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QUOTE(FlaSoxxJim @ Sep 16, 2005 -> 11:19 AM)
You don't go for the sweet tea, and your invitation to come visit the South is officially revoked.


And you'd BETTER NOT say anything bad about grits.  :fight  :D

I wasn't knocking SWEET TEA, I was vomiting at the thought of SWEAT TEA, as Tex spelled it.... :D


and I won't say anything bad about grits - I won't EAT them, but I won't say anything bad about them either......and I've been to Florida twice already, with a 3rd trip pencilled in for spring.....is Florida in "the South"????


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QUOTE(Mercy! @ Sep 16, 2005 -> 06:06 PM)
What’s up these days with the Budweiser Twins?  Wouldn’t they have been a better choice to do that photo op at the Astrodome than  their grandma, Babs?



I thought Jenna (the one that kept getting in trouble, that her name?) was teaching school somewhere?

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QUOTE(FlaSoxxJim @ Sep 16, 2005 -> 07:55 PM)
I thought Jenna (the one that kept getting in trouble, that her name?) was teaching school somewhere?

She is. An inner city somewhere I believe. DC maybe?

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A woman took her car to her mechanic. She told him "Every time I take any of my friends out in my car after a while there is this terrible smell. It never happens when I am on my own" This quite intrigued

the mechanic so he said, "OK, lets go for a spin and see what the problem is". Off they went. She drove down a one-way street in the wrong direction at 60 MPH, swerving, hitting the curb on both sides of the street, narrowly missed three pedestrians in pedestrian crossings, ran several red lights, and just missed a policeman on street traffic duty. They returned to the shop and she said, "There it is now; there's that terrible smell. Can you smell it?"


"Smell it.......... hell lady, I'm sitting in it".

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Too much emotion this weekend.


First, my hamster is dying. I don't think Stinky Butt is going to see the end of the week. I hope the little rat bastard proves me wrong, but he is declining rapidly now and the medicine he has been taking isn't helping much (hoping it is a situation that he needs to get worse before he gets better, but I don't think so :crying ).


Next, driving to work this morning, I noticed the handling is getting bumpy, but the tires have plenty of tread and inflation so I have no idea what is wrong and have no time to deal with it.


Lastly, I had my bridal shower yesteryday and the number of people that turned out floored me. It was great to see so many family members and to hang out with the bridesmaids, especially my sister. Of course my mom got me - she had a tupence from the first trip my parents took to Ireland together (she was pregnant with me and no, she didn't know she was having a girl). The tupence a tradition that calls for it to be placed in my right shoe as a good luck charm so that Brian and I may never be hungry - there is always money for bread. A 'tupence' or two pence is used as a symbol of two becoming one. Needless to say I started crying while reading the card.


And now, day has become night as all hell prepares to break loose out here in Rolling Meadows. :pray


Thanks for letting me get this out. :gosox3:

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Took the dog out last night around midnight. She was done doing her business and we started walking back to the house, when all of a sudden she stopped dead in her tracks. I heard a sound and looked up.


There, perched on top of the house was the sillouhette of the biggest damn bird I have ever seen in my entire life!!! This thing was friggin' HUGE! Obviously it was an owl with sights on my dog (12 week old cocker, so she isn't that big), but I could do nothing but stand there mouth agape and muttering "holy s***...holy s***...holy s***...". Then it spead it's wings and took flight, and I stood there with a louder "holy s***...holy s***...".


My wife kept asking what was going on, and I could only reply with a nervous laugh with more "holy s***'s" and "good lord...oh my god" type of stuff.


I swear, this thing was HUGE! I don't ever exaggerate the size of animals I have run into, so trust me, this thing was monstrous! However big an owl can get to in these parts, this thing was every little bit that large.


Puppy will NOT be going out by herself at night for a LONG time to come.

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QUOTE(Kid Gleason @ Sep 19, 2005 -> 09:15 AM)
Took the dog out last night around midnight. She was done doing her business and we started walking back to the house, when all of a sudden she stopped dead in her tracks. I heard a sound and looked up.


There, perched on top of the house was the sillouhette of the biggest damn bird I have ever seen in my entire life!!! This thing was friggin' HUGE! Obviously it was an owl with sights on my dog (12 week old cocker, so she isn't that big), but I could do nothing but stand there mouth agape and muttering "holy s***...holy s***...holy s***...". Then it spead it's wings and took flight, and I stood there with a louder "holy s***...holy s***...".


My wife kept asking what was going on, and I could only reply with a nervous laugh with more "holy s***'s" and "good lord...oh my god" type of stuff.


I swear, this thing was HUGE! I don't ever exaggerate the size of animals I have run into, so trust me, this thing was monstrous! However big an owl can get to in these parts, this thing was every little bit that large.


Puppy will NOT be going out by herself at night for a LONG time to come.

Sounds like Kid Gleason will NOT be going out by HIMself at night for a LONG time to come..... :P :D

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Are you kidding!?! If I knew there would be a chance of that critter being out there everynight, I would move my bed out there just to make sure I could see it everynight! You don't get to see something that awe-inspiring everynight, and when you do, it is a damn near life changing experience! Now today I can't stop thinking about what I encountered last night, and my boss is HIGHLY envious. I'm an animal fanatic as is, and to see something like that, well, it just doesn't get much better than that!


