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Dear James, (that's what he calls me in public  :wub: )


It's now or never if we want to save the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, and the White House and Republican leaders in Congress are stacking the odds against us. They're using underhanded procedural tactics to sneak through legislation to destroy the Arctic Refuge. The vote will occur this week in the Senate and next week in the House of Representatives.


We need your help to spread the truth about what's happening. We will fight this to the end, however long the odds, to show them that America won't stand for their misplaced priorities.


Call your Members of Congress today


Despite years of control in Washington, George Bush and the Republican leadership have been unable to secure support for opening the Refuge to oil drilling.


Why? Because of you. Thanks to the incredible grassroots work that you've done year after year, we have been able to hold elected officials accountable on this issue and it has driven the Republicans crazy.


During the debate on the Arctic Refuge last spring, Republican leaders were so upset about our email and the work of more than 425,000 concerned members of the johnkerry.com community that they literally complained about it during the debate on the Senate floor.


We must have been doing something right and we need to do so again.


Please call Congress and urge them to support efforts to protect the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge.


Call your Members of Congress today


These votes will decide the fate of the Refuge. It's no time to be sitting on the sidelines. We have to make our voice heard in this debate on Capitol Hill, and if we lose the vote there, we have to make sure we don't lose the debate across America.


There are two important ways you can help:


1) Call your Members of Congress today and urge them to vote to protect the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge.


2) Join me and millions of Americans who are working hard in 2005 and 2006 to change the course in Washington and elect more progressive leaders to Congress and the Senate who are committed to protecting and preserving all that makes this country so special. It's called Keeping America's Promise and we need your help to support candidates who share our vision of America.


People in America are tired of the corruption, cronyism, and incompetence coming out of Washington these days. And it isn't just underhanded tactics in politics; we are seeing it in policy as well.


We need to get the truth out about how Republicans are hijacking the legislative process to destroy Alaska's wildlife refuge.


Led by my friend Maria Cantwell of Washington in the Senate and my friend and fellow Massachusetts legislator Ed Markey in the House, we have established a strong bi-partisan coalition in the House and Senate to try to stop this underhanded maneuver.


We need your help to get the message out. Please call your Members of Congress and let the facts speak for themselves.


    * Drilling in the Arctic Refuge can't make even a small dent in meeting America's energy needs. U.S. Geological Survey scientists estimate that there is very likely only enough oil to supply America's needs for six months. And oil companies admit that even that won't be available for at least 10 years.

    * The Arctic National Wildlife Refuge's 19 million acres comprise one of the last places on earth where an intact expanse of arctic and sub arctic land remains protected.

    * An irreplaceable natural treasure, the Arctic Refuge is home to caribou, polar bears, grizzly bears, wolves, golden eagles, snow geese and more. Millions of other birds use the Arctic Refuge to nest and as a critical staging area on their migratory journeys.

    * The Arctic Refuge supports more than wildlife. For a thousand generations, the Gwich'in people of Northeast Alaska and Northwest Canada have depended on it and lived in harmony with it. To them, the Arctic Coastal Plain is sacred ground.

    * Oil companies are experiencing windfall profits while Americans struggle at the pump. They don't need any more giveaways from the Republican Party, especially ones that put our environment behind special interests.

    * It's time this Administration acknowledged we can't drill our way to energy independence. We have to invent our way there.


You can make a difference by getting this message out. Now is the time to take action. Call your elected representatives, recruit your friends and neighbors to do the same, and together we can break through.


Call your Members of Congress today


Starting this week, Senator Cantwell and I will be fighting to protect the Refuge on the Senate floor. And next week, the debate will move to the House of Representatives. The support of the johnkerry.com community is essential in this fight. We can't let the Republican leadership have the last word on saving this national treasure. Join us and send a powerful message to Washington that the American people are ready and willing to hold elected leaders accountable for the actions they take.


Thank You.




John Kerry


P.S. This will be an historic vote for the environment. We really need your help to get the word out. Please pass this email along to all your friends and family.

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QUOTE(ChiSoxyGirl @ Nov 2, 2005 -> 02:59 PM)
How long is it normal for a sprained ankle to be swollen and painful?

I dunno, a couple of days maybe. How long have you been putting ice on it etc. :bang


But yes sprained ankles and injuries to the foot can be very painful. Reminds me of the time when I fell off the monkey bars and fractured my middle toe (stupid other kid who double dared me). :angry:

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QUOTE(ChiSoxyGirl @ Nov 1, 2005 -> 10:59 PM)
How long is it normal for a sprained ankle to be swollen and painful?


