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Best Posts of January 2005


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Gene Honda Civic in the Flying Under the Radar thread about Kobe and how some NBA players are giving up $1000 for each point they score;


It would be the first time all year that Kobe realizes he has teammates and starts passing...
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The set up

Speaking of critics, when we finally do win a World Series, think they will erect a statue of Mariotti for all his helpful suggestions?


[logging off and running for cover]


Speaking of which I liked his column today


The punch line :notworthy by YASNY


The pigeons have to have somewhere to s***.
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In the "Weird Quirks" thread:


Cheat said:


I'm a terrible car passenger --- I have an overwhelming cumpulsion to open the door while the car is moving.  I have to always keep the door locked, and if it's one of those that will open anyways, remind myself not to pull too hard on the lever. -- I'm fine when I'm driving though, I guess it's a control issue


Donkey Kongerko's response:


Have you ever actually done it and jumped from a moving vehicle? I'm no shrink but maybe your compulsion is based on curiousity and would cure itself if you tried it.


:lolhitting :lolhitting :notworthy

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From the thread about the Sox having a charity wiffle ballgame with disadvantaged kids.


The quote

The young boy stepped to the makeshift plate in the Crystal Ballroom of the Hyatt Regency Hotel, waiting for the pitch from White Sox outfielder Joe Borchard.



Later on, the young boy struck out Joe Borchard on three straight pitches.
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LMAO Southsider rules the day


The set up in Pale Hose regarding the guy who was wearing a "screen-name tag" at Soxfest and had water thrown on him.



From:  insiderinfo Jan-16 12:09 pm

To:  ALL (1 of 183)


I was at Sox Fest yesterday night and I was wearing my nametag with my name insiderinfo on it. Two guys came up to me, asked me if i posted on the whitesox message board. I said yes and they threw 2 cups of water on me and ran away laughing. I want to know who did it so I can get you banned. I ran after them but couldnt catch them. WHO DID IT?


The kid later explained others were wearing "screen-name" tags with their post counts.


From Southsider2k5 comes this gem


LMFAO! Nametags? With post totals? Why didn't they just list their penis sizes? There would have been plenty of room on the tags from the sounds of it.


:notworthy :notworthy :notworthy :lolhitting :lolhitting :lolhitting :notworthy :notworthy :notworthy

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Great one liner in the thread about Bush thanking God.


(FlaSoxxJim @ Jan 21, 2005 -> 05:55 PM)

Looks to be standing room only for history's several billion Christians (kneeling room for Catholics of course).


And Jackie Hayes reply


If that's the role that Catholics play in heaven, I'm glad I haven't been very good in my life.
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From the Tigers-White Sox Fight thread and the repeated pleas for someone to have the video, came 3E8 to the rescue


QUOTE(3E8 @ Jan 23, 2005 -> 09:48 PM)
I wasn't able to find any video of the fight, but I did manage to find some still footage.


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from 'Sosa dumped from Cubs calendar' thread:


QUOTE(The Critic @ Jan 24, 2005 -> 01:58 PM)
Here are the months on the Official SamME Calendar:




March Of The Gladiator



JuNo See Me Leave Early That Day

JuLying About That Surveillance Video

August of Wind Kept That Homer In The Park


OctobrrrrrIt's Too Cold To Play That Last Game





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