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Hurricanes and Computers


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I was just reading a computer tip regarding what to do about your computer when evacuating from a hurricane. They suggested leaving the computer in your dishwasher. It is water tight and would probably survive a house falling on it.

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QUOTE(Texsox @ Jan 5, 2005 -> 02:45 AM)

I was just reading a computer tip regarding what to do about your computer when evacuating from a hurricane. They suggested leaving the computer in your dishwasher. It is water tight and would probably survive a house falling on it.


That is a pretty good idea. My home machine is a PowerBook, so I just took it on the road with me. I did leave the wife's cheap iron (=Wintel) to the fates, however. :P


At work, I had to move 6 desktop machines into a storm bunker for the hurricanes. It's reinforced concrete and built into the side of the coastal ridge (fossil dune line), and is rated to withstand a direct hit from a Cat5 so we were in good shape ther.


But, yeah, if you don't have one of those handy at home I guess a dishwasher will do...

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