was about to say I would but I know Id end up scrapping that promise and looking like a fool so I wont even make it.


And let me take a wild guess. Are you saying Tariq Aziz sounds like sideshowarnett? Actually, I just read it from you earlier... :D

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Thank CK. I dont think Ill stop discussing politics with him tho. I was about to say I would but I know Id end up scrapping that promise and looking like a fool so I wont even make it.


And let me take a wild guess. Are you saying Tariq Aziz sounds like sideshowarnett? Actually, I just read it from you earlier... :D

Any person can read international law. I am glad that Tariq is seeing it and I hope the world sees it (despite the best efforts of the media)




See, OldRoman, I am actually out involved in the streets talking to troops (we have a LOT of reservists on this campus that may get called up) And a lot of them knowing that we support the troops are behind the anti-war movement. They understand that we want LESS dead Marines, etc. so there are not more funerals and people like this mourning.




We wouldn't have to celebrate the lives of these young brave American soldiers after they died if George Bush didn't have a hard on for oil and wanting a war to boost approval ratings/wag the dog away from the economy etc.


If the welfare of the Iraqi people were the #1 priority how come all the previous lies from the administration? Also, if we want to get technical, you are all sounding like the Nazis....here's a quote from Hermann Georing:


"Why of course the people don't want war ... But after all it is the leaders of the country who determine the policy, and it is always a simple matter to drag the people along, whether it is a democracy, or a fascist dictatorship, or a parliament, or a communist dictatorship ...Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is to tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger."


So, if you can equate me to Tariq Aziz, turnabout is fair play, eh, mein Nazis? ;)

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