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Won my 1st poker game in the Office today b/w 6 players, winner takes all. Got on a hot streak at the end winning 4 hands in a row, and I ended up winning with 3 10's (1 10 came on the river and I had pocket 10's) vs. A/2.


So it seems my reputation around the workplace of being a poker nut (the Scottish guy caught me looking at Rotoworld, it had a poker ad, he assumes I was playing poker) may actually be justified. :lol:

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QUOTE(Tony82087 @ Feb 10, 2006 -> 04:07 PM)
Why, o' why did I get these tickets for my GF as a X-mas gift....

I had to go see a play.........f***, not just a play, a musical.


So i know what you're feeling.

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QUOTE(AddisonStSox @ Feb 11, 2006 -> 12:05 PM)
Anyone know how to remove the spyware named isearch Desktop search?


It hijacks your browser and brings you to advertisements.


This older version of Spysweeper doesn't remove it in full.

There's actually a file that gets downloaded into your programs that needs to be removed. Its hard to remove though and you actually got to download something to get rid of it.


I had something very similar to what you had. It would always give me advertisments on IE (even when I freaking shut IE down). Took me a while and basically myself clearing out every damn file I had not scene before (one of which happened to be my sound card driver and DVD Codecs, but I was able to fix that).


If you google it you can probably find what the exact programs you need to remove are. I had a few different ones that ended up causing it all (it won't just allow you to delete them, you kind of have to go around it).


The nice part is, since I blew up my computer trying to get rid of it, I've yet to have a pop up (any damn piece of spyware has long been wiped off my machine).

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I feel like my body has gotten totally out of shape, so I got my doctor's permission to join a fitness club and start exercising. I decided to take an aerobics class for seniors. I bent, twisted, gyrated, jumped up and down, and perspired for an hour. But, by the time I got my leotards on, the class was over.


--- Reporters interviewing a 104-year-old woman: "And what do you think is the best thing about being 104?" the reporter asked. She simply replied, "No peer pressure."


--- The nice thing about being senile is you can hide your own Easter eggs.


--- Just before the funeral services, the undertaker came up to the very elderly widow and asked, "How old was your husband?" "98," she replied. "Two years older than me." "So you're 96," the undertaker commented. She responded, "Hardly worth going home, is it?


--- I've sure gotten old.! I've had two bypass surgeries, a hip replacement, new knees. Fought prostate cancer and diabetes. I'm half blind, can't hear anything quieter than a jet engine, take 40 different medications that make me dizzy, winded, and subject to blackouts. Have bouts with dementia. Have poor circulation; hardly feel my hands and feet anymore. Can't remember if I'm 85 or 92. Have lost all my friends. But, thank God, I still have my driver's license.


--- A 97-year-old man goes into his doctor's office and says, "Doc, I want my sex drive lowered." "Sir," replied the doctor, "you're 97 Don't you think your sex drive is all in your head?" "You're damned right it is!" replied the old man. "That's why I want it lowered!"


--- An elderly woman decided to prepare her will and told her preacher she had two final requests. First, she wanted to be cremated, and second, she wanted her ashes scattered over Wal-Mart. "Wal-Mart?" the preacher exclaimed. "Why Wal-Mart?" "Then I'll be sure my daughters visit me twice a week."


---My memory's not as sharp as it used to be. Also, my memory's not as sharp as it used to be.


--- Know how to prevent sagging? Just eat till the wrinkles fill out.


---I've still got it, but nobody wants to see it.


---It's scary when you start making the same noises as your coffeemaker.


---These days about half the stuff in my shopping cart says, "For fast relief."


---I've tried to find a suitable exercise video for women my age, but they haven't made one called "Buns of Putty."


---Don't think of it as getting hot flashes. Think of it as your inner child playing with matches.


---Don't let aging get you down. It's too hard to get back up!


--- Remember: You don't stop laughing because you grow old, You grow old because you stop laughing.


- --THE SENILITY PRAYER : Grant me the senility to forget the people I never liked anyway, the good fortune to run into the ones I do, and the eyesight to tell the difference.

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A man wakes up one morning to find a bear on his roof. So he looks in the yellow pages and sure enough, there's an ad for "Bear Removers."


He calls the number, and the bear remover says he'll be right over. The bear remover arrives, and gets out of his van. He's got a ladder, a baseball bat, a shotgun and a mean old pit bull.


"What are you going to do," the homeowner asks?


"I'm going to put this ladder up against the roof, then I'm going to go up there and knock the bear off the roof with this baseball bat. When the bear falls off, the pit bull is trained to grab his testicles and not let go.


"The bear will then be subdued enough for me to put him in the cage in the back of the van."


He hands the shotgun to the homeowner.


"What's the shotgun for?" asks the homeowner.


"If the bear knocks me off the roof, shoot the dog."

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