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Country Quiz


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State Quiz


You're the State of Denial!

You can't hear me! Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain! There's nothing to see here! These are the phrases that define your somewhat warped perception of reality. You don't question what others tell you, as long as they show you a badge of authority. You believe exactly what you're told and try not to spend too much time thinking about it in-depth. You'd probably be great friends with Britney Spears. Your state bird is the ostrich.

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You're Indiana!

While you feel your life is at a crossroads, you know in the back of your mind that you're just going around in circles. Going nowhere fast, perhaps. Very very fast. As long as you don't spin out of control, someone has promised you a bottle of milk at the end of this run-around. But it all seems so pointless, just spinning and spinning! Keep your seatbelt securely fastened and watch your speed. Got milk?



:headbang :headbang :headbang :headbang :headbang

:snr :snr

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:huh: :o :unsure: :crying :crying :crying


You're the United Nations!

Most people think you're ineffective, but you are trying to completely save the world from itself, so there's always going to be a long way to go.  You're always the one trying to get friends to talk to each other, enemies to talk to each other, anyone who can to just talk instead of beating each other about the head and torso.  Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't, and you get very schizophrenic as a result.  But your heart is in the right place, and sometimes also in New York.

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You're Fiji!

As calm, relaxed, and removed from life as they come, you're just so chilled out, it hurts people to see you. Everyone aspires to be where you are, but most of them just can't put their stress away. Little do they know that even you sometimes have inner turmoil and struggles! For the most part, though, it's sun and fun for you, and that's the way you like it. It's just sort of hard to get things done with all that partying.

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Here is mine for the state game




You're The Moon!

You frequently take small steps, but you think very highly of each and every one of them. This aloof attitude doesn't begin to reflect how high and mighty you actually are, though you are able to reflect light onto others when it seems appropriate. Whether the glass is half full, half empty, waxing pedantic, or even crescent-shaped is something ever-changing in your perspective. These mood swings at least follow a consistent cycle, one that makes others believe you have mystical powers. Ultimately, your head is always in the clouds and you just can't

seem to stay grounded. :P



here is my counrty


You're Egypt!

Curator of ancient mystical secrets, your life on the surface is fairly typical these days. Though you are in denial about more things than most people. Nevertheless, you're trying to convince people that you're safe despite your more volatile and unstable times that seem to be behind you. You like cats a whole lot. You'd probably really appreciate The Blue Pyramid.

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Here is my state quiz


You're Tennessee!

A vibrantly musical individual, you probably know how to play multiple instruments. At the heart of your love for music is the guitar, though you have a soft spot for violins, which you refuse to call anything but fiddles. Fiddlesticks aside, you are very thin and have excellent posture. If you ever run for elected office, you won't even be able to get your hometown to support you. I guess that's why they call it the blues.

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You're Mexico!

While some people think you're poor and maybe a little corrupt, you know where it's at, enjoying good food and nice beaches. You like to take things a little slower than those around you, and you really wish the air were cleaner, but sometimes compromises must be made. For some reason, Chevrolet keeps trying to sell you Novas as well, even though they don't really go.





I totally am Mexico. :headbang

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You're Mozambique!

You're tired of fighting with yourself.  For years, you fought battles with yourself over every little thing you could, but now it's finally time to move on.  Just forgetting about it looks like the best way to move on, though you really like graphic representations of machine guns for some reason.  Rebuilding yourself is going to be a challenge, but with the inner peace you feel now, it's looking like a possibility.  Just take the machine gun off your flag.


Yes im Mozambique!

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You're Illinois!

With a passion for discourse and dialogue, you would make a great debater. In the old days, you wore a top hat and were rather tall, but taller people keep showing up and taking your titles. Now to feel tall, you have to head for the airport, which is always so busy that you can barely deal with it. When in doubt, blame all of your problems on someone else's cow.


Why am i not surprised?

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You're Chile!

You're really skinny, and kind of bumpy in frame, but you're not as rough a person as you used to be.  You like long, long, long walks on the beach and avoiding having your rights violated, just like anybody else does.  You're even willing to stand up to those with more power and influence than you, trying to bring them to justice.  Fight the man!



i'm not really skinny...and whatever bumby in frame is....lol i don't think i'm that either.


You're Pennsylvania!

You like bells and absolutely love divergent religious groups. Dressing up and riding around in horses and buggies are some of your favorite pastimes, though you're not against baseball by any means. Even though most people think you're Dutch, you're actually of German descent. You have at least one brother who you truly love.


so true....but i am Pennsylvania Dutch...so that part isn't true..and i have a twin brother who i can say i truly love...more than the other two...

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You're Vietnam!

After years of muddling through on your own, you've finally repaired yourself to a point of respectability. You would have been much better off had people you didn't like not kept insisting on spending so much time with you. But those times are fading quickly and these days you're pretty sure you won't get burned. Star power!

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You're Iceland!