No more than a week. IIRC, you didn't follow RICE with the initial injury.






You should be fully healed in 2-3 weeks, at your age, and I'm guessing being average weight and fitness.


The swelling should have been negligible in 4-5 days. You may have a severe sprain there.

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QUOTE(YASNY @ Nov 2, 2005 -> 04:56 AM)
Just called my senators and congressmen.  They got the message.


Go get the oil!


Send the first $5 per gallon gas is YASNY. Americans have always bought American made first. When this gas is $5 and the nasty Arab stuff is $2.50, the Arabs will see what American Patriotism is all about. :usa

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QUOTE(Texsox @ Nov 2, 2005 -> 01:11 AM)
No more than a week. IIRC, you didn't follow RICE with the initial injury.






You should be fully healed in 2-3 weeks, at your age, and I'm guessing being average weight and fitness.


The swelling should have been negligible in 4-5 days. You may have a severe sprain there.

No, I did that! I did follow the rice, but I didn't use crutches. I didn't walk much in the days after and I did wrap it, ice it and put it up. Crap. Maybe I should go back to the doctor?


(sorry my parents are useless on this topic--and I figure someone else's parents can give me good advice.)

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QUOTE(ChiSoxyGirl @ Nov 2, 2005 -> 08:50 AM)
No, I did that! I did follow the rice, but I didn't use crutches. I didn't walk much in the days after and I did wrap it, ice it and put it up.  Crap. Maybe I should go back to the doctor?


(sorry my parents are useless on this topic--and I figure someone else's parents can give me good advice.)


If its been more than a week and you still have a decent amount of swelling and discomfort, go to the doctor. A simple twisted ankle should be better in a few days, a week at the most.

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QUOTE(ChiSoxyGirl @ Nov 2, 2005 -> 07:50 AM)
No, I did that! I did follow the rice, but I didn't use crutches. I didn't walk much in the days after and I did wrap it, ice it and put it up.  Crap. Maybe I should go back to the doctor?


(sorry my parents are useless on this topic--and I figure someone else's parents can give me good advice.)


I'm with Southsider on this one. You need a Doctor and some disposable underclassman to run around fetching you stuff, making you dinner, and cleaning the house. :D

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QUOTE(ChiSoxyGirl @ Nov 2, 2005 -> 01:50 PM)
No, I did that! I did follow the rice, but I didn't use crutches. I didn't walk much in the days after and I did wrap it, ice it and put it up.  Crap. Maybe I should go back to the doctor?


(sorry my parents are useless on this topic--and I figure someone else's parents can give me good advice.)

I agree with everyone else's assessment. It's been too long and sounds like more then a simple sprain.


So, go to the doctor. And make Texsox fly up there and take care of you.:lol:

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QUOTE(kapkomet @ Nov 2, 2005 -> 09:47 AM)
I agree with everyone else's assessment.  It's been too long and sounds like more then a simple sprain.


So, go to the doctor.  And make Texsox fly up there and take care of you.:lol:


Sorry, I don't do house calls. Plus I'm thinking some handsome hunk from the basketball team would lift her spirits more than an old man acting like a dad ;) Perhaps Rex has a friend he would share . . .

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QUOTE(Texsox @ Nov 2, 2005 -> 06:11 AM)
No more than a week. IIRC, you didn't follow RICE with the initial injury.






You should be fully healed in 2-3 weeks, at your age, and I'm guessing being average weight and fitness.


The swelling should have been negligible in 4-5 days. You may have a severe sprain there.


It took me 12 months to recover from a badly sprained ankle last year. It still bothers me now after any hard runs.

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Dear James,


No more shell games. No more false reports of progress. No more misleading rhetoric about "staying as long as it takes."


It's time for the American people to demand that George W. Bush put forward a clear understandable plan for achieving America's goals in Iraq and bringing the vast majority of our troops home by the end of 2006.


The time is overdue for a plan with a clarity and vision equal to the valor and sacrifices of America's brave armed forces. Help make that kind of plan a reality by supporting our "20,000 troops home over the holidays" campaign. We're kicking off this vitally important initiative with a clear goal - collecting 20,000 signatures a day each and every day until Thanksgiving.


