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Just got back from 'United 93'. I think people feel obligated to say nice things about this movie, or rather feel guilty about knocking it. There is nothing in it that we didn't know before. Basically it's a re enactment, sometimes hurt by bad acting.

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QUOTE(LosMediasBlancas @ May 8, 2006 -> 03:23 AM)
Just got back from 'United 93'.  I think people feel obligated to say nice things about this movie, or rather feel guilty about knocking it.  There is nothing in it that we didn't know before.  Basically it's a re enactment, sometimes hurt by bad acting.


sup LMB

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Here are some posts that were made on Flight 93 at Soxtalk.net


Flight 93 Anybody see it???


I think it should be required viewing for all. I think we owe it to those passengers.


The movie didn't need any movie tricks or background stories. The final scene is about the most powerful cinematic scene I have ever witnessed and there was no shortage of emotion in that theatre.


One of the main questions people have been asking about this movie... "is it too soon?" I don't think so. This story needs to be told and in this day and age the best platform we have are movies. Perhaps David Beamer, the father of Todd Beamer, answered the question best, he said "Is it too soon to remember? It's too soon to forget." God Bless the passengers of Flight 93.

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Queen Prawn

Posted: May 3 2006, 03:15 PM

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I plan on renting it when it comes out on DVD, but currently have no plans to see it in the theatre.

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Posted: May 3 2006, 03:17 PM

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Yeah my girlfriend wont go see it in a theatre, she said we have to wait till it comes out on DVD. I had a buddy go see it last night and he said it was pretty good.

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Controlled Chaos

Posted: May 3 2006, 03:23 PM

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I would advise to see it in a theatre. My friend downloads movies all the time and I told him DO NOT download this movie. I think it has a much bigger impact at the show. I can't really explain it, but you'll know it when you watch it. It's one of the few films worth the price of admission.

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Posted: May 3 2006, 03:25 PM

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I'll probably wait for it on DVD, but may go out and see it in the theater.


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Posted: May 3 2006, 03:54 PM

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I may actually go out and see this.

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Posted: May 3 2006, 04:00 PM

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I recommend it. Made the right way and doesn't exploit anything.

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Posted: May 3 2006, 04:32 PM

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I liked it as well. First hour is very suspensful and left me with a sick feeling in my stomach.

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Controlled Chaos

Posted: May 3 2006, 05:47 PM

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Director Greengrass' most inspired casting choice was to use air traffic controllers to play... themselves, just as they were, on the job, almost five years ago. The most notable of these is Ben Sliney, who in real life was manager of the Federal Aviation Administration's National Operations Center in Herndon, Virginia, on Black Tuesday. Sliney is authoritative and crisp -- of course he is, after 40 years on the job.

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Controlled Chaos

Posted: May 3 2006, 05:55 PM

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United 93

The filmmakers got it right.



Thursday, April 27, 2006 12:01 a.m. EDT


The calendar says it's April 25, 2006. At noon, my wife, Peggy, and I are walking around Battery Park--near the Tribeca area--in New York. It is our first time. The flowers are blooming; kids are fishing; people boarding the ferry to Ellis Island and the Statue of Liberty. Kids are laughing and noisy. The sun is shining. The vendors are hawking T-shirts, pretzels and some "designer" wares. And just up the street there is a hole in the skyline and in the ground.


In the park, there is a memorial with walls standing tall. Walls filled with so many names of those who gave their all in the Atlantic in World War II. How fitting that the names are here to honor those who gave their lives to enable this fun, this laughter--on this sunny day. The sights and sounds of freedom continue.


Fast forward--it is 10:30 p.m., April 25. We have just seen a movie premiere at the fifth annual Tribeca Film Festival. A film festival that has done so much to energize and revitalize the city, its people and especially the area that has that hole in the skyline and in the ground. This year the movie that had its worldwide premiere at the festival is titled "United 93." It is about the day when the hole in the skyline of New York was made--the day when a hole was made in the side of the Pentagon near Washington, D.C.--the day when a hole was made in a quiet mountain meadow in Pennsylvania. The day that our nation was attacked; the day when the war came home--Sept. 11, 2001. The day our son Todd boarded United 93.


Paul Greengrass and Universal set out to tell the story of United Flight 93 on that terrible day in our nation's history. They set about the task of telling this story with a genuine intent to get it right--the actions of those on board and honor their memory. Their extensive research included reaching out to all the families who had lost loved ones on United Flight 93 as the first casualties of this war. And Paul and his team got it right.


There are those who question the timing of this project and the painful memories it evokes. Clearly, the film portrays the reality of the attack on our homeland and its terrible consequences. Often we attend movies to escape reality and fantasize a bit. In this case and at this time, it is appropriate to get a dose of reality about this war and the real enemy we face. It is not too soon for this story to be told, seen and heard. But it is too soon for us to become complacent. It is too soon for us to think of this war in only national terms. We need to be mindful that this enemy, who made those holes in our landscape and caused the deaths of some 3,000 of our fellow free people, has a vision to personally kill or convert each and every one of us. This film reminds us that this war is personal. This enemy is on a fanatical mission to take away our lives and liberty--the liberty that has been secured for us by those whose names are on those walls in Battery Park and so many other walls and stones throughout this nation. This enemy seeks to take away the free will that our Creator has endowed in us. Patrick Henry got it right some 231 years ago. Living without liberty is not living at all.