Most people think you're a cold and forbidding person, but you're actually naturally warm and inviting.  People just get scared off by what other people have led them to believe about you.  You keep to yourself for the most part, and are pretty good at fending for yourself, especially if water's involved.  More people should visit you and find out the truth.



Yeaaaaaaaah Baby

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Anybody get this one, I was just messing around with it.


You're Malta!

With a strange attraction to crosses and falcons, you are one of the most mysterious and unknown people in your group of friends, your community, or pretty much any category you want to mention.  You keep to yourself, but see yourself as a knight in shining armor, ready to rescue people if they weren't so far away.  Still, people are fascinated by you if they've heard of you, which most of them haven't.

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You're Malta!

With a strange attraction to crosses and falcons, you are one of the most mysterious and unknown people in your group of friends, your community, or pretty much any category you want to mention.  You keep to yourself, but see yourself as a knight in shining armor, ready to rescue people if they weren't so far away.  Still, people are fascinated by you if they've heard of you, which most of them haven't.

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This website is funny.


You're the State of Denial!

You can't hear me! Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain! There's nothing to see here! These are the phrases that define your somewhat warped perception of reality. You don't question what others tell you, as long as they show you a badge of authority. You believe exactly what you're told and try not to spend too much time thinking about it in-depth. You'd probably be great friends with Britney Spears. Your state bird is the ostrich.

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Dude...I'm like soooo Cali. WEST SIIIIIIIDE!!!


You're California!

In many ways, you are larger than life and almost defy description. You

certainly love to shake, rattle, and roll with the best of them. You have a generally

sunny disposition, but are capable of resorting to harsh extremes when pressed. You are

more likely than most to become rich, or famous, or perhaps both. While you have the

golden touch in so many regards, your respect for actors is a little over-zealous. This

endless faith in actors needs to be terminated\

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You're South Africa!

After almost endless suffering, you've finally freed yourself from the oppression that somehow held you back. Now your diamond in the rough is shining through, and the world can accept you for who you really are. You were trying to show who you were to the world, but they weren't interested in helping you become that until it was almost too late. Suddenly you're a very hopeful person, even if you still have some troubles.



You're Minnesota!

You love hanging out around lakes, even if they're frozen solid. Given your probable Scandanavian heritage, it all just demonstrates that you're pining for the fjords. Your obsession with wrestling got a little carried away for a while there, and this should prompt some serious reflection about the separation of mind and body. It may be time to celebrate, even throw your hat up in the air. You're going to make it after all.

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You're Afghanistan!

In the words of Bob Dylan, you "haven't known peace and quiet in so long [you] don't remember what it's like!"  Sad but true.  Boss after boss has led you around, using you for their nefarious purposes, and dumping you when the time was right.  You've hurt and been hurt and now you're just sick and tired.  When will people leave you alone and let you do your own thing?  But you don't really even know what you want anymore.


You're Nebraska!

You are very, very plain. Great, but still plain. In fact, it might even be the plainness that makes you great. In the old days, a great nation could've arisen from your very aspirations and even conquered neighboring lands, but then others came and paved over everything with even rows of corn. Now your greatest conquests are over neighboring colleges, but even those are in honor of corn. It's the truth. So Sioux me.


Edited by Jeckle2000
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This is the one that worried me...

Ohh where did I go wrong...

From the book quiz:

You're Anne of Green Gables!

by L.M. Montgomery

Bright, chipper, vivid, but with the emotional fortitude of cottage cheese, you make quite an impression on everyone you meet. You're impulsive, rash, honest, and probably don't have a great relationship with your parents. People hurt your feelings constantly, but your brazen honestly doesn't exactly treat others with kid gloves. Ultimately, though, you win the hearts and minds of everyone that matters. You spell your name with an E and you want everyone to know about it.

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You're Indiana!

While you feel your life is at a crossroads, you know in the back of your mind that you're just going around in circles. Going nowhere fast, perhaps. Very very fast. As long as you don't spin out of control, someone has promised you a bottle of milk at the end of this run-around. But it all seems so pointless, just spinning and spinning! Keep your seatbelt securely fastened and watch your speed. Got milk?

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Didn't see this coming:


You're Fiji!

As calm, relaxed, and removed from life as they come, you're just so  chilled out, it hurts people to see you.  Everyone aspires to be where you are, but  most of them just can't put their stress away.  Little do they know that even you  sometimes have inner turmoil and struggles!  For the most part, though, it's sun and  fun for you, and that's the way you like it.  It's just sort of hard to get things  done with all that partying.


You're Nevada!

People are constantly mispronouncing your name, and this has provided you with a lot of frustration over the years. You prefer silver to gold, sagebrush to trees, and cards to sporting events. There is almost nothing you aren't  willing to lay down a wager on, and others seek you out for advice on their own wagers. You don't take marriage terribly  seriously, though you are one of its biggest proponents. Far too often these days, others are mistaking you for an  industrial-strength garbage bag.

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