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podsednik: Leadoff man, #9 hitter or benchwarmer ?


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QUOTE(qwerty @ Jan 3, 2005 -> 01:01 AM)
Why does that still not excite me?

Me either. Vizcaino is going to have to salvage this trade, if it can be salvaged. I don't understand the excitement over this trade one bit. I know some are happy about the chance to play "Ozzieball" but the Cell is a launching pad since all the changes. This trade could turn out just awful and I'll be glad to eat crow, but as of now it looks like a terribly one sided trade to me.
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QUOTE(Yossarian @ Jan 3, 2005 -> 06:03 PM)
Me either. Vizcaino is going to have to salvage this trade, if it can be salvaged. I don't understand the excitement over this trade one bit. I know some are happy about the chance to play "Ozzieball" but the Cell is a launching pad since all the changes. This trade could turn out just awful and I'll be glad to eat crow, but as of now it looks like a terribly one sided trade to me.


We got Scott Podsednik, Luis Vizcaino, and freed up the money to sign Orlando Hernandez. Even if Hernandez may not be healthy for the whole season, I'll most definitely take those 3 players over Carlos Lee.

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QUOTE(lvjeremylv @ Jan 4, 2005 -> 04:22 AM)
I'll most definitely take those 3 players over Carlos Lee.


what he said.... i dont understand how some of you look at this trade as lee for pods and vizcaino... its those 2 AND el duque.... maybe you might need some contacts or glasses? :chair


if pods can hit .260 and steal 45 bags... with vizciano being a good bp presence... in addition to the possibilty of an allstar in el duque.... this trade might be lopsided, in our favor... it might also turn out that pods hits .200 steals 20 bags, vizciano gets lit up, and el duque only starts 5 games... making this trade lopsided, in the brewcrews favor... time will tell, one can only hope.


yeah, something like that.

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QUOTE(lvjeremylv @ Jan 3, 2005 -> 10:22 PM)
We got Scott Podsednik, Luis Vizcaino, and freed up the money to sign Orlando Hernandez.  Even if Hernandez may not be healthy for the whole season, I'll most definitely take those 3 players over Carlos Lee.


Really it is SPod, Vizcaino, Hernandez, and the two million dollars we still have not spent, which could turn into AJP, Iguchi, or someone else still. This trade is still being finished IMO.

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QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ Jan 5, 2005 -> 12:56 AM)
Really it is SPod, Vizcaino, Hernandez, and the two million dollars we still have not spent, which could turn into AJP, Iguchi, or someone else still.  This trade is still being finished IMO.

I know a lot of people didn't like the deal when we made it, although it's quite natural to think that, players like Carlos Lee don't come along every day of the week. But going into the offseason, this team had NUMEROUS holes in its lineup. Someone like RJ wasn't going to put us over the top in my opinion.


Now we have a leadoff hitter, one of the best bullpens in the league, 5 legiminate starters, and still some payroll room left for a second baseman, who could steal 30 to 40 bases and have an OBP of over .350 and / or a catcher who hardly strikes out and could hit over .300 at the Cell, and his defense ain't too shabby either.

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QUOTE(qwerty @ Jan 3, 2005 -> 06:01 PM)
Why does that still not excite me?

Even though Miller Park is a hitters park, S-Pod must have gotten himself into a flux hitting there. Even though the temptation is there at the Cell for him to keep trying to hit longballs, I'm sure Ozzie will pull his ass into line if he keeps with that mentality.

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QUOTE(DBAH0 @ Jan 4, 2005 -> 06:00 AM)
players like Carlos Lee don't come along every day of the week


Lots of players these days are hitting .300 with 30 and 100. It's not that great of a thing anymore. Players who do that need to bring more to the table to be untradeable, and IMO, Carlos Lee had 0 other assets or any intangibles. He's certainly not a stud in the field, he's not a guy fans pay to go see play, and he's not a playmaker. He seems to stay healthy, but other than that, what you see is what you get. He's not a guy the Sox are going to regret losing, IMHO.

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Slap me around if you wish, let's just play the games and see. If I'm wrong great pass the crow, hot sauce and a couple of cold ones to wash it down. I'd rather see the Sox win than be right about this trade. As of now Posednik completly underwhelms me. He's got to have a few 2003 type years or better in a row to change my mind. Vizcaino should bolster the bullpen, I think he could be the sleeper in this whole thing. I always liked El Duque, would make it a point to turn on the boob tube to watch him pitch. Still, he's at least 39 years old and hasn't pitched much the last couple of years. If he's healthy great, but this is definitely a gamble. I will say this. Give me a near 100% El Duque over Contreras any day. Contreras scares me. A pitcher who doesn't seem to know how to pitch. El Duque looks to me like he has more command and confidence than Contreras, no matter how good Contreras' stuff allegedly is. Again, I think too many Sox fans undervalue Carlos Lee. It would not surprise me if he has a monster year. I'm also tired of folks knocking his defense. Some players work hard to overcome defensive defiencies. Mike Schmitt comes to mind. Lee worked hard to become an above average defensive player. Hell, he didn't make an error last year. God help him the next time he makes one.

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