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"And the question in my mind is how many additional American casualties is Saddam worth?" Cheney said then in response to a question.


"And the answer is not very damned many. So I think we got it right, both when we decided to expel him from Kuwait, but also when the president made the decision that we'd achieved our objectives and we were not going to go get bogged down in the problems of trying to take over and govern Iraq."


Richard Cheney, August 1992.

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QUOTE(winodj @ Jan 13, 2005 -> 06:17 PM)
Awwwwwwwwwwww SNAP!


Seriously, changing your mind when it becomes obvious that your position is flawed is bad? When there are American lives on the line?


Sorry, I wanted a President who wasn't concerned with standing firm as much as protecting the lives of Americans.



Funny but I kept hearing them say "It's time to do something about Iraq". Well someone did something and here they are with their 20-20 hindsight calling Bush a liar and a war monger when they held the same position he did.


It's not flexibility, it's hypocrasy.

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QUOTE(NUKE_CLEVELAND @ Jan 13, 2005 -> 07:17 PM)
I dont recall us wanting to change anything about how the Indonesian government wanted to run their country.  About all I really remember hearing about was how we were going to build roads, clear debris, treat the wounded and sick and provide them with food and drinkable water.  None of which they were capable of without foregin assistance.  The comparison does not hold at all. 


First we're called "Stingy" by the U.N. & now that the full resources of our country are brought to bear to help those in need we're told we're not wanted anymore.  And so the America bashing around the world continues.




Did you even read the story? They asked that foreign troops not remain in country longer than three months. How is this unreasonable? Again, this is a situation that includes more than just American troops. But like the "stingy" comment, certain people take it to mean America exclusively. Because apparently, there's no one else in the world.


Never mind the fact that there are foreign troops from Japan, Australia, France, and other countries providing relief in the region as well. They only meant us.

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QUOTE(NUKE_CLEVELAND @ Jan 13, 2005 -> 06:21 PM)
Funny but I kept hearing them say "It's time to do something about Iraq".  Well someone did something and here they are with their 20-20 hindsight calling Bush a liar and a war monger when they held the same position he did.


It's not flexibility,  it's hypocrasy.


Asking to have Bush come out and say "We messed up" instead of the whole "God told me to go after Iraq and Al Qaeda" and not admitting to ever making a mistake.


And just because 2 Democrats did that does not mean that the whole actual anti-war movement is not discredited. There have been plenty of people in Congress saying that the decision for the war was insanity, illegal and un-Constitutional and they could really be saying "I told you so." right now if they truly wanted to do so.

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QUOTE(NUKE_CLEVELAND @ Jan 13, 2005 -> 07:21 PM)
Funny but I kept hearing them say "It's time to do something about Iraq".  Well someone did something and here they are with their 20-20 hindsight calling Bush a liar and a war monger when they held the same position he did.


It's not flexibility,  it's hypocrasy.


You're right. John Kerry and Al Gore did needlessly support combat in Iraq. However, they also said that troops shouldn't proceed into Iraq without a phase four, post war plan. But I guess saying that "you should have planned the whole thing out" is the same as saying "you should never have gone in the first place."

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QUOTE(winodj @ Jan 13, 2005 -> 06:25 PM)
You're right. John Kerry and Al Gore did needlessly support combat in Iraq. However, they also said that troops shouldn't proceed into Iraq without a phase four, post war plan. But I guess saying that "you should have planned the whole thing out" is the same as saying "you should never have gone in the first place."



First of all let me say that I agree with you that there wasn't any postwar plan to speak of. I recall the weeks immediately after major combat ended we were over there wondering what, exactly, we were supposed to be doing.


"You should have planned the whole thing out" is not what Kerry, Gore and others said. They said, in true Monday Morning QB fashion that Bush was a liar ( yes they used that word many many times over ) when they held the very same positions about Iraq that Bush did. I guess that makes them liars too huh?

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I've never changed my mind about Iraq. I always believed Saddam was a threat. I wanted to give Clinton the power to use force if necessary. But I would've used that force wisely, not rush to war without a plan to win the peace. I would've brought our allies to our side. I would've fought to make certain our troops had everybody possible to help them win the mission. Bush rushed to war, pushed our allies aside, and Iran now is more dangerous, and so is North Korea, with nuclear weapons. He took his eye off the ball, off of bin Laden.


John F Kerry, October 8, 2004

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Iraq was not even close to the center of the war on terror before Bush invaded it. He made the judgment to divert forces from under General Tommy Franks from Afghanistan before the Congress even approved it to begin to prepare to go to war in Iraq. He rushed the war in Iraq without a plan to win the peace. That is not the judgment that a president of the US ought to make. You don't take America to war unless have the plan to win the peace. You don't send troops to war without the body armor they need.


John F Kerry, September 30, 2004.


I said this from the beginning. I said, Mr. President don't rush to war, take the time to build a legitimate coalition and have a plan to win the peace. You've about 500 troops here, 500 troops there and it's American troops that are 90 percent of the combat casualties and it's American taxpayers that are paying 90 percent of the cost of the war. It's the wrong war, in the wrong place at the wrong time."


John F Kerry, September 4, 2004


We guarantee every man and woman in our armed forces that you will always be the best-led, best-equipped, and most respected fighting force in the world. You will be armed with the right weapons, trained in the right skills, and fully prepared to win on the battlefield. You will never again be sent into harm's way without enough troops, nor asked to fight a war without a plan to win the peace, and given assignments which have not been clearly defined and for which you are not professionally trained.


John F Kerry, August 10, 2004


KERRY: We need to be successful. People keep asking what's the exit strategy. The exit strategy is victory. This president rushed to war against the advice of many in this country. This president has turned his back on 200 years of tradition of our country in foreign policy. This president rushed to war against the advice of many in this country. He clearly didn't plan for the peace. We have to de-Americanize this war, we have to take the target off of American troops as fast as possible, we have to cede some authority for the humanitarian and the governance components of this, even as we take control of the security piece. That's the only way to be successful. And no, we do not need or want more American troops to do that.


John F Kerry, September 9 2003


KERRY: I would have preferred if we had given diplomacy a greater opportunity, but I think it was the right decision to disarm Saddam Hussein, and when the president made the decision, I supported him, and I support the fact that we did disarm him.


John F Kerry, May 3 2003.


So enough about where Kerry stood, ok?

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QUOTE(winodj @ Jan 13, 2005 -> 06:55 PM)
John F Kerry, September 30, 2004.

John F Kerry, September 4, 2004

John F Kerry, August 10, 2004

John F Kerry, September 9 2003

John F Kerry, May 3 2003.


So enough about where Kerry stood, ok?



Not enough.



Go back to 2002 when he was on the Sunday morning talk shows saying up and down "Iraq is a major threat and needs to be dealt with." Notice also how he gets farther and farther away from the position he shared with Bush in 2001 and 2002 the closer we got to the election.

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