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X-Box Game Question


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OK -- I need a suggestion here, so for all the avid X-Boxers, I can use some help here.


I want to buy a quality game for X-Box, preferably a realistic shooter type game, but I dont know which one to buy. I see that a ton of these WW2 games are out, and there's so many of them, I really don't know which one to buy.


I already have Halo 2, and for whatever reason, I can't get into it. While multiplayer is really fun, I can't get into the single-player.


I'm planning on purchasing this new paintball game that's coming out -- it's new, and X-Box Live compatable -- forgot the name of it right now, but it's only 30 bucks at Best Buy, so that's pretty tight.


Anyways, any suggestions? By next year, the PS2 will have gathered dust, as starting with MVP 2005, all of my sports games will now be played on X-Box, rather than PS2.


One more thing -- has anyone ever tried getting the music onto the X-Box, and how do you do so? I assume you need what a Sharkport is to the PS2, or something that will connect to your computer, correct?

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Keith, I'm getting an XBOX tomorrow so I'll have to start playing you, Tony, Jason and Alex multi-player with Halo 2 as that'll be the game I'm getting with it most likely with XBOX Live. And you'll be able to talk an Aussie, (folks there's an incentive). :nono


Shooter wise I had a look at the reviews of games on Gamespot, usually I definitely look at the review from them before I purchase or even hire a game. Ninja Gaiden is a great action game, but it ain't a shooter. Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon 2 got an 8.5 and that came out last month, probably best to ask Jason first as I think he likes that game, not sure if he has that one or the first one though.

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ghost recon 2 is the coolest game i've ever played.

it's great on live....16 player co-op!


rainbow 6 is pretty cool live and offline.


Brothers in Arms comes out in a couple weeks.

if you want a ww2 shooter i suggest you wait for that one.


splinter cell pandora tomorrow isn't a shooter, but very cool still.

over live you play either as a spy (3rd person) or a merc hunting down the spies (1st person)


the xbox copies cd's, but i never tried to connect to my pc.

i just spent a weekend working in the garage and yard coming inside every 15 minutes or so to switch out discs.

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bty- ghost recon 2 has future military weapons on it.

a rifle that's being developed.

it has a camera so you can fire at people while still under cover!


it has a laser guided sytem on it for calling in airstrikes vs tanks and other armor when you are pinned down.


imo- the best war game out today.

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  SoxFan1 said:
Men of Honor: Finest Hour --- Thats one helluva game. So realistic! It gets your heart pumping like your really in the action. VERY GOOD GAME!

Interesting. CoD's subtitle is Finest Hour as well.


Oh, and I suggest Call of Duty. I'm also playing Killzone for PS2, that's pretty good.

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  CWSGuy406 said:
I already have Halo 2, and for whatever reason, I can't get into it.  While multiplayer is really fun, I can't get into the single-player.

Don't worry man, i bought the game the first day it came out and couldn't get into it all too much up untill the past few days when i was playing with a couple of my buddies.

I recently hooked up my XBox live though and playing Madden on that thing is pretty sweet.

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  Confederate_48 said:
Ill never understand whats so great about Halo. I played the first one once or twice and it sucked. I havent even bothered with the 2nd one it looks stupid as hell to me.

:lolhitting :lolhitting :lolhitting :lolhitting :lolhitting






Excuse me while I try to stop laughing.

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Ok following on with the XBOX theme, I am indeed the brand new owner of an XBOX console along with a nice big 64cm TV for my room. Now I did buy a XBOX Live Starter Kit, but I have a few questions on how I need to set it up. I have a wireless network at home with a wireless router in another room downstairs, now do I need another access point so that my XBOX can connect on-line? And yes I did purchase Halo 2, and lemme just say it's taking me some time to get used to the whole moving with the 2 analog sticks theme. :lol:

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  DBAH0 said:
Ok following on with the XBOX theme, I am indeed the brand new owner of an XBOX console along with a nice big 64cm TV for my room. Now I did buy a XBOX Live Starter Kit, but I have a few questions on how I need to set it up. I have a wireless network at home with a wireless router in another room downstairs, now do I need another access point so that my XBOX can connect on-line? And yes I did purchase Halo 2, and lemme just say it's taking me some time to get used to the whole moving with the 2 analog sticks theme.  :lol:

Yea im finally starting to get used to those sticks. I dont like em much.

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  DBAH0 said:
Ok following on with the XBOX theme, I am indeed the brand new owner of an XBOX console along with a nice big 64cm TV for my room. Now I did buy a XBOX Live Starter Kit, but I have a few questions on how I need to set it up. I have a wireless network at home with a wireless router in another room downstairs, now do I need another access point so that my XBOX can connect on-line? And yes I did purchase Halo 2, and lemme just say it's taking me some time to get used to the whole moving with the 2 analog sticks theme.  :lol:

yeah, MS makes a wireless adaptor that fits into the ethernet plug in the back of the box....callled the "wireless G"


pricey, but i found one on ebay for 30 bucks.



bty- there's one thing you can't complain about halo, and that's the controls.

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  CWSGuy406 said:
OK -- I need a suggestion here, so for all the avid X-Boxers, I can use some help here.


I want to buy a quality game for X-Box, preferably a realistic shooter type game, but I dont know which one to buy.  I see that a ton of these WW2 games are out, and there's so many of them, I really don't know which one to buy.


I already have Halo 2, and for whatever reason, I can't get into it.  While multiplayer is really fun, I can't get into the single-player. 


I'm planning on purchasing this new paintball game that's coming out -- it's new, and X-Box Live compatable -- forgot the name of it right now, but it's only 30 bucks at Best Buy, so that's pretty tight.


Anyways, any suggestions?  By next year, the PS2 will have gathered dust, as starting with MVP 2005, all of my sports games will now be played on X-Box, rather than PS2.


One more thing -- has anyone ever tried getting the music onto the X-Box, and how do you do so?  I assume you need what a Sharkport is to the PS2, or something that will connect to your computer, correct?

If you're the avid X-Box dude you say you are you already own HALO and HALO 2 so I suggest you wait till like March cause Doom 3 is supposed to come out for X-Box then.

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