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TNA Final Resolution

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QUOTE(orangekrush88 @ Jan 15, 2005 -> 08:58 AM)
Hey guys I was just wondering if anyone in here wantches any wrestling and if you do if you are going to order Final Resolution on Sunday night.

sorry never heard of this TNA thing but have heard of WWE

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No, I'm not into that fed at all.

TNA plays out like wCw Thunder - just a lot of dull stuff and retreads.

They had a chance to become something different, but then you get Jeff Jarrett, who I call Triple J for the way he tries to call every shot like HHH does in WWE.

And you have guys like Dusty and Dustin Rhodes, and Hall and Nash, and DDP, and all these guys who just remind me of wCw's dying days.

I watch Impact! on Fox Sports Net when I remember it's on, and I'm always underwhelmed.

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Orton is one of the most overated wrestlers in a long time. The WWE made one of the biggest mistakes in a while by hotshotting the HHH/Orton angle, there is no erason why that should have happened right after Summerslam. Now it barely has enough steam to even make it to Wrestlemaina.


And as for TNA not being up to par with the WWE, if you watched the WWE's pay per view last week, order tonight then tell me they aren't up to par.

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QUOTE(orangekrush88 @ Jan 16, 2005 -> 05:27 PM)
Orton is one of the most overated wrestlers in a long time. The WWE made one of the biggest mistakes in a while by hotshotting the HHH/Orton angle, there is no erason why that should have happened right after Summerslam. Now it barely has enough steam to even make it to Wrestlemaina.


And as for TNA not being up to par with the WWE, if you watched the WWE's pay per view last week, order tonight then tell me they aren't up to par.


Orton does good promos and sells with the best of him. Just cuz he doesn't do outlandish moves and no selling like most TNA runts, doesn't make him overrated.

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QUOTE(orangekrush88 @ Jan 16, 2005 -> 11:27 AM)
Orton is one of the most overated wrestlers in a long time. The WWE made one of the biggest mistakes in a while by hotshotting the HHH/Orton angle, there is no erason why that should have happened right after Summerslam. Now it barely has enough steam to even make it to Wrestlemaina.


And as for TNA not being up to par with the WWE, if you watched the WWE's pay per view last week, order tonight then tell me they aren't up to par.


Wrestling on whole is in a downward trend, but I'd rather watch Raw than anything the TNA has to offer. I've seen tapes from past PPVs of TNA, and I watch Impact! whenever I remember that it's on, and I'm just not that impressed. They have a few decent guys like AJ Styles and Sonjay Dutt, but there's just too much WCW stink on them. And Jeff Jarrett will NEVER be a main event presence, no matter how many times he talks his Dad into letting him wear the belt.

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Critic has it exactly right. The whole "Jeff Jarrett: King of the Mountain" can never ever lose is getting very grating. But then again, what would I expect from the head booking team (read Vince "SWERVE! SWERVE!" Russo) that created the "Jeff Bagwell's Mom on a Pole Match", "That 70s Guy" Mike Awesome or put the strap on David Arquette? :chair


The only "fun" matches to watch are the ones involving the X Division and even then its tiresome. The WWE product isn't much better either.

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QUOTE(3E8 @ Jan 16, 2005 -> 11:56 AM)
Is ECW still around?  That league was the s***.


ECW was bought out by the WWE and then used in that absolutely terrible "Invasion" angle. Because the fans obviously wanted another fueding McMahon's story than to see the WCW/ECW talent take on the WWE talent You do have to commend Paul Heyman for doing a damn good job with what he had though since the big 2 at the time could always raid his talent and his ideas for matches pretty much at will.

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QUOTE(The Critic @ Jan 16, 2005 -> 11:50 AM)
Wrestling on whole is in a downward trend, but I'd rather watch Raw than anything the TNA has to offer. I've seen tapes from past PPVs of TNA, and I watch Impact! whenever I remember that it's on, and I'm just not that impressed. They have a few decent guys like AJ Styles and Sonjay Dutt, but there's just too much WCW stink on them. And Jeff Jarrett will NEVER be a main event presence, no matter how many times he talks his Dad into letting him wear the belt.


Dutt's contract just expired he may not be around much longer. Abyss is headed to WWE as well.


Dusty Rhodes just recently took over the book for TNA as well. Jerry Jarrett has been bery vocal about the fact that Jeff is always on top, but he lost a big share of the company when they sold it to Panda Energy.


Critic you should look into Ring of Honor, they've got some good things happening there. In fact they're running a show in Chicago Ridge soon.

