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QUOTE(Tony82087 @ Sep 1, 2006 -> 12:36 PM)
I love that new snack wrap a McDonalds. Its a $1.29 and feels like im not eating something that bad.

330 calories and 24% of your dv of saturated fat (from McD's website)

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QUOTE(Brian @ Sep 1, 2006 -> 01:27 PM)
5 Bottles of Rolling Rock...$24

3 shots of jager....$18

3 hours of darts on a Thursday Night...$10

Sleeping til 11am than filling your belly with White Castles...Priceless!


$6 shot? but only $4.50 for Rolling Rock? Where were you at?


Gotta love that White Castle in Gurnee :cheers

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QUOTE(DBAH0 @ Sep 2, 2006 -> 10:38 AM)
Yikes. But I'm sure that's part of their "healthier options" menu right? :D

Oh hon, it's a SNACK. So, you have one of those around 10, then come back for your Big Mac, SuperSize Fries and Diet Coke at noon at dinner time.



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QUOTE(Soxy @ Sep 2, 2006 -> 11:44 AM)
Oh hon, it's a SNACK. So, you have one of those around 10, then come back for your Big Mac, SuperSize Fries and Diet Coke at noon at dinner time.




Exactly. Don't forget a healthy salad for dinner and the egg McMuffin for breakfast.

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QUOTE(LosMediasBlancas @ Sep 2, 2006 -> 02:05 PM)
Anyone ever had a Wattaburger? YUM!

Are there any in Cali.?

Not that I know of. I've seen commercials for them but I'm 99% sure those were commercials that I saw via the MLB package (so it was an out of area broadcast).


I'll say this, there are some good places to eat in Palm Desert but i'm not sure about if there are any unique fast food places there. I know there's a Farmer Boy there and supposedly they are supposed to have very good fast food hamburgers.

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QUOTE(Texsox @ Sep 2, 2006 -> 10:01 AM)
$6 shot? but only $4.50 for Rolling Rock? Where were you at?


Gotta love that White Castle in Gurnee :cheers


In Laws. I may have messed up prices. Tad groggy when I wrote it.

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Anyone attend the Kenny Chesney concern yesterday at Bridgeview stadium? I'm interested in your thoughts of the venue. After working two concerts, I can honestly say it's a terrible experience for both patron and employee.


I must have been verbally assaulted several hundred times -- of which included 8 death threats to myself and 3 to my mother. Not that it bothered me personally, but hearing insults for three hours straight isn't exactly an ideal situation for working. It was so bad at one point several offduty Chicago Policemen volunteered to assist me.


The reason these people were upset -- and I can certaintly understand -- is there were no bathrooms on the concert floor. This area held roughly 10,000 people, and every person had to exit through a narrow isle leading up 30 flights of stairs. When the concert ended, with probably 5,000 pushing each other to the front, I ignored my orders of maintaing two exists and opened several more. These drunks were seriously on the verge of rioting. People were pissed. Someone even threw a sock at me. Seriously, who does that? :bang :D


If anyone is thinking about attending a concert at Bridgeview, I have two warnings: one, avoid seats on the field. Despite their promixity, the discomfort of waiting in bathroom/exit lines severly dampers the experience. Two, be prepared to wait perhaps an hour to exit the stadium. Limited exists, which converge with several parking lots, create a literal bottleneck.

Edited by Flash Tizzle
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QUOTE(Flash Tizzle @ Sep 3, 2006 -> 12:21 AM)
Anyone attend the Kenny Chesney concern yesterday at Bridgeview stadium? I'm interested in your thoughts of the venue. After working two concerts, I can honestly say it's a terrible experience for patron and employee.


I must have been verbally assaulted several hundred times -- of which included 8 death threats to myself and 3 to my mother. Not that it bothered me personally, but hearing insults for three hours straight isn't exactly an ideal situation for working. It was so bad at one point several offduty Chicago Policemen volunteered to assist me.


The reason these people were upset -- and I can certaintly understand -- is there were no bathrooms on the concert floor. This area held roughly 10,000 people, and every person had to exit through a narrow isle leading up 30 flights of stairs. When the concert ended, I ignored my orders of maintaing two exists and opened several more. These drunks were seriously on the verge of rioting.


If anyone is thinking about attending a concert at Bridgeview, I have two warnings: one, avoid seats on the field. Despite their promixity, the discomfort of waiting in bathroom/exit lines severly dampers the experience. Two, be prepared to wait perhaps an hour to exit the stadium. Limited exists, which converge with several parking lots, create a literal bottleneck.

