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2005 Sox Payroll

Mr. Showtime

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The White Sox payroll has risen about $5 million from a year ago, so far, but they have also radically changed its distribution among playing positions. Some change was inevitable with the Maggs situation but the total team make over is striking. Last year 1/3 of the budget went to pitching, this year it will be about half.


KW and Ozzie promised changes this year and boy have they delivered. It remains to be seen if the team will be more successful, but I am personally excited because the Sox are returning to the brand of baseball I grew up with: pitching, speed and defense. For some reason I identified more with those teams than the ones in the big bopper era.


Also, it seems that when most other teams change direction this radically they first tear the team down, sell off all the salaries, and lose 100 games a couple times before they come back. If this team really plays as well as the hype I've been sopping up with a spoon, I'll have to tip my hat to KW for pulling it off in a single off-season.


I'll post a reply in a minute with the source of the data.

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Here is the data I used for the chart. The 2004 salaries are from Baseball-Reference. 2005 are from this thread. You can debate where I put some of the backup players but I don't think it affects the gist of the chart.

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