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QUOTE(Brian @ Feb 6, 2005 -> 03:12 PM)
Maybe everyone else underacted.  :P


I just watched Cellular and it was very entertaining. Fast paced and about 90 minutes.

I went to watch that movie in theatres like a week after it came out.....no one was in the theatre except me. :headbang

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QUOTE(TheBlackSox8 @ Feb 6, 2005 -> 09:59 PM)
I went to watch that movie in theatres like a week after it came out.....no one was in the theatre except me. :headbang


LoL, I've been to shows like that before as well.


I bet you were the only one at "Surviving Christmas" as well.

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QUOTE(SoxFan1 @ Feb 6, 2005 -> 03:51 PM)
The Ring = The Grudge.....they both sucked.



Most people would disagree with you on this one. While I didn't like the Ring that much more than The Grudge the production design or actual art aspect one the movie was far superior. In my opinion, both were far above average "horror" movies.

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I’m a Kung Fu fan so yesterday I bought Duel to the Death on DVD and was amazed at how entertaining the movie was. For under $10 (plus it has Dolby Surround 5.1) it is a very special treat. This is one of those low profiled Kung Fu films that don’t make such a splash like Crouching Tiger or Hero.


Real good movie if you’re into the Martial Arts genre.



Edited by Yoda
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QUOTE(Yoda @ Feb 6, 2005 -> 09:53 PM)
I’m a Kung Fu fan so yesterday I bought Duel to the Death on DVD and was amazed at how entertaining the movie was. For under $10 (plus it has Dolby Surround 5.1) it is a very special treat. This is one of those low profiled Kung Fu films that don’t make such a splash like Crouching Tiger or Hero.


Real good movie if you’re into the Martial Arts genre.



The Ong-Bak movie coming out looks very interesting. I'm looking forward to seeing this one in theatres if I get a chance......

I've read reviews on it about half a year ago.....they were all good, has really good action. :headbang

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QUOTE(LosMediasBlancas @ Feb 7, 2005 -> 09:45 AM)
The Ring is my top 5 of all time horror films.....The Grudge comes in dead last.


grudge isn't even close to worst horror movie. would at least have house of 1000 corpses, wrong turn, cabin fever, jason x - just to name a few - below it...

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QUOTE(Goldmember @ Feb 7, 2005 -> 11:27 AM)
grudge isn't even close to worst horror movie. would at least have house of 1000 corpses, wrong turn, cabin fever, jason x - just to name a few - below it...



Wrong Turn was awesome.

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QUOTE(SoxFan1 @ Feb 6, 2005 -> 03:51 PM)
I watched the Grudge last night. It was OK. It was the first time I saw it and it was kinda boring for a horror movie. It was a 6 out of 10 at best.


I just saw the Grudge and liked it...When I listened to the commentary they said a R rated version will be coming out in a few months with scenes they had to cut our or down so they can get a PG-13...


One that was interesting was a scene that was cut out near the end when Buffy's character looks through the door that Bill Pullman's character just saw and the body hitting the wall....There was more to that scene when they described it sounded pretty cool..


But it was pretty decent..

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QUOTE(DonkeyKongerko @ Feb 7, 2005 -> 06:11 PM)
How was AVP great?  As a fan of the first 2 and sometimes the third movie, I can't see how anyone could like AVP.  Please explain this to me.


AvP sucked...I was so bummed to..I went to see it at the movies and sat in my chair for like 5 mins after it finished it utter shame..I paid $5.50 to see this crap??? :banghead

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QUOTE(GASHWOUND @ Feb 7, 2005 -> 06:24 PM)
AvP sucked...I was so bummed to..I went to see it at the movies and sat in my chair for like 5 mins after it finished it utter shame..I paid $5.50 to see this crap??? :banghead


I did that when I got dragged to Final Destination and **shudder** Sweet November. :puke

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QUOTE(TheBlackSox8 @ Feb 6, 2005 -> 10:25 PM)
the thought never entered my mind to ever see that movie. :headshake



I watched it for the hell of it and it was better than you would have thought. It was just one of those movies that all the critics hated but turned out not that bad.

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QUOTE(DonkeyKongerko @ Feb 7, 2005 -> 06:11 PM)
How was AVP great?  As a fan of the first 2 and sometimes the third movie, I can't see how anyone could like AVP.  Please explain this to me.


If you're talking to me.. I already posted why I liked it.

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QUOTE(qwerty @ Feb 7, 2005 -> 10:19 PM)
I watched it for the hell of it and it was better than you would have thought. It was just one of those movies that all the critics hated but turned out not that bad.

to me it looked like a pointless movie to make. just stupid. and it had afleck

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Independent Film Channel absolutely blew me away two nights ago. Around 1:00 AM begins this move called "Session 9;" possibly the scariest, well-crafted psychological thriller you've never heard of.


Yesterday at Blockbuster I walked passed the horror section and noticed it available for rent. Highly recommend it.

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