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Some people are just mean


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Hogs-n-dogs link


A Phoenix couple are in custody after authorities in four states busted up a "hog-dogging" fighting circuit that advertised bloody battles through the Internet.


Dozens of black boars, bulldogs and hounds were taken into government custody yesterday in a raid at the home of James M. Curry and his wife, Jodi Marie, on North 14th Street about 6:35 a.m.


Others raids occurred in Alabama, Georgia and South Carolina.


"What you have here are hogs that can be very, very cruel, especially if they are not neutered," said Katie Decker, spokeswoman for the Arizona Agriculture Department.


Fights pitted Russian black boars, which were herded by hounds, against American bulldogs in an arena, she said.


One hog and one dog then fight each other.


More at link.


What is interesting is trying to write a law that stops this sort of thing and makes killing them for food legal. Is it cruel to herd cows into a chute and bop them between the eyes and killing them?

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"What you have here are hogs that can be very, very cruel, especially if they are not neutered,"


I dislike this woman using the term 'cruel' in this sense. Cruelty is a human commodity. Male wild boars certainly are aggressive, maybe even ill-tempered (much like mutant sea bass), but it's anthropomorphising a bit to much to call the behavior cruelty which implies pre-meditated meanness for it's own sake.


As far as how mean it is to bang-stick cows between the eyes for slaughter (odd how that word is only one letter removed from 'laughter'...), I think it is as humane a practice as you are going to find in the modern slaughterhouse industry.

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Actually, I believe they herd them into a chute and slit their throats.


At least that's what I saw on one of those "Faces of Death" videos...

Captive bolt stunning is quite common. The cow is tied to a conveyor belt type device and a rod is shot through the skull [well, it's attempted because it doesn't often work since the animal is not stationary]. Ritual slaughter animals are fully conscious when their carotid arteries are cut. This is supposed to cause unconsciousness within seconds, but because of blood flow through the vertebral arteries in the back of the neck, some animals can remain conscious as they bleed for up to a minute. Additionally, Temple Grandin, PhD notes "Unfortunately, there are some plants which use cruel methods of restraint such as hanging live animals upside down. This can cause broken bones as the heavy animal hangs by a chain attached to one leg. Ritual slaughter Animals are fully conscious when their carotid arteries are cut. This is supposed to cause unconsciousness within seconds, but because of blood flow through the vertebral arteries in the back of the neck, some animals can remain conscious as they bleed for up to a minute." Additionally, Temple Grandin notes "Unfortunately, there are some plants which use cruel methods of restraint such as hanging live animals upside down. This can cause broken bones as the heavy animal hangs by a chain attached to one leg."

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