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Duke Of Chicago

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If any of you guys are wondering why I don't know about the team or city very much is because, I moved from New York about a month ago, and ironicly El Duke came with.

No sweat, Duke, you'll find a lot of people here don't know much about the White Sox..... :lol: :lol: :lol:


btw, green is the color of sarcasm/joking around.

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You might need to take our Sox class.


First lesson:


Hate the Cubs!


They have more fans and the have the biggest urinal known as Wrigley Field. Dispise the place. You start to hate the Cubs!!!


Second lesson:


Hate the Twins!


They are the biggest rival in the Central division. You become jealous of how they can pull the lead every year.


POP Quiz:


Question: Who does the WHITE Sox hate more?

Answer: Cubs and Twins

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You might need to take our Sox class.


First lesson:


Hate the Cubs!


They have more fans and the have the biggest urinal known as Wrigley Field. Dispise the place. You start to hate the Cubs!!!


Second lesson:


Hate the Twins!


They are the biggest rival in the Central division. You become jealous of how they can pull the lead every year.


POP Quiz:


Question: Who does the WHITE Sox hate more?

Answer: Cubs and Twins

First rule of soxtalk, NEVER listen to minny.

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I am going to be the first person to get ignored on the upgraded Soxtalk...

I feel so sad.

You know I'm just messing with ya minny. I just don't think there are any lessons he needs to learn to be a sox fan, being a sox fan is about rooting for them not about rooting against the cubs and trust me I hate the cubs as much as anyone here.

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We play 47% of our games against division opponents, and 3.7% of our games against the Cubs.


Our major rival is the best team in our division at the time. Right now, that happens to be the Twins.


When we play against the Cubs, there is an added incentive to win because Sox fans hate Cubs Culture. But the games aren't necessarily meaningful in the big picture, as the mathematics displayed up top would suggest.


The games are fun, but don't believe any of that "biggest rival" crap. That's the best advice that I could give you, anyway.

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The AL Central for sure. Two years ago we had some bitter stuff with the Royals. A few years back there was a brawl with the Tigers and good ole Weaver. The Indians will always be disliked because how I grew up with them. Then, don't even get me started on the Twins, that is all cause of the division crown though.


The Cubs are just bragging rights and six games on the schedule. My friends talk s*** when the Cubs win, and I let them know when the White Sox win. That is really all that does.

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If any of you guys are wondering why I don't know about the team or city very much is because, I moved from New York about a month ago, and ironicly El Duke came with.

You couldn't have brought A-Rod or Posada with you?


Another thing you need to remember:


When it comes to baseball I have two favorite clubs,

The Chicago White Sox, and whoever is playing the Cubs.

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Gets pretty heated at those series.

LOL, after the game is crazy, i stick around just to c the fights. Its immature of them to fight but its hillarious how intense they get, especially after a cubs loss. When the sox won the first series last season, I saw this cub fan with his girlfriend and these 3 sox fans(one fat guy) started making fun of him cuz he was wearing a cub hat, the cub fan wanted to fight and the sox fans pounded him-good stuff. felt bad for the girlfriend though.

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We play 47% of our games against division opponents, and 3.7% of our games against the Cubs.


Our major rival is the best team in our division at the time.  Right now, that happens to be the Twins.


When we play against the Cubs, there is an added incentive to win because Sox fans hate Cubs Culture.  But the games aren't necessarily meaningful in the big picture, as the mathematics displayed up top would suggest.


The games are fun, but don't believe any of that "biggest rival" crap.  That's the best advice that I could give you, anyway.

Personally, I feel the 2 cubs series are a "security" blanket, if and when we beat them in the overall series I feel a lot more secure about the season. Obviously, the playoffs are far and away our #1 goal, but beating the cubs makes the season worth something.


Also, beating the cubs in the overall series restricts my cub friends from bragging about the cubs success if they have sucess.

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You might need to take our Sox class.


First lesson:


Hate the Cubs!


They have more fans and the have the biggest urinal known as Wrigley Field. Dispise the place. You start to hate the Cubs!!!


Second lesson:


Hate the Twins!


They are the biggest rival in the Central division. You become jealous of how they can pull the lead every year.


POP Quiz:


Question: Who does the WHITE Sox hate more?

Answer: Cubs and Twins

Thanks for the White Sox 101, BTW how are you from Minny and like the Sox?

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"Upgraded Soxtalk" Minny?  I'm confused.  And WilliamTell hit my sentiments dead on.  I grew up hating the Indians, and now, while I don't like them, I hate the Twins more.

He means when the board is upgraded, there will be an ignore feature, and he will probably be the first one put on the ignore list.

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Hate whichever team is the biggest threat of winning the division. Our goal, obviously is to win the division, and the team that is best suited to win it (other than the Sox) is typically, the most hated. Used to be the Indians in their heyday, now definitely the Twins.


BTW, the Indians and Tigers have talented teams and may be ready to challenge for the division again very soon.


The only time I personally care what the Cubs are doing is when they are playing us.

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