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Catch-All Anything Thread


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QUOTE(ChiSoxyGirl @ Mar 30, 2005 -> 05:03 PM)
Right now I've got it narrowed to Stiletto and Black Betsy. I'm thinking that it will be Black Betsy.


She's been home for about 2 hours and hasn't tried to run away or hide under furniture (always a good sign for any budding relationship)--and she's even come up to snuggle and get petted.


Stiletto? I don't like the name for a cat but I love :wub: how you think :lol:

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Those are some cool ideas for some names there. I've got a ginger cat, and his name is Nike, mainly because he's got white feet so it looks like he's wearing sneakers (corny I know). He's a real nice sociable cat, but he's too fat and greedy. Here's a pic of him on a mousepad saved from my webcam;

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QUOTE(DBAH0 @ Mar 30, 2005 -> 08:28 PM)
Those are some cool ideas for some names there. I've got a ginger cat, and his name is Nike, mainly because he's got white feet so it looks like he's wearing sneakers (corny I know). He's a real nice sociable cat, but he's too fat and greedy. Here's a pic of him on a mousepad saved from my webcam;

That cat looks like he bosses everyone around. :) But he's a cutie--I was debating getting the black one I ended up with or a ginger one. But I figure a black cat suits my personality better. :D

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QUOTE(ChiSoxyGirl @ Mar 30, 2005 -> 09:34 PM)
That cat looks like he bosses everyone around. :) But he's a cutie--I was debating getting the black one I ended up with or a ginger one. But I figure a black cat suits my personality better.  :D


Plus he's White Sox colored.

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QUOTE(greasywheels121 @ Mar 30, 2005 -> 08:38 PM)
Plus he's White Sox colored.

Lol, I knew I wanted to name her Black Betsy for a reason.....It's, like, totally Kismet...

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Four lawyers in a law firm lived and died for their Saturday morning round of golf. It was their favorite moment of the week. Then one of the lawyers was transferred to an office in another city. It wasn't quite the same without him.


A new woman lawyer joined their law firm. One day she overheard the remaining three talking about their golf round at the coffee table.


Curious, she spoke up, "You know, I used to play on my golf team in college and I was pretty good. Would you mind if I joined you next week?"


The three lawyers looked at each other. They were hesitant. Not one of them wanted to say 'yes', but she had them on the spot. Finally one man said it would be okay, but they would be starting pretty early at 6:30 am. He figured the early Tee-Time would discourage her immediately.


The woman said this might be a problem and asked if she could possibly be up to 15 minutes late. They rolled their eyes but said this would be okay. She smiled and said, "Good, then I'll be there either at 6:30 or 6:45."


She showed up right at 6:30 and wound up beating all three of them with an eye-opening 2-under par round. She was a fun and pleasant person the entire round. The guys were impressed! Back in the clubhouse they congratulated her and happily invited her back the next week! She smiled and said "Sure, I'll be here at 6:30 or 6:45 ."


The next week she again showed up at 6:30 Saturday morning. Only this time, she played left-handed. The three lawyers were incredulous as she still managed to beat them with an even par round despite playing with her off-hand.


By now the guys were totally amazed, but wondered if she was just trying to make them look bad by beating them left-handed. They couldn't figure her out. She was again very pleasant and didn't seem to be showing them up, but each man began to harbor a burning desire to beat her!


In the third week they all had their game faces on. But this week she was 15 minutes late! This had the guys irritable because each was determined to play the best round of golf of his life to beat her. As they waited for her, they figured her late arrival was some petty gamesmanship on her part.


Finally she showed up.


This week the lady lawyer played right-handed which was a good thing since she narrowly beat all three of them. However she was so gracious and so complimentary of their strong play, it was hard to keep a grudge against her. This woman was a riddle no one could figure out!


Back in the clubhouse she had all three guys shaking their heads at her ability. They had a couple beers after their round which helped the conversation loosen up.


Finally one of the men could contain his curiosity no longer. He asked her point blank, "How do you decide if you're going to golf right-handed or left-handed?"


