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Report: Iraq torture chamber found

Mr. Showtime

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Oh come on sideshowarnett. Where are your excuses? Your ludicrous accusations of American atrocities? Have you nothing to say? Why I am not surprised?

Listen, . I am getting sick and f***ing tired of your head up the ass attitude. You're a 15 year old that has been proven wrong over and over again by me but yet still tries to act like you're never wrong (kind of like America's attitude)


I never said Saddam was an angel. I never said that Iraq's troops were NOT war criminals. I said that the US invasion was illegal and was war crimes. They're all criminal bastards as far as I am concerned, yet nobody realizes that.


And Baggs, this is from the BBC. According to your other post shouldn't this report be suspect to lying and bias? Or would that catch you in some sort of hypocrisy?


Being part of the anti-war movement does NOT mean I *heart* Saddam. If you believe that, then you are truly a fascist.

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I hate his vivid stupidity. I hate his vibrant anti Americanism. I hate everything about him. If he wouldnt be such a biased little dick I wouldnt be so mean. But he wont cease to prove his point. Which is stupid and will only lead to more deaths. He hasnt the slightest clue...

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And even if you were right, we dont care. Were more, and thats all that matters. So shut up cuz you will NOT win...

You never showed me proof. You showed me loaded rhetoric and lame insults. Try using the actual news. Try using facts, OldRoman.


There is nothing more anti-American than what you just stated OldRoman.


So, you have more people and that makes it right, eh? The Nazis had a majority. Did that make the slaughter of 6 million Jews okay, OldRoman?


Seemingly your lust to quell all dissent is just the same as the Hussein regime. Talk about irony.

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No. But we have more of a voice. There are several of us and one of you. Other people have stopped discussing politics with you and I might stop as well. 9/11=GWII? Who do you think you are? Ill never respect you again. Just shut up. I dont care one bit about your liberal politics. Liberals suck. Dennis Kucinich will never make the White House thank God. No liberal ever will. God bless America. Im out...

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No. But we have more of a voice. There are several of us and one of you. Other people have stopped discussing politics with you and I might stop as well. 9/11=GWII? Who do you think you are? Ill never respect you again. Just shut up. I dont care one bit about your liberal politics. Liberals suck. Dennis Kucinich will never make the White House thank God. No liberal ever will. God bless America. Im out...

The murder of civilians is how it is equal. Missiles in marketplaces? Shooting into cars? Bombing a farm?

Are those military targets? We have hit non-military targets. The suffering of all is what equates one with the other. But maybe you would not see that, being the great humanitarian that you are.


Funny, but last time I checked, the liberals actually won the 2000 election too. I find it funny that you can't critique liberal/radical ideology tactfully like Baggio and CK can (I do respect you guys, CK and Baggs, I may not always agree with you on a lot of stuff but you usually keep the debates pretty clean and free of ad hominem attacks. Always fun and intellectually stimulating to have a good debate) but instead you have to resort to lame insults, OldRoman.


And, OldRoman, I am sure everyone will admit that it is mainly the leftist radicals in the early 1900s that got us the weekend, the 40 hour work week, etc. I guess it's easy to not remember the contributions of worker unions and human rights workers just because they are leftist in ideology.


And for somebody who is such a philanthropist, you sure seem to harbor a helluva lot of hate, OldRoman.

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Roman, I have stood up for you on more than one occasion, so don't go off on me here, but you really need to nip the name calling in the bud and debate using your intellect. It could be much more effective and certainly would be more more impressive.


Just a friendly piece of advice.

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War is an ugly thing, but not the ugliest of things. The decayed and degraded state of moral and patriotic feeling which thinks that nothing is worth war is much worse. The person who has nothing for which he is willing to fight, nothing which is more important than his own personal safety, is a miserable creature, and has no chance of being free unless made or kept so by the exertions of better men than himself.



--John Stuart Mill

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War is an ugly thing, but not the ugliest of things. The decayed and degraded state of moral and patriotic feeling which thinks that nothing is worth war is much worse. The person who has nothing for which he is willing to fight, nothing which is more important than his own personal safety, is a miserable creature, and has no chance of being free unless made or kept so by the exertions of better men than himself.



--John Stuart Mill

I am prepared to die, but there is no cause for which I am prepared to kill.

-Mahotmas Gandhi


I am against this war because the lies of the Bush administration to try to get us into the war, the convenient fact that Iraq has oil and all the obvious ties to oil companies that the Bush administration proudly wear upon their sleeves, etc.


And I am not against this war just because of my own personal safety. I am against this war due to the safety of US troops, the family of US troops (they don't need their loved ones coming home in body bags), the safety of Iraqi civilians (if you believe we are doing this to liberate them from anything but their oil, I have a condo in Florida that I'd like to sell you ;) ), the financial aspect of this war that is going to fiscally f*** us over for years to come, the environmental and health destruction caused by the usage of DU rounds, and even the safety of the US. Many of the news organizations have reflected that this war is causing a great upsurge in the enlistment in their militaristic terrorist organizations. Waging this war makes the US a much less safe place, not more safe.

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Ah, to be young again.


What's that old saying? "If you are a 20 year old conservative, you have no heart. If you are a 40 year old liberal, you have no brain."


We see two different wars my friend and I respect your view as I hope you respect mine.

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If he wouldnt be such a biased little dick I wouldnt be so mean.

Now THAT'S irony.

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: Oh so very true.

You guys really dont see through this guy? He doesnt believe all that crap he spews. He wants attention. The best way to get attention is bash a country we love. Hes sure to get a reaction. Why stoop to his level? :huh:

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Liberals suck.

Uh... other "Sucky liberals" (for their time)...


George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin, Samuel Adams, Abraham Lincoln, Theodore Roosevelt, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., Malcom X ...


I could keep going.

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