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Pokey Reese


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He is not really an everyday player because of his lackluster bat.


He could get by in Boston because the rest of their lineup was so dominant.


Here, he would be expected to contribute more than he can produce.


Nice utility player/defensive replacement for late in games, but nothing more.

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I thought of Reese because he has played short and is right handed. I am okay with Harris at second versus righties but maybe we get a platoon partner for lefties. I also wanted the partner to be able to sub at short to give Uribe a day off. Hence no Grudzielanek who hasn't played SS since 99 and fielded .955ish, Grudz also hit .220 vs lefties. I don't know if that is typical avg. Valdez may be better served to play everyday at AAA.

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If it comes down to it, what we might be able to do is platoon Harris and Valdez at second base. I have to think that Valdez would be able to hit left handed pitchers at at least a .270 rate or so.


Then again, like JUGGER has been preaching, Cairo would be an awesome pickup. Cairo kills lefties, and I honestly believe that if you were to platoon Harris and Cairo, you'd have yourself a .300 hitter with a .380 OBP. Cairo really would be an awesome pickup...

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