The passengers and crew of United 93 had the blessed opportunity to understand the nature of the attack and to launch a counterattack against the enemy. This was our first successful counterattack in our homeland in this new global war--World War III.


This film further reminds us of the nature of the enemy we face. An enemy who will stop at nothing to achieve world domination and force a life devoid of freedom upon all. Their methods are inhumane and their targets are the innocent and unsuspecting. We call this conflict the "War on Terror." This film is a wake-up call. And although we abhor terrorism as a tactic, we are at war with a real enemy and it is personal.


There are those who would hope to escape the pain of war. Can't we just live and let live and pretend every thing is OK? Let's discuss, negotiate, reason together. The film accurately shows an enemy who will stop at nothing in a quest for control. This enemy does not seek our resources, our land or our materials, but rather to alter our very way of life.


I encourage my fellow Americans and free people everywhere to see "United 93."


Be reminded of our very real enemy. Be inspired by a true story of heroic actions taken by ordinary people with victorious consequences. Be thankful for each precious day of life with a loved one and make the most of it. Resolve to take the right action in the situations of life, whatever they may be. Resolve to give thanks and support to those men, women, leaders and commanders who to this day (1,687 days since Sept. 11, 2001) continue the counterattacks on our enemy and in so doing keep us safe and our freedoms intact.


May the taste of freedom for people of the Middle East hasten victory. The enemy we face does not have the word "surrender" in their dictionary. We must not have the word "retreat" in ours. We surely want our troops home as soon as possible. That said, they cannot come home in retreat. They must come home victoriously. Pray for them.


Mr. Beamer is the father of Todd Beamer, a passenger on United Airlines Flight 93.

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Posted: May 3 2006, 06:32 PM

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QUOTE (Controlled Chaos @ May 3 2006, 08:55 AM)

Anybody see it???


I think it should be required viewing for all. I think we owe it to those passengers.



we OWE it to those passengers?? this does nothing for them, it just makes big bucks for the movie studios.

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Posted: May 3 2006, 06:41 PM

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I saw it Saturday. The theater was silent after the movie. It was very powerful. It wasn't exactly entertaining, per se, but more of a documentary. I thought it was well done.

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Posted: May 3 2006, 11:52 PM

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I've read/heard mixed reviews about this movie. I'll be able to judge by myself this weekend.

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Controlled Chaos

Posted: May 4 2006, 11:49 AM

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QUOTE (steve9347 @ May 3 2006, 01:32 PM)

we OWE it to those passengers?? this does nothing for them, it just makes big bucks for the movie studios.


We owe it to them to see the story. To see what they did...how they fought back. They saved hundreds possibly thousands of lives on the ground.


Yes the movie studios will make money...get over it....all movie studios make money.

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Posted: May 4 2006, 12:26 PM

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QUOTE (Controlled Chaos @ May 4 2006, 05:49 AM)

We owe it to them to see the story. To see what they did...how they fought back. They saved hundreds possibly thousands of lives on the ground.


Yes the movie studios will make money...get over it....all movie studios make money.


All studios do make money. And to be fair, they are giving 10% of the box to the Flight 93 monument fund.


But it is presumptuous to think that everybody needs to see a film recreation of the event - or any of the 9/11 events - to remember them or keep them relevant.

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QUOTE(LosMediasBlancas @ May 7, 2006 -> 10:23 PM)
Just got back from 'United 93'. I think people feel obligated to say nice things about this movie, or rather feel guilty about knocking it. There is nothing in it that we didn't know before. Basically it's a re enactment, sometimes hurt by bad acting.




Saw it Saturday night and I completely agree with you. I'll add that I was completely pissed off from start to finish.

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QUOTE(LosMediasBlancas @ May 15, 2006 -> 04:09 PM)
.....about the film, or are you saying you went into it in a bad mood?



Well, I was in a bad mood to start for other reasons, but the movie added to it. Pissed me off, again, that it happened.

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QUOTE(Chisoxfn @ May 15, 2006 -> 04:44 PM)
Luckily Mexi-gage cheered you up :lol:




LOL.. he did. :lol:




And thank you for the message. I didn't realize who Jim sent the email to.

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QUOTE(greasywheels121 @ May 21, 2006 -> 12:05 AM)
I almost walked out; I should have.


Da Vinci Code f***in' blew.


National Treasure, though a rip off, was much better.


National Treasure was so far out there, but I liked it. Fun little adventure movie.

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Funny short teaser for Clerks 2. Still torn on it. I was a fan of the 1st because of its dialogue and wonder if they can get that risque when it is not an indy movie.


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