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QUOTE(LowerCaseRepublican @ Jan 16, 2005 -> 12:00 PM)
ECW was bought out by the WWE and then used in that absolutely terrible "Invasion" angle.  Because the fans obviously wanted another fueding McMahon's story than to see the WCW/ECW talent take on the WWE talent  You do have to commend Paul Heyman for doing a damn good job with what he had though since the big 2 at the time could always raid his talent and his ideas for matches pretty much at will.




They only brought ECW into the angle because they botched the WCW end of it so badly by treating them like jobbers and not bringing in many of the established names right away. It was never WCW vs WWE, it was mid card guys getting squashed by WWE stars so Vince could bury them once and for all.


WWE is looking at running an ECW PPV this summer, as of now Heyman nor Tommy Dreamer will have any involvement in it from a creative standpoint. I can see it now, Shannon Moore hitting Funaki with a chair and Josh Matthews screams, "This is Hardcore"... :headshake

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QUOTE(Mr. Showtime @ Jan 16, 2005 -> 12:13 PM)


They only brought ECW into the angle because they botched the WCW end of it so badly by treating them like jobbers and not bringing in many of the established names right away. It was never WCW vs WWE, it was mid card guys getting squashed by WWE stars so Vince could bury them once and for all.


WWE is looking at running an ECW PPV this summer, as of now Heyman nor Tommy Dreamer will have any involvement in it from a creative standpoint. I can see it now, Shannon Moore hitting Funaki with a chair and Josh Matthews screams, "This is Hardcore"... :headshake


Damn right. I mean by the end of the "Invasion" angle, the main opposition stars against the WWE were Stone Cold Steve Austin and Kurt Angle. :bang They could have made that angle so awesome. Heyman, so pissed off about ECW going under and WWE stealing his s***, goes on a rampage with the ECW superstars. WWE f***ed up the WCW part of it by refusing to bring in Flair or Hogan etc. and we were treated to mid-card talent against the WWE's top talent so WCW would get destroyed.

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Just read the recap of the TNA PPV.

Triple J is still the champ.....WHAT A SHOCKER.

The show sounded HORRIBLE, with people running around all night looking for "clues" that Dusty Rhodes hid around the arena, and endless Kevin Nash/DDP nonsense.

ugh ugh ugh.


And Ian, I'm not sold on Ring Of Honor either - all these minor feds kinda smell the same. My interest level is so low right now, that I barely even watch Raw anymore, even though their writers are finally writing halfway-decent long-term storylines. SmackDown is horrible, and never worth watching at all.


And it's nice to see Batista finally developing a somewhat passable personality. I'm enjoying the way he's messing with HHH lately....not bad.

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QUOTE(The Critic @ Jan 16, 2005 -> 11:26 PM)
Just read the recap of the TNA PPV.

Triple J is still the champ.....WHAT A SHOCKER.

The show sounded HORRIBLE, with people running around all night looking for "clues" that Dusty Rhodes hid around the arena, and endless Kevin Nash/DDP nonsense.

ugh ugh ugh.


And Ian, I'm not sold on Ring Of Honor either - all these minor feds kinda smell the same. My interest level is so low right now, that I barely even watch Raw anymore, even though their writers are finally writing halfway-decent long-term storylines. SmackDown is horrible, and never worth watching at all.


And it's nice to see Batista finally developing a somewhat passable personality. I'm enjoying the way he's messing with HHH lately....not bad.



I can't believe they didn't put the belt on Brown. From what I read the Ulitmate X match was off the charts good.


ROH is more of an old school promotion, they have some hardcore brawls and what not, but it's slow builds and just good wrestling. The business is at a point where everything has been done and it's going to take time to condition the fans to accept less.

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I used to watch wrestling in the md to late nineties, but I kind of lost interest after ECW went under. But I have caught TNA on FSN a couple times, most of the guys are a bunch of has beens and a few never was' (that's a hard one to spell)


But the one cool thing I saw was that Petey Williams guy's finisher the Canadian Destroyer or whatever. That is one hell of a move. It is probably the only wrestling finisher I've ever seen that made me think Wow that would really hurt somebody to the point where they could be pinned.

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WOW, Final Resolution was one of the best shows in a long time. I am also apart of the TNA message board and it seems if you just read the results, it does sound not very good. However if you ordered it, it was an excellent show. The Ultimate X was unbelievable and our first Match of the year candidate. All the other matches were good, except for the horrible Raven/Watts feud, they are daintily mistreating Raven.