The lady blushed and grinned. She said, "That's easy. When my dad taught me to play golf, I learned I was ambidextrous. I have always had fun switching back and forth. Then when I met my husband in college and got married, I discovered he always sleeps in the nude. From then on I developed a silly habit. Right before I left in the morning for golf practice, I would pull the covers off him. If his you-know-what was pointing to the right, I golfed right-handed; if it was pointed to the left, I golfed left-handed. All the girls on the team thought this was hysterical."


Astonished at this bizarre information, one of the guys shot back, "But what if it's pointed straight up in the air?"


She said, "Then I'm fifteen minutes late.

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Last week, thanks to you, Republicans in Congress heard first hand how Americans will not stand by quietly and let their voices be silenced. Tomorrow morning, we will take the next step, when a vitally important johnkerry.com ad appears in USA Today. I will send a copy to every one of my Republican colleagues in the Senate. When I do, I want to tell them that the number of people standing behind the ad's powerful message now stands at over 200,000. Help us get there.


See the ad - and count yourself among those personally supporting its message.




Tens of thousands of you have already called your Republican Senators opposing GOP leaders' efforts to invoke the so-called "nuclear option" on the confirmation of federal judges. We are acting in response to a disturbing pattern in which a handful of Republican leaders seek the ability to do whatever they want, whenever they want, without regard to principle.


We have to act because America can't afford to go where they're trying to take us.




The Republican drive to silence your voice in Washington is in high gear. House Leader Tom DeLay has led a no-holds-barred drive to silence all opposing voices in the Congress. He also engineered a highly partisan effort to force the redrawing of congressional districts in Texas - funded by heavy-handed tactics that led to the indictment of three close DeLay associates. And last week, DeLay issued an ominous threat that federal judges (appointed by both Democrats and Republicans) who dared to defy his wishes in the Terry Schiavo case will have to "answer for their behavior."


Making President Bush's judicial nominations immune to a Senate filibuster is the next step in the GOP's out-of-control grab for power. If Senator Frist, the Senate Majority Leader, can convince enough Republican Senators to go along, the nomination and confirmation of judges will become a tightly-controlled, one-party affair.


We're calling on Republican Senators to persuade their party's leaders not to pursue this reckless course.


If you haven't done so already, please contact your Republican Senator's office. Politely let him or her know that, as a constituent, you are deeply opposed to Senator Frist's "nuclear option" plan. Then take another step. Add your name to the list of those personally supporting our call for an end to the wide-ranging Republican assault on constitutional principles.


Thanks for helping with this vital and time-sensitive effort.




John Kerry


P.S. When I send our USA Today ad to my Republican colleagues tomorrow morning, I want to tell them that its message has been personally backed by over 200,000 people. You can help us reach that goal. Please sign now - and, after you do, please forward this e-mail to your friends, neighbors, and family.

Edited by Texsox
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The Republican drive to silence your voice in Washington is in high gear. House Leader Tom DeLay has led a no-holds-barred drive to silence all opposing voices in the Congress. He also engineered a highly partisan effort to force the redrawing of congressional districts in Texas - funded by heavy-handed tactics that led to the indictment of three close DeLay associates. And last week, DeLay issued an ominous threat that federal judges (appointed by both Democrats and Republicans) who dared to defy his wishes in the Terry Schiavo case will have to "answer for their behavior."


For the record, Cheney has already shot down this "answer for their behavior" thing.

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QUOTE(YASNY @ Apr 4, 2005 -> 03:10 PM)
For the record, Cheney has already shot down this "answer for their behavior" thing.


Thank God all Republicans listen to Chaney. I thought Delay might have been acting on his own. The ethics problems that Delay is having, are those also linked directly to the White House?


I applaud Chaney coming out and doing the right thing. I just think Republican law makers are a more independent bunch, especially when Chaney is gone at the end of this term.


Getting past the partisan b.s. for a minute. Constructive, honest debate is a good thing for our society. Trying to score debate points and setting up issues for the next round of elections, is not. Don't shut off debate but make it real.

Edited by Texsox
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