Sign our "20,000 home over the holidays" petition right now:



It won't be easy to achieve our goal. But, every day that we gather another 20,000 Americans to our side, we'll be upping the pressure on the Bush administration to come up with the concrete, detailed plan for Iraq that our fighting men and women deserve.


And, with your help, we won't stop there.


    * We'll place our "20,000 home over the holidays" message on billboards in the home districts of Republican leaders.

    * We'll organize 20,000 letters to the editors in newspapers all across the nation.

    * We'll set up days of action and, in 24 hours, flood Congress and the White House with 20,000 phone calls.

    * We'll run newspaper and radio ads advancing our "20,000 home over the holidays" message.

    * We'll organize personal email campaigns with tens of thousands of people sending "20,000 troops home over the holidays" postcards to their friends and neighbors.


Can I count on you to join me in this effort? I hope so - because we can't let the Bush administration's "stay as long as it takes" approach stay in place any longer.


Sign our "20,000 home over the holidays" petition right now:



By galvanizing the American public around our specific goal of responding to the December elections in Iraq with the withdrawal of 20,000 troops, we can put an end, once and for all, to this administration's directionless approach to the disastrous situation that their failures have created in Iraq.


The way forward in Iraq is not to pull out precipitously or merely promise to "stay as long as it takes." Neither course does justice to the sacrifices of America's soldiers. To undermine the insurgency, we have to simultaneously pursue both a political settlement and the withdrawal of American combat forces linked to specific, responsible benchmarks.


Our "20,000 troops home over the holidays" drive is about taking a first critical step.


Upon the completion of the December elections, we can start the process of reducing our forces by withdrawing 20,000 troops over the course of the holidays. You can provide the momentum for this campaign.


Sign our "20,000 home over the holidays" petition right now:



It will be hard for this administration, but it is essential to acknowledge that the insurgency will not be defeated unless our troop levels are drawn down, starting immediately after successful elections in December.


The draw down of troops should be tied not to an arbitrary timetable, but to a specific timetable for transfer of political and security responsibility to Iraqis and realignment of our troop deployment. That timetable must be real and strict. The goal should be to withdraw the bulk of American combat forces by the end of 2006. If the administration does its work correctly, that is achievable.


If George W. Bush can't achieve this first critical goal, then, at the start of 2006, we will demand that Congress acts to take the decision out of his hands.


And, if the Republican Congress fails to call the Bush administration to account, we will use the 2006 elections to take the decision out of their hands. We won't stop until we succeed.


Sign our "20,000 home over the holidays" petition right now:



If we act together - if we drive our message home that America wants "20,000 troops home over the holidays" -- we can make this a real turning point. Let's move forward with the conviction and seriousness of purpose that this moment demands.




John Kerry


P.S. We've set an ambitious goal of 20,000 signatures a day on our "20,000 troops home over the holidays" petition. We can only get there if you do two things - sign the petition yourself and then forward this email to someone who can be part of tomorrow's 20,000 signatures.

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QUOTE(FlaSoxxJim @ Nov 2, 2005 -> 10:52 PM)
Call it aiding the opposition or whatever, but if one of the wingnuts here doesn't start using this baby in their sig or avatar, then they seriously dropped the ball.


With love, from a Liberal Pussy.  :bang



That pic is so 2004.

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QUOTE(FlaSoxxJim @ Nov 2, 2005 -> 11:50 PM)




I suggest getting this from the library... they should have it there.




Pretty interesting autobiography. Includes his upbringing, inspirations, friends he met along the way, early going with his comics, childhood, addictions, etc.

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QUOTE(Goldmember @ Nov 2, 2005 -> 10:31 PM)
my guess is some british show but no clue. thought was funny.


Actually it's from a huge Canadian Show called Trailer Park Boys. It's risen to cult like status up here, they're even making a movie now. You should check it out off of like torrentspy or something, it's the funniest thing I've seen on television since Seinfeld.

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I saw that on Crumb book on Amazon, it looks good. Thanks for the review.


Kitchen Sink repronted his Legends of the Blues trading card set last year, and supposedly they are also doing/have done the jazz and country sets as well. 11 bucks for reprinted sets beats the heck out of a hundred dollars or so for the originals unless you are a serious collector.


I suppose you've seen the movie Crumb by Terry Zwigoff? Really gives you a good look at how warped the guy is. I suggested to my wife we watch that and American Splendor as a double feature one night, but she didn't go for it.

Edited by FlaSoxxJim
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