Also one match that was just awesome was the AMW/Team Canada. This card just blew the WWE pay per views out of the water. Once again TNA puts on a better pay per view than the WWE. Now definitely for 2 straight months, arguably 3 months TNA has put on a better show.


Also I do watch ROH and WWE. Here is my take on the companies. WWE and TNA are in one class and ROH is in another class. ROH is an indy so I really don't like to compare the three at all. ROH is very solid and has some excellent action. IT is very worth checking out.


Now when it comes to WWE and TNA. WWE definitely has the advantage just because more people now about them. However when it comes to wrestling, TNA has them by far. I am not saying WWE doesn't have some of the world's great wrestlers, what I am saying is some of the storylines ruin the WWE. I will be the first to tell you tonight Y2J vs Benoit is going to excellent but WWE just won't or can't put on a solid pay per view. TNA now has put on 3 good to excellent pay per views. Final Resolution and Turning Point now have blown anything the WWE has put on, besides WMXX, out of the water.


Also another post said ROH is coming to Chicago Ridge. This is true they are coming on Feb 26 and it is the last show of their 3rd anniversary week.

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QUOTE(orangekrush88 @ Jan 17, 2005 -> 07:21 PM)
WOW, Final Resolution was one of the best shows in a long time. I am also apart of the TNA message board and it seems if you just read the results, it does sound not very good. However if you ordered it, it was an excellent show. The Ultimate X was unbelievable and our first Match of the year candidate. All the other matches were good, except for the horrible Raven/Watts feud, they are daintily mistreating Raven.


Also one match that was just awesome was the AMW/Team Canada. This card just blew the WWE pay per views out of the water. Once again TNA puts on a better pay per view than the WWE. Now definitely for 2 straight months, arguably 3 months TNA has put on a  better show.


Also I do watch ROH and WWE. Here is my take on the companies. WWE and TNA are in one class and ROH is in another class. ROH is an indy so I really don't like to compare the three at all. ROH is very solid and has some excellent action. IT is very worth checking out.


Now when it comes to WWE and TNA. WWE definitely has the advantage just because more people now about them. However when it comes to wrestling, TNA has them by far. I am not saying WWE doesn't have some of the world's great wrestlers, what I am saying is some of the storylines ruin the WWE. I will be the first to tell you tonight Y2J vs Benoit is going to excellent but WWE just won't or can't put on a solid pay per view. TNA now has put on 3 good to excellent pay per views. Final Resolution and Turning Point now have blown anything the WWE has put on, besides WMXX, out of the water.


Also another post said ROH is coming to Chicago Ridge. This is true they are coming on Feb 26 and it is the last show of their 3rd anniversary week.


If you work for TNA, I understand you being a homer for their product, and that is cool, but TNA is gimic wrestling. Most of the matches I have seen are all high spots, little ring psychology, and no selling. The 6 sided ring is an awful idea as well.


WWE seems to work 11 months to hype up WrestleMania's the last few years. I'm an old school fan so love the Royal Rumble and old fashioned Survivor Series matches. WWE could get rid of the monthly PPVs and just keep Rumble, Mania, SummerSlam, and Survivor Series and make 2 more and have em every 2 months. Would mean more. The Smackdown PPVs are brutal, may as well ditch the roster split before HBK retires, cuz I wanna see an Angle vs. HBK match.

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QUOTE(Brian @ Jan 17, 2005 -> 07:51 PM)
If you work for TNA, I understand you being a homer for their product, and that is cool, but TNA is gimic wrestling. Most of the matches I have seen are all high spots, little ring psychology, and no selling. The 6 sided ring is an awful idea as well.


WWE seems to work 11 months to hype up WrestleMania's the last few years. I'm an old school fan so love the Royal Rumble and old fashioned Survivor Series matches. WWE could get rid of the monthly PPVs and just keep Rumble, Mania, SummerSlam, and Survivor Series and make 2 more and have em every 2 months. Would mean more. The Smackdown PPVs are brutal, may as well ditch the roster split before HBK retires, cuz I wanna see an Angle vs. HBK match.



No I don't work for TNA and obviously you are an old school wrestling fan. And that is cool. However TNa does mix in some fo that old school in addition to their high spots. I definitly agree that on Impact TNA tries to rush things a lot and just work towards having a good fun match to keep the crowd into it. However I take last night for example. Primtime Elix Skipper vs Sonjay Dutt. They start off wiht some incredible high spots especially from Sonjay and then they mix in some great selling with Elix. This is what makes TNA great is that they have the talent to do both. Now does management and Dusty let them use it all the time, no.

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