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QUOTE(White Sox Josh @ Aug 15, 2005 -> 02:28 AM)
Today i saw Four Brothers and I loved it.  It's extremely powerful.  It seems anything John Singleton touches turns to gold.  Andre Benjamin was very good as was Tyrese and Mark Wahlburg and Terrence Howard.

I agree. Just saw Four Brothers last night and really enjoyed it. I wasn't thinking of seeing it really and then by some fluke saw part of Ebert and Ropert with a friend of mine and they reviewed that and the 40 Year old Virgin. Well, I figured to give it a chance and I really liked it. Worth my time and money.

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QUOTE(LosMediasBlancas @ Aug 15, 2005 -> 08:10 AM)
Saw 'Skeleton Key' this weekend.  Movie, very bad. Kate Hudson, oh so good. :wub:


That's exactly what I thought... The end was decent too....


You know when she says repeatedly "I dont believe"? I had a good chunk of the audience laughing when after that I yelled, "I dont believe I just paid for this...", you had to be there, I didnt mean for it to be that loud either...

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QUOTE(Pauly8509CWS @ Aug 15, 2005 -> 08:06 PM)
That's exactly what I thought...  The end was decent too....


You know when she says repeatedly "I dont believe"? I had a good chunk of the audience laughing when after that I yelled, "I dont believe I just paid for this...", you had to be there, I didnt mean for it to be that loud either...



Yeah, the end was good, but of course you had to sit through the rest of the film to get there.

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My roommate and I just watched Elizabeth. A touch on the long side--but very interesting and really well done film.


I was a little disappointed that it stopped so early in her reign. After living in Scotland I would have enjoyed seeing more about Elizabeth/Mary Queen of Scots--made me want to read a bio of Mary.


Good movie, well acted, well written, and a fun little history lesson. Highly recommended.

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Saw 'Cronica" with John Leguizamo today. Not bad, kinda drawn out, but the director's theme in both his movies is that often times, bad guys, or bad people get away with s***. It's refreshing to see a director give you some reality instead of the usual 'good always triumphs over evil, happy ending' non sense.

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QUOTE(Pauly8509CWS @ Aug 25, 2005 -> 05:06 AM)
Saw 4 Brothers and 40 Yr Old Virgin this weekend.  Bothe were extremely good and I recommend them.


Steve Carrel is hysterical in Virgin.  And I cant say enough good things about Marky Mark in 4 brothers.

Agreed here as well.


I saw 4 Brothers a few weeks back and I really enjoyed it. I saw 40 Year Old Virgin last night and I wasn't expecting much and I was laughing my ass off throughout the whole movie. Good stuff.


Also rented The Machinist this weekend and watched it with a few friends. I have to say, that movie kicked a ton of ass. I really loved it and I plan to buy it. Really making me want to read some books by Kafka and Dostoevsky now. I would suggest everyone go see it, especially if you enjoyed movies like Fight Club.

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QUOTE(LosMediasBlancas @ Aug 28, 2005 -> 11:00 PM)
Saw 'Cronica" with John Leguizamo today. Not bad, kinda drawn out, but the director's theme in both his movies is that often times, bad guys, or bad people get away with s***. It's refreshing to see a director give you some reality instead of the usual 'good always triumphs over evil, happy ending' non sense.


I'll never understand this theory. Why do people hate hollywood endings so much? People go to movies to get away from reality, not to see a bad guy get away with a murder. I could open up a newspaper any given day of any year in any city of any country and read about that. I like when the good guy wins in the end and everything wraps up nicely.

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QUOTE(Milkman delivers @ Aug 29, 2005 -> 12:08 AM)
I'll never understand this theory.  Why do people hate hollywood endings so much?  People go to movies to get away from reality, not to see a bad guy get away with a murder.  I could open up a newspaper any given day of any year in any city of any country and read about that.  I like when the good guy wins in the end and everything wraps up nicely.



I don't go to films to get away from reality. I like my reality just fine. This is why I hate sci-fi.

I don't neccessarily hate happy endings, but once in a while it's nice to get a little more reality. Especially when the film has a dark and gritty feel to it. Also, since 99% of films have a happy ending, you always know how it's gonna end.

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QUOTE(Steff @ Aug 29, 2005 -> 05:50 PM)
That's is.. ugh.. it looked so promising.. then is fizzled. I was extremely disappointed.


Robert DeNiro movies have sucked recently. He wants more screen time than his characters deserve or something like that. I probably watched Godsend the same time you were watching it. It definitely blew.


Ring 1 sucked. I can't imagine the second one not being worse.

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