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Sox targeting 2B


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Doesn't take a lot of walks and K's lots...there are those days when he's on fire...

Ross, he walked once every 8 at bats, that was 2nd best on the team behind Frank Thomas.


He walks at a decent enough rate. The problem with him is:


1. Gets on base at a reasonable clip but has little base stealing instinct


2. Not good vs. LHP, hit well under .200


3. Very inconsistent offensively and not a good situational hitter


4. Clubhouse demeanor supposedly has rubbed some people the wrong way


Sure, he could possibly grow into the job but for the most part I don't this team is looking for guys who need on-the-job training. They are out to win.


If there isn't enough payroll room, sometimes a team is forced into dealing with growing pains, i.e. Willie Harris. Just my opinion but I believe Sox mgmt. feels they didn't see enough growth last year. And that's the key. It really doesn't matter how I feel, what you think, what quick thinks, or what the Harris supporters feel about it. What matters is what Sox management thinks.


He could very well still be around in '05. But they will definitely have a viable option in case he doesn't get going. That's why they're sniffing around this Japanese player, and who knows what else they're talking about.


And Ross ... don't get too bent about not having a new middle infielder or a catcher yet. It's not even January 1st. There is time, and the player market hasn't been all that active.

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This guy sounds like a solid pickup. I'm assuming he isn't going to get anymore then 2 mill. He's just 30 so he's got plenty of time left and seems to be peaking all of a sudden the past two years. I'm assuming roids aren't crazy out there so the guy must just be putting things together.


If he's got good speed and is a good baserunner that be even better. I think he'd be a very good defensive 2nd baseman although its hard to say, but based on readings the guy seems promising.

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Ross, he walked once every 8 at bats, that was 2nd best on the team behind Frank Thomas.


He walks at a decent enough rate.  The problem with him is:


1.  Gets on base at a reasonable clip but has little base stealing instinct


2.  Not good vs. LHP, hit well under .200


3.  Very inconsistent offensively and not a good situational hitter


4.  Clubhouse demeanor supposedly has rubbed some people the wrong way


Sure, he could possibly grow into the job but for the most part I don't this team is looking for guys who need on-the-job training.  They are out to win.


If there isn't enough payroll room, sometimes a team is forced into dealing with growing pains, i.e. Willie Harris.  Just my opinion but I believe Sox mgmt. feels they didn't see enough growth last year.  And that's the key.  It really doesn't matter how I feel, what you think, what quick thinks, or what the Harris supporters feel about it.  What matters is what Sox management thinks.


He could very well still be around in '05.  But they will definitely have a viable option in case he doesn't get going.  That's why they're sniffing around this Japanese player, and who knows what else they're talking about.


And Ross ... don't get too bent about not having a new middle infielder or a catcher yet.  It's not even January 1st.  There is time, and the player market hasn't been all that active.

Thats the thing. It seems as though we need a situational hitter, because he's not there...bases loaded, two outs, and Harris k's...how often does that happen to us in a big game...you know what I mean Jim?


Growing pains=losses...sometimes.

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I'll rip on who I want, when I want, thanks.


A guy who doesn't cut it for me is Willie because he rarely gets a hit when he leads off!


Doesn't take a lot of walks and K's lots...there are those days when he's on fire...

And when you rip Harris, I'll be right there to rip into you, because if you want to say that a guy with only a bit over a 100 AB's at the age of 30-something is acceptable, yet a guy who put up a .340+ OBP in his first year, as well as a damn good OBP against righties isn't acceptable, I'll call you out on it, every day of the week... ;)

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And when you rip Harris, I'll be right there to rip into you, because if you want to say that a guy with only a bit over a 100 AB's at the age of 30-something is acceptable, yet a guy who put up a .340+ OBP in his first year, as well as a damn good OBP against righties isn't acceptable, I'll call you out on it, every day of the week...  ;)



And I will continue to defend Willie Harris until he sucks ass this year. He showed enough out of me for a rookie last season and I think he got the royal screw job by Ozzie.

