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2004 Best of Soxtalk Awards


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Balloting will begin soon on the 2004 Best of Soxtalk Awards. Each category will be vote only, no discussion, but feel free to use this thread for any contest related questions or comments. This year there are a couple tweaks in categories. There wasn't a battle of the threads like last year, and that category was dropped. The post of the year was in reply to how to ask a girl at Blockbuster out on a date. Critic replied


Tell her you will have her back by Monday at noon
The only nomination and clearly a deserving winner.


Voting will end at the end of this year.


Happy New Years

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  SuperSteve said:
The one thing I noticed was that it is the same people in each category.

Only about 15 people bothered to make nominations. There seems to be one or two individuals that received many nominations for the same positions. The admins and mods also tried and fill in some nominees where only one or two people received nominations.

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  Texsox said:
Only about 15 people bothered to make nominations. There seems to be one or two individuals that received many nominations for the same positions. The admins and mods also tried and fill in some nominees where only one or two people received nominations.

It is too hard to make nominations IMHO off a whim.

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  SuperSteve said:
It is too hard to make nominations IMHO off a whim.

I spent some time in the posts of the month and poked around the threads with the most views in each forum. The balance was looking for quality over quantity. It was also funny looking at some of the nominations and scratching my head why? The silliest one IMHO involves me for the Rush Award for Conservative Thoughts. One of the guidelines we had was if enough people nominate a person, we put him/her on the ballot.

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  southsider2k4 said:
I don't know what Tex was up to, but I think he didn't want any converstation in the thread?  Anyways, I changed it so people can vote, but not post.

Oooops. Thank you for correcting my goof.

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  Man Of Steel said:
Maybe because im not a rookie?


Ive been at Soxtalk since June of 03'

Holy s***, I could have sworn that you were a rookie.


So Tex, since only like 15 people sent in nominee lists, I can blame you for keeping me out of the Rookie Of The Year voting in favor of, umm, redandwhite and some dude named tmar? Alrighty then. ;)

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Haha, the only place I even had a slight chance at getting nominated was Rookie of the Year. But, at all message boards I go to, I'm a 'quiet poster' type. I'm not the funniest nor the loudest, so I don't really get noticed. Oh well. I doubt I got any nominations, but it doesn't make any difference to me. Most of the others up there were more deserving anyways.


Good luck to all! :snr

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  hammerhead johnson said:
Holy s***, I could have sworn that you were a rookie.


So Tex, since only like 15 people sent in nominee lists, I can blame you for keeping me out of the Rookie Of The Year voting in favor of, umm, redandwhite and some dude named tmar?  Alrighty then. ;)



Please im throwed in the game, a Veteran if you will


and you better recognize, Tmar isnt just some guy... He should be hands down ROY, the man is an ICON :P

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  hammerhead johnson said:
Holy s***, I could have sworn that you were a rookie.


So Tex, since only like 15 people sent in nominee lists, I can blame you for keeping me out of the Rookie Of The Year voting in favor of, umm, redandwhite and some dude named tmar?  Alrighty then. ;)

Damn Hammer, I thought you'd been here as long as I have. My bad. I'll nominate you for poster of the year in 2005

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