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Favorite Current Sox Player


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As I was updating my profile and realizing that my favorite current player choice is no longer around (Sandy Alomar), I was stumped as to who I should list. I really do not have a favorite on this team. Maybe Frank but Frank is Frank, and while I respect his tremendous talents, he just isn't favorite material.


It just doesn't seem right to pick some new guy, with all respect to Abo and his man-crush, starting pitchers don't play enough to become "favorite". It would be fun to pull for Crede this season, if he plays decent. Suffering with another lack luster season doesn't seem like a great way to spend a summer.


Kong? Even Fan of 14 finally jumped off that fan-wagon. Lee or Maggs would have been the next obvious choices, they too are gone.


Do we really have a guy who could be a fan favorite?

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QUOTE(Jeckle2000 @ Jan 8, 2005 -> 11:12 AM)
Look at the message under my Avatar...




AROW is one of the best pure talents to ever come out of the White Sox organization and if KW drops the ball and fails to sign him then he should be fired on the spot.

You really like your favorite players more then the team, don't you??

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QUOTE(Rowand44 @ Jan 8, 2005 -> 11:13 AM)
You really like your favorite players more then the team, don't you??


I disagree.

Aaron Rowand is the heart and soul of this team. Without his hard nose style of play and attitude we aren't contenders at all last year. Hell we aren't even pretenders.

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QUOTE(Jeckle2000 @ Jan 8, 2005 -> 11:17 AM)
I disagree.

Aaron Rowand is the heart and soul of this team. Without his hard nose style of play and attitude we aren't contenders at all last year. Hell we aren't even pretenders.

You didn't answer my question. Aaron is a great player and Kenny has offered him a contract extension he didn't accept. Why offer him more money as of right now when he's had 1 good year and it's not like he's eligible for free agency after this year. Right now it's in the best interest of the team to not just throw money at Aaron, trust me I want him locked up also but not for a huge price until he proves he can do it for 2 years in a row.

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QUOTE(Rowand44 @ Jan 8, 2005 -> 11:20 AM)
You didn't answer my question.  Aaron is a great player and Kenny has offered him a contract extension he didn't accept.  Why offer him more money as of right now when he's had 1 good year and it's not like he's eligible for free agency after this year.  Right now it's in the best interest of the team to not just throw money at Aaron, trust me I want him locked up also but not for a huge price until he proves he can do it for 2 years in a row.


Juan Uribe needed to prove he could do it again. Arow was about a career .280 hitter before coming into this season. This was nothing more then KW lowballing a player who deserved more. What happens when Rowand does repeat and he commands even more money? KW is going to lose him for nothing and he is going to end up being a superstar somewhere else.

Yes he'll eventually leave like all of the other great Sox players who the team is too cheap to keep (except Frank Thomas) and yes I will still remain a Sox fan after he's gone.

It's just so frustrating that they would cheap out on AROW yet give a long term contract to a guy who hasn't proven half of what AROW has.

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QUOTE(Jeckle2000 @ Jan 8, 2005 -> 11:26 AM)
Juan Uribe needed to prove he could do it again. Arow was about a career .280 hitter before coming into this season. This was nothing more then KW lowballing a player who deserved more. What happens when Rowand does repeat and he commands even more money? KW is going to lose him for nothing and he is going to end up being a superstar somewhere else.

Yes he'll eventually leave like all of the other great Sox players who the team is too cheap to keep (except Frank Thomas) and yes I will still remain a Sox fan after he's gone.

It's just so frustrating that they would cheap out on AROW yet give a long term contract to a guy who hasn't proven half of what AROW has.

Give me a break Jeckle. It's easier to find an Aaron Rowand then it is to find a Juan Uribe, they didn't lowball him so give that s*** up. Like I said before it seems to me you care more about your favorite players then you do about the team.

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QUOTE(Rowand44 @ Jan 8, 2005 -> 11:32 AM)
Give me a break Jeckle.  It's easier to find an Aaron Rowand then it is to find a Juan Uribe, they didn't lowball him so give that s*** up.  Like I said before it seems to me you care more about your favorite players then you do about the team.


It's easier to find a hard working CF who would do anything to help the team, who is both solid offensively and great defensively then it is to find a IF who thinks he is a power hitter and swings for the fences on every at bat.

I like AROW and I will continue to like him when he leaves. Do I like him more then I like the Sox? No.

Uribe still has to prove he can come to camp in shape. He also needs to find a shorter swing. IMO AROW is a better player at this stage of his career.

Just because I think Aaron is a better player then Uribe doesn't mean I like him more then the Sox.

AROW has the potential to walk into next year and become a star and it's going to bite us on the ass if he does.

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QUOTE(Jeckle2000 @ Jan 8, 2005 -> 11:40 AM)
It's easier to find a hard working CF who would do anything to help the team, who is both solid offensively and great defensively then it is to find a IF who thinks he is a power hitter and swings for the fences on every at bat.

I like AROW and I will continue to like him when he leaves. Do I like him more then I like the Sox? No.

Uribe still has to prove he can come to camp in shape. He also needs to find a shorter swing. IMO AROW is a better player at this stage of his career.

Just because I think Aaron is a better player then Uribe doesn't mean I like him more then the Sox.

AROW has the potential to walk into next year and become a star and it's going to bite us on the ass if he does.

It's harder to find a 25 year old shortstop who can bat .285 and hit you 25 homeruns that also has the potential to be a gold glove shortstop. If aaron hits the way he did last year he'll be locked up midseason.

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Thomas will be my fav until he retires or is traded.


Baines was my fav until he was traded to Texas for Sosa.


Fisk was my fav after that until he retired.


Ventura was my fav after Fisk retired until he went to the Mets.


Then I moved my "fandom" to Thomas.


I suppose, Konerko or Buehrle will be next, but... we will see....

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