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And when you rip Harris, I'll be right there to rip into you, because if you want to say that a guy with only a bit over a 100 AB's at the age of 30-something is acceptable, yet a guy who put up a .340+ OBP in his first year, as well as a damn good OBP against righties isn't acceptable, I'll call you out on it, every day of the week...  ;)

:headbang :notworthy :headbang :notworthy

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Thats the thing. It seems as though we need a situational hitter, because he's not there...bases loaded, two outs, and Harris k's...how often does that happen to us in a big game...you know what I mean Jim?


Growing pains=losses...sometimes.

Are you just pulling this stuff out of your ass now?


Harris had four at bats with the bases loaded this season. Twice, he drew a walk, driving in a runner. Twice, he got out, without advancing a runner. Neither time did he strike out. So, let me see here -- he converted half of his opportunitues with the bases loaded. .500 percent. You find me a guy who converts half the time with bases loaded, and I'll take that every day of the week.


So, Beastly, your answer -- how often did Harris strikeout with the bases loaded? Zero times. :)


BTW, Harris' situational stats were:


RISP, Two outs -- .243/.349.


Man on third, two outs -- .333/.438


Again, I ask you -- are you pulling this out of your ass, or what?


EDIT: Wanted to add -- if some of you are expecting Harris to be the guy to drive in big runs (not saying that you are), then I think you're expecting too much/the wrong thing from Harris. Harris can get on base, and he's lightning quick around the paths (regardless of the amount of bases he steals).

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Are you just pulling this stuff out of your ass now?


Harris had four at bats with the bases loaded this season.  Twice, he drew a walk, driving in a runner.  Twice, he got out, without advancing a runner.  Neither time did he strike out.  So, let me see here -- he converted half of his opportunitues with the bases loaded.  .500 percent.  You find me a guy who converts half the time with bases loaded, and I'll take that every day of the week.


So, Beastly, your answer -- how often did Harris strikeout with the bases loaded?  Zero times.  :)


BTW, Harris' situational stats were:


RISP, Two outs -- .243/.349.

RISP, < two outs -- .273/.372

Man on third, two outs -- .333/.438


Again, I ask you -- are you pulling this out of your ass, or what?


EDIT:  Wanted to add -- if some of you are expecting Harris to be the guy to drive in big runs (not saying that you are), then I think you're expecting too much/the wrong thing from Harris.  Harris can get on base, and he's lightning quick around the paths (regardless of the amount of bases he steals).

Once again good analysis from you Keith.


His role is to be an igniter, get things going. I was more concerned with the 70+ strikeouts than what kind of runs he drove in, etc. As you commented, we really shouldn't expect that from a leadoff hitter or a #9 hitter.


To be very frank, I'm most concerned about comments from Guillen and even a guy like Dave Wills who is close to the team re: his clubhouse presence. Who knows? But I'm concerned that Guillen doesn't appear to have confidence in this guy, and Guillen isn't going anywhere.


Some of the issues don't show up in the stats, and to be fair, a lot of my personal criticism of Harris isn't based on stats. I just seem to recall him not doing anything in key games and key situations, where getting on base, stealing, distracting the opposition, etc. would have really helped.


What I do recall are a few 3-3 and 4-5 nights for him in games that were safely in hand.


He has some talent, no doubt. He just doesn't appear to be a "heady" ballplayer to me. Tough to quantify. About the only thing I can point to is, with a decent OBP and with his speed, 19 stolen bases ... yikes. Not enough. Plus, if he's carrying himself with such confidence in the clubhouse (cocky?) and yet admits he's afraid to steal bases ... something is wrong.


And to come out at year's end and say that hitting .300 and stealing 50 bases would be "easy" ... well, no wonder Guillen rolled his eyes at that comment.


The key issue is, how much faith do Guillen and KW have in Willie Harris? That's really all that matters. He's probably been given as much or more opportunity with the White Sox than he'd get with other contending teams. Are they willing to show more confidence and give him more opportunity? Time will tell.


But there is something the White Sox do not like about him. I'm very confident in that. And it's not just statistical in nature, because as you point out, his stats are at worst decent.


