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southside hitmen 18

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KW is goin to package JG and konerko possibly marte to AZ and get Javier via NY... i maybe crazy and i dunno bout payroll. BUT think of that staff MB, GARCIA, JAVIER, JOSE, and EL DUQUE. Now that is one hell of a staff and then get eckstein and maybe another reliever via the big 3 way trade.

No thanks. Keep this roster intact and add eck or cora. No need to mess with this roster now, I really like the team we have put together right now.

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KW is goin to package JG and konerko possibly marte to AZ and get Javier via NY... i maybe crazy and i dunno bout payroll. BUT think of that staff MB, GARCIA, JAVIER, JOSE, and EL DUQUE. Now that is one hell of a staff and then get eckstein and maybe another reliever via the big 3 way trade.

Why Eckstein? After that, I think we need to look into Mussina and Brown, gotta complete the set.

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if we don't get Perez we must get el Duque. no need to give up a exceptional lefty marte in the pen and lose another arm in the rotation in garland plus giving up the fire power and leadership of konerko.


i say offer el Duque his contract and the rotation is complete and all we'll need is a catcher because i have absolutely no faith in Davis.





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Vasquez <<<<< konerko+marte+garland

Vasquez > garland+marte or anderson


I like marte a lot.  However if we can get Vasquez our starting pitching would be sick. 


Not worth giving up Kong though.

You lost all credibility right there...

IMO opinion Garland is better then Vazquez just by himself.

He is 25 and will only get better.

He is consistant, always double digits in wins, and has pitched close to 200 IP. Also is cheaper.

Vazquez sucks, he would demand a trade after the year is over as I believe that is in his contract, and if he sucks as bad as last year then we end up with nothing out of it.

f*** Vazquez, I don't want him!

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You lost all credibility right there...

IMO opinion Garland is better then Vazquez just by himself.

He is 25 and will only get better.

He is consistant, always double digits in wins, and has pitched close to 200 IP. Also is cheaper.

Vazquez sucks, he would demand a trade after the year is over as I believe that is in his contract, and if he sucks as bad as last year then we end up with nothing out of it.

f*** Vazquez, I don't want him!

Jeckle I do remember you b****ing up and down how bad Garland was in whitesoxcentral.com chat last year when he pulled his judy routine more often than not. Now he is better than Vasquez. Flash, Tmar, Minny anyone remember this?


I can understand the money and contract side of the puzzle, but to say that Garland is better than Vasquez alone is goofy even for you.

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KW is goin to package JG and konerko possibly marte to AZ and get Javier via NY... i maybe crazy and i dunno bout payroll. BUT think of that staff MB, GARCIA, JAVIER, JOSE, and EL DUQUE. Now that is one hell of a staff and then get eckstein and maybe another reliever via the big 3 way trade.

If KW made the above deal, he should be BANNED from the White Sox for the rest of his life, let alone being FIRED.


No GM is that stupid. Now that we have the leverage with the addition of El Duque, the most we should offer for Vazquez are Garland and Anderson, and the Yankees have to eat half of Vazquez's salary.

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Jeckle I do remember you b****ing up and down how bad Garland was in whitesoxcentral.com chat last year when he pulled his judy routine more often than not.  Now he is better than Vasquez.  Flash, Tmar, Minny anyone remember this?


I can understand the money and contract side of  the puzzle, but to say that Garland is better than Vasquez alone is goofy even for you.

We all get frustrated with him.

No Garland isn't the best pitcher in baseball.

Yes Garland is a perfect 4/5 starter.

Yes Vazquez sucks 10 times worse then Garland ever will.

Yes Vazquez is over rated.

When he decides he doesn't want to stay. We end up with nothing. At least if Garland leaves and becomes a free agent we don't lose anything. To give up our top prospect with him is a joke.

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With the signing of El Duque, I still think that its a strong possibility that KW could make another run at Randy Johnson.  He's signed a fifth starter, so Garland becomes expendable.  Garland, Everett, Marte and Anderson for RJ anyone?

And welcome to 3rd place.

Thats a lineup that gives Joe (.100 average) Borchard playing time. f*** that.


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Jeckle, look at the stats, you are crazy if you think Garland is better than Javier Vazquez.


Not saying I want the guy, but Jon Garland is far from better than him.


Just because he had a bad season under the NY spotlight, which many players have and will have, doesn't make the guy a bad pitcher.


Is he overpaid? Certainly.


Is he overrated? Perhaps.


Is he worse than Garland? Not a chance.


Look at the numbers.


4.68, 46-51, 436 K's, 328 walks, 788 IP - Garland


4.26, 78-78, 1226 K's, 391 walks, 1,427 IP - Vazquez

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We all get frustrated with him.

No Garland isn't the best pitcher in baseball.

Yes Garland is a perfect 4/5 starter.

Yes Vazquez sucks 10 times worse then Garland ever will.

Yes Vazquez is over rated.

When he decides he doesn't want to stay. We end up with nothing. At least if Garland leaves and becomes a free agent we don't lose anything. To give up our top prospect with him is a joke.

10 times


Do you think you are overstating you case just teensy weensy bit. I did a once over of the stats and I think they favor Javier outside of last year.

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KW is goin to package JG and konerko possibly marte to AZ and get Javier via NY... i maybe crazy and i dunno bout payroll. BUT think of that staff MB, GARCIA, JAVIER, JOSE, and EL DUQUE. Now that is one hell of a staff and then get eckstein and maybe another reliever via the big 3 way trade.

Sorry to say it but that's one of the worse trades I've ever heard about. Were going to give up JG, who we know is going to get a decent performance every year for pretty decent money. Marte who is one of the best left handed releivers in the MLB and maybe even our only power source in the club? For an inconsistent, overrated, overpaid, whiney SP? KW should get fired and shot like someone said if he would do something like this.

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And welcome to 3rd place.

Thats a lineup that gives Joe (.100 average) Borchard playing time. f*** that.


Are you kidding me??? Third place with the rotation of Randy Johnson, Freddy Garcia, Mark Buerhle, Jose Contreras, and Orlando Hernandez? Tell me how would Borchard get playing time?

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