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File this as "I told you so" ....


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QUOTE(Soxbadger @ Jan 11, 2005 -> 07:33 PM)
Its lame that the announcers get so after Randy. I mean faux mooning, most 7 year olds have seen way worse things in the Austin Power's marathon that they probably catch on TBS.


And a fan shooting some one?


Why would you blame the player?


Its the "pyscho" fans fault, and notice how the phrase pyscho means that they are unstable to begin with. No rational human would shoot some one, over being mooned as a fan. And as a player I would have no fear of a fan running onto the football field. I have pads, they have most likely nothing. As soon as their foot touches the field, you can say "I was afraid they were going to attack me" as soon as your fear is reasonable, you can defend yourself.


I doubt many fans are going to be getting into fights with 200-300 lb football players.


I think it was one of the funnier things Ive seen a football player do.




Remember Monica Seles? Getting knifed in the back? But she doesn't wear pads, you say...


That's why it's dangerous. There are some pretty unstable people out there. Stalkers break into star's houses. if it's a streaker running on the field, yeah, lay him out...but you never know what a drunk or someone who might even be on drugs would do. s***, how about the two looneys that attacked Gamboa and the ump? And that was over nothing. After the Pacers-Pistons brawl, I'm afraid this is escalating. You want to celebrate, great, celebrate. You want to piss off fans, do it in the confines of the game. Nobody "has it coming," but you tell that to a fan that starts to drink at 8 am at a tailgate and continues at a game. It's hard to reason with someone who is drunk.

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Yes I remember Monica Seles, she was stabbed by a Steffi Graf fan.


She was not stabbed for celebrating, or for inciting the fans. She was stabbed because she was "to good".


Not sure how you can put Seles and Moss in the same category.


If fans want to get out of control, they will.



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QUOTE(Soxbadger @ Jan 12, 2005 -> 07:26 PM)
Yes I remember Monica Seles, she was stabbed by a Steffi Graf fan.


She was not stabbed for celebrating, or for inciting the fans. She was stabbed because she was "to good".


Not sure how you can put Seles and Moss in the same category.


If fans want to get out of control, they will.





I'm only using it as an example of a crazy fan. Actually, i think Moss is inciting the fans, which makes it worse.

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Well Seles did nothing wrong, so no matter what Moss did, it would have to be worse.


I just think that if anything is going to change in player fan relation, it will be the fans. Security guards, metal detectors, etc etc.


Sorry but under no circumstances is pretending to moon some one a valid reason for hitting them, let alone shooting them.


And are fans going to be prevented from swearing, giving the finger, etc?


All of which are far more inflammatory than a simple fake gesture.



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QUOTE(Soxbadger @ Jan 12, 2005 -> 04:11 PM)
Well Seles did nothing wrong, so no matter what Moss did, it would have to be worse.


I just think that if anything is going to change in player fan relation, it will be the fans. Security guards, metal detectors, etc etc.


Sorry but under no circumstances is pretending to moon some one a valid reason for hitting them, let alone shooting them.


And are fans going to be prevented from swearing, giving the finger, etc?


All of which are far more inflammatory than a simple fake gesture.





No one is saying that it's a valid reason to hit, shoot or whatever. What is being said is there are enough loose cannons out there, like the guy that stabbed Seles, that could be set off by actions like Moss mooning Green Bay. He's possibily putting himself in danger by acting the fool. You never know what one nut in a crowd of 65000 people might do.

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