But the pooch doesn't get to encounter it again.

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The owl story reminds me of 2 kinda funny stories.


1.) When I was a new-born (ish) my parents took went canoeing along the I & M canal in morris. Apparently a great horned owl that was huge, my dad said a 6 ft wingspan, kept swooping down towards the canoe and, more specifically, the little baby in the middle. Allegedly it was a very short canoe ride.


2.) This past weekend a baby racoon was just sitting outside my parents' house. My dad kept chasing it away. Then he was in the kitchen and went into the living room and say our (very stupid) cat standing pressing against the window screen (the window was open). Pressing the screen on the other side (outside) was the baby racoon. Apparently, neither the cat nor the racoon were making any noises they were just standing there about nose to nose. So my dad tried to hold the screen in (so the racoon couldn't push it open and get into the house), while also trying to shut the window again to keep the racoon out. And that is how the cat almost got eaten this weekend.

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We usually let the dog out at midnight as well to do his business. Well one night, whoever it was that let him out (it wasn't me) lost him, and for the next hour we proceeded to drive around the neighborhood trying to find him with no luck at all. So we head back at home, I go outside for one last quick look, and out he comes, covered in dirt from under the house where he waws chasing a possum. :bang

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Lol, DBAHO's story reminded me of one time I thought someone let the cat out because I see what I think is the cat. So I run after her and I'm yelling Tommie get back here. And she just keeps running so I am about to catch her when she runs under a street lamp turns around and kind of growls/hisses at me. It is then that I realize I almost picked up a racoon, and not my cat.


We also had racoons living in our chimney a couple of times.

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Looks like Stinky Butt is worse this afternoon. I don't want him to die, but I can't stand that he is suffering. . . I wish God would just take him already. He's had a little over two years which is the low end of their typical life span.


This sucks being at work today. At least I will be home tomorrow since my car has to get taken in for diagnosis.

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Emergency vets suck ass. I just tried calling several of them and not one of them see hamsters. I told them what was wrong and they didn't even offer the meds for it (wet tail is a common ailment, but can and often is deadly). She says to call a local vet tomorrow morning. He isn't going to see tomorrow morning - why can't they give him something to put him to sleep?! Oh, that's right he won't make them enough money. Where is that f you finger when you need one?!


Editted to add: Apparently the other hamsters are not letting him die alone. The two closest to him have moved their nests to the corners closest to Stinky's cage.


Thanks for letting me get this out here. I love my little Stinky. Brian said that is always made him laugh because he knew when I was coming home - within five minutes of me walking through the door Stinky would run downstairs to his little door to wait for me and would stand on his hind legs after I closed the door behind me to get my attention lol. I would put him in his ball and instead of meandering where he pleased, he would follow me around and if I was in the shower he would repeatedly roll into the door until I opened it. I hope a miracle happens, but I think he might be beyond miracles at this point.

Edited by Queen Prawn
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Your problem with the Vet is a BIG reason I am thinking of going back to school to become one. It pisses me off that the vast majority of your vets won't treat anything but dogs and cats. They almost seem to think that no other pets mean anything to people. I'm convinced that many vets are NOT animal lovers.


I'm sorry to be reading about Stinky, and I do know how great hamsters are. I had three growing up, and now my daughter has Speedy. Speedy and I are buddies, since I am the one who cleans her cage and lets her out most of the time. I also know what you mean about the them following you in the ball. They really do seem much smarter than what anybody would give a rodent credit for being. But them, like rats also, really seem to be quite smart. They're unique little critters, and very easy to fall in love with. My wife hated hamsters, until Speedy came into the house. She still won't hold her, as the paws creep her out, but she does find her very cute.


Hang in there with Stinky, and just realize that if Stinky does go, from what I can tell out of what you have written and what I have gained to know of you in my time here, you gave that little critter a perfect home.

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QUOTE(Queen Prawn @ Sep 19, 2005 -> 08:44 PM)
Emergency vets suck ass.  I just tried calling several of them and not one of them see hamsters.  I told them what was wrong and they didn't even offer the meds for it (wet tail is a common ailment, but can and often is deadly).  She says to call a local vet tomorrow morning.  He isn't going to see tomorrow morning - why can't they give him something to put him to sleep?!  Oh, that's right he won't make them enough money.  Where is that f you finger when you need one?!


Editted to add: Apparently the other hamsters are not letting him die alone.  The two closest to him have moved their nests to the corners closest to Stinky's cage.


Thanks for letting me get this out here.  I love my little Stinky.  Brian said that is always made him laugh because he knew when I was coming home - within five minutes of me walking through the door Stinky would run downstairs to his little door to wait for me and would stand on his hind legs after I closed the door behind me to get my attention lol.  I would put him in his ball and instead of meandering where he pleased, he would follow me around and if I was in the shower he would repeatedly roll into the door until I opened it.  I hope a miracle happens, but I think he might be beyond miracles at this point.


Sorry to hear about Stinky. If you need someone to roll into the door until you open it, while your taking a shower, I'm certain there are many volunteers here for you.


BTW, it is harder to get into Vet school than Medical school.


:pray for Stinky and the family.

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