Lance Broadway at the concert by chance? :P

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QUOTE(Rowand44 @ Sep 3, 2006 -> 12:23 AM)
Lance Broadway at the concert by chance? :P

Hey, if Broadway ever wants free reign to insult me he should attend a Bridgeview event. There's not a damn thing I can do about verbal insults, unless it becomes physical or my immediate health is at risk. If it is, then I'll whoop Broadways ass without thinking twice. :D

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QUOTE(Brian @ Sep 1, 2006 -> 01:27 PM)
Sleeping til 11am than filling your belly with White Castles...Priceless!


There was a long hair in my fries when I went last week. :puke


That may have ruined my white castle experience for life.



By the way, is there some kind of protocol for that? What is the proper action? All I did was tell the manager, and I got a replacement.

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When I Was Your Age ...


Queen Prawn was passing a group of young teens sitting on the church lawn and stopped to ask what they were doing.


"Nothing much, Queenie," replied one boy. "We were just seeing who can tell the biggest lie about their sex life.""Boys, boys, boys!" she scolded. "I'm shocked. When I was your age, I never even thought about sex."


In unison they all replied, "You win!"

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Heard this joke today;


A Duck walks into a Supermarket on the 1st day and asks the Clerk, "Do you have any Duck Food?" The clerk says no, and the duck says he'll come back tomorrow.


Same thing happens the next day.


On the 3rd day, the Duck asks the same question and the Clerk says "If you come back and ask that question one more time, I'm going to nail your webbed feet to the ground".


So the next day the Duck comes back to the supermarket and asks the clerk "Do you have any nails?" The clerk says "No we don't", so the Duck asks "Do you have any Duck Food?"

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[mindless rambling] I went to Frankfort Fest and ended up buy Brain his anniversary present - an end table that was hand crafted in lodge-decor fashion (met the gentleman that makes the pieces). Brain has been asking me what I want and I told him think of something (I have no idea what I want, if I even want anything). I bought the end table because I thought he would like it and decided after I bought it that it would be his anniversary gift (it is hiding at my MIL's house for the time being).


Brain 's nieces and nephews were over Sunday for our niece's 1st birthday. She shares her bday with my FIL so while we celebrated, there was a little sadness as well (their bday is 9/7). Our nephew ran his mouth and when Brain got up to speak with him he takes off into my SIL's house and proceeded to knock over a glass of juice onto her beige carpet. Brain told him to clean it up and went into drama queen mode screaming and crying running to the second floor. He kept saying that he was afraid Brain was going to hit him because Brain threw the rag at him telling him to clean up his mess (Brain was going to help him but ended up cleaning up most of it with the nephew's dad). I actually snapped at the kid because he would stop crying and freaking out. Brain has never so much as said a cross word to him even after he kept running his mouth and calling Brain names. It made me really think hard about whether I really want to try for kids after our first anniversary.


I do not know why, but I have been in the WORST mood since Sunday. My allergies flared up Sunday morning so after church I went to Dominick's and picked up some Benadryl. I took 3 doses that day and none since, but feel emotionally like crap. [/mindless rambling]

Edited by Queen Prawn
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QUOTE(Queen Prawn @ Sep 5, 2006 -> 10:05 AM)
[mindless rambling] I went to Frankfort Fest and ended up buy Brain his anniversary present - an end table that was hand crafted in lodge-decor fashion (met the gentleman that makes the pieces). Brain has been asking me what I want and I told him think of something (I have no idea what I want, if I even want anything). I bought the end table because I thought he would like it and decided after I bought it that it would be his anniversary gift (it is hiding at my MIL's house for the time being).


Brain 's nieces and nephews were over Sunday for our niece's 1st birthday. She shares her bday with my FIL so while we celebrated, there was a little sadness as well (their bday is 9/7). Our nephew ran his mouth and when Brain got up to speak with him he takes off into my SIL's house and proceeded to knock over a glass of juice onto her beige carpet. Brain told him to clean it up and went into drama queen mode screaming and crying running to the second floor. He kept saying that he was afraid Brain was going to hit him because Brain threw the rag at him telling him to clean up his mess (Brain was going to help him but ended up cleaning up most of it with the nephew's dad). I actually snapped at the kid because he would stop crying and freaking out. Brain has never so much as said a cross word to him even after he kept running his mouth and calling Brain names. It made me really think hard about whether I really want to try for kids after our first anniversary.


I do not know why, but I have been in the WORST mood since Sunday. My allergies flared up Sunday morning so after church I went to Dominick's and picked up some Benadryl. I took 3 doses that day and none since, but feel emotionally like crap. [/mindless rambling]


Just keep this in mind... Kids are a product of their enviornment. If the kid is acting out, there is probably something behind it. Either the parents never disipline him at all, or they give into his rantings. When it is your child, it is you all who decide how to raise them, and therefore how they will act. Don't let someone elses bad kids change your minds. I don't know Brain at all, but from what I have seen here at least, I think you would make an excellent mommy.

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