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This year compared to last year....


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Ok lets see here.....
















i don't see what everyone is complaining about....this rotation looks 10 times better then the start of last year, and the pen is solid unlike the kids in there last year.....

So compare for yourselves and think before you b****

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Ok lets see here.....
















i don't see what everyone is complaining about....this rotation looks 10 times better then the start of last year, and the pen is solid unlike the kids in there last year.....

So compare for yourselves and think before you b****

thank you.


we've gotten weaker on offense, although the new look will be more fun to watch, but our defense, rotation and pen have all improved.

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I don't know what everyone is complaining about either because we didn't win any major championships with Maggs, and Lee. We still have Konerko, and that should still add some power. We have Dye, and Thomas. Uribe can add some pop, and even Rowand so whats all the complaining. Even Spod can too but he adds more defense, and speed.

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Yeh we have to forget about the past years with Maggs and Lee and move on. That was a past that wasn't so good except for the 2000 season. Although Maggs was great, and made it to the Allstar game a couple times, and Lee ressurected into a star we still didn't accomplish our goal, and that was win major championships like the world series, or a pennant. We have to change, and make things better for us. I hope that's what everyone wants.

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We also have to be proud of what management has done to improve our stadium. Now we have green seats, and that should help our reputation a lot more. It shows everyone that were improving as an organization, and were developing our ballpark into a fan friendly ballpark while adding these players to improve our team. Now all we need to do is go to these games, and fill the seats. Than at next year's winter meetings, or in July when we have a lot of money we can sign some more key free agents like a Kevin Brown, or someone like a AROD. Maybe even a solid catcher. Maybe we can resign another Maggs who knows.

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I'm really looking forward to next season. Like you said the pitching staff is going to be very solid however I do see consistency issues. No complaints with Buerhle but how inconsistant have Garland and Contreras been in the past? VERY... I know they are excellent pitchers but I feel they really need to prove themselves this year. Garcia I have a feeling will be great, he really only has had one bad season. And I really dont know what to think about El Duque. He passed his phyisical with flying colors which is great, my only worry is that he can last the entire season in the starting rotation since he hasnt thrown more than 200 innings since when? I'm not sure if he ever has. The rotation still has its problems but I congradulate KW on doing an excellent job with the money he had available to use.

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I'm really looking forward to next season. Like you said the pitching staff is going to be very solid however I do see consistency issues.  No complaints with Buerhle but how inconsistant have Garland and Contreras been in the past? VERY... I know they are excellent pitchers but I feel they really need to prove themselves this year. Garcia I have a feeling will be great, he really only has had one bad season. And I really dont know what to think about El Duque. He passed his phyisical with flying colors which is great, my only worry is that he can last the entire season in the starting rotation since he hasnt thrown more than 200 innings since when? I'm not sure if he ever has. The rotation still has its problems but I congradulate KW on doing an excellent job with the money he had available to use.

Welcome to soxtalk. :cheers

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Hopefully the fans at Soxfest this year will be a lot more friendlier to KW.

Yeah, there's really no reason to b****.


I give this offseason a B which I cannot say about most teams.


Adding Eckstein would put it up to an A. There's no reason to grill Kenny. He's done a hell of a job the past YEAR with the entire pitching staff. He's added:










All this in a little over 1 year. Not frickin' bad KW. :cheers

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It's amazing how some succumb to an overwhelming opinion. ANthrax gets banned for his opinions, which may seem quite unusual, but everyone is entitled to their opinions.

I've already said he's my favorite poster. But he was over the line. I didn't mind him though.

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That is a load of s***.  :puke


It's amazing how some succumb to an overwhelming opinion. ANthrax gets banned for his opinions, which may seem quite unusual, but everyone is entitled to their opinions.

i disagree on this man, there's a difference in expressing opinions and just being a complete asshole to everyone, in basically every thread.

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i disagree on this man, there's a difference in expressing opinions and just being a complete asshole to everyone, in basically every thread.

So what if he does?


He only broke a rule once, and that was calling me a dips***. He has not broken ANY rules. Sure, he's an asshole, but for the life of me I cannot FATHOM how people are letting some 15 year old kid get under their skin. Seriously. I think he provides some relief for this offseason. It's kind of funny reading 10 posts that say the same thing and agree with each other, and then we got Anthrax chiming in " WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU GUYS SMOKING THIS GUY SUCKS".


Some people take the internet WAY too seriously.

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Considering the fact that my opinion of Anthrax is well known around here, I'm gonna keep my mouth shut and let the powers that be do what they feel is the proper thing to do. I just want to go on record that I personally have not discussed anthrax with any of the Soxtalk admins.

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I don't know what everyone is complaining about either because we didn't win any major championships with Maggs, and Lee. We still have Konerko, and that should still add some power. We have Dye, and Thomas. Uribe can add some pop, and even Rowand so whats all the complaining. Even Spod can too but he adds more defense, and speed.

Good Post, and I agree :headbang

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