Edit: just looked up a few stats, just for kicks. Harris hit .200 vs. Minnesota and was 2 for 18 vs. the Cubs. Not good.

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Once again good analysis from you Keith.


His role is to be an igniter, get things going.  I was more concerned with the 70+ strikeouts than what kind of runs he drove in, etc.  As you commented, we really shouldn't expect that from a leadoff hitter or a #9 hitter.


To be very frank, I'm most concerned about comments from Guillen and even a guy like Dave Wills who is close to the team re: his clubhouse presence.  Who knows?  But I'm concerned that Guillen doesn't appear to have confidence in this guy, and Guillen isn't going anywhere.


Some of the issues don't show up in the stats, and to be fair, a lot of my personal criticism of Harris isn't based on stats.  I just seem to recall him not doing anything in key games and key situations, where getting on base, stealing, distracting the opposition, etc. would have really helped.


What I do recall are a few 3-3 and 4-5 nights for him in games that were safely in hand.


He has some talent, no doubt.  He just doesn't appear to be a "heady" ballplayer to me.  Tough to quantify.  About the only thing I can point to is, with a decent OBP and with his speed, 19 stolen bases ... yikes.  Not enough.  Plus, if he's carrying himself with such confidence in the clubhouse (cocky?) and yet admits he's afraid to steal bases ... something is wrong.


And to come out at year's end and say that hitting .300 and stealing 50 bases would be "easy" ... well, no wonder Guillen rolled his eyes at that comment.


The key issue is, how much faith do Guillen and KW have in Willie Harris?  That's really all that matters.  He's probably been given as much or more opportunity with the White Sox than he'd get with other contending teams.  Are they willing to show more confidence and give him more opportunity?  Time will tell.


But there is something the White Sox do not like about him.  I'm very confident in that.  And it's not just statistical in nature, because as you point out, his stats are at worst decent.

Good post Jim. The two things that bother me the most about willie are his basing stealing ability and bunting ability. I think if he can work on those two things he'll up his ba and his obp while becoming a pretty solid ballplayer. Right now I think it would be fine to have him bat 9th and he'd be a very good number 9 hitter and maybe down in the lineup will take the pressure off of him and maybe he can learn some things from rock and spod. I'd still like to see someone brought in to play 2nd base that can bat 2nd in the order so we can move aaron down in the lineup, however I have absolutely no problem with willie as the starting 2nd baseman as long as he's hitting 9th to start the year.

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And when you rip Harris, I'll be right there to rip into you, because if you want to say that a guy with only a bit over a 100 AB's at the age of 30-something is acceptable, yet a guy who put up a .340+ OBP in his first year, as well as a damn good OBP against righties isn't acceptable, I'll call you out on it, every day of the week...  ;)



I don't usually use smilies, but this deserves it...

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Jim, good post.


That's the thing I worry about him most, is his attitude, because by a lot of accounts, he's not the hard-working type (not saying he's lazy), and he's got a cockiness that isn't needed at this point in his career.


I just want some people to get off of his case just a little bit, because -- at least stats wise (I dunno about clubhouse/attitude wise -- he's alright...

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I would love the Sox to sign Tadahito Iguchi. I agree that it may open up the Asian markets for the Sox. The next "Ichiro" might be familiar with the Sox because he saw Shingo and Tadahito play there. It may lead to more Sox merchandise sold in Japan. It may result in better all-star voting for our deserving players and therefore more team publicity.


If Iguchi is a fundamentally sound player who can bunt, bat second, play solid defense, and plays hard, why not take the shot. The worst is that the Sox have to use Willie Harris or trade for someone during the season.


Tadahito Iguchi is no Ichiro for sure. But he has put up a couple of good seasons Japan. I can not find his splits vs. LHP. Can anyone find those? Maybe someone who can read Japanese could help. These are some stats from Japanesebaseball.com


Tadahito Iguchi career bests

Avg- 340 obp -438 HR - 30 SB- 44


Ichiro's career bests (in Japan)

Avg- 387 obp -460 HR - 25 SB- 49

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