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Presidential Arrogance


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QUOTE(jackie hayes @ Jan 16, 2005 -> 06:09 PM)
True, he was probably just thinking, "Geez, we already did the accounting on election day, and now they'll want a reaccounting in Florida again..."


If you're saying this quote is being taken out of context, you should at least say how it's being misinterpreted.  Here's the full Q&A.  It seems pretty plain to me.


I read it........ still have no problem with it. In a nutshell, he says the elections gave an accountability for the bigger picture, but that things happen in a war that cannot be expected. He isn't going to go "firing" people or blaming people for mistakes or unexpected results. You keep your eye on the bigger goal and adjust.


So what!

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QUOTE(winodj @ Jan 17, 2005 -> 01:51 AM)
When the bigger goal is more of the same mistakes, someone oughta get fired.


In my company - if the CEO were to get elected, would that mean that everyone who stayed on the job would get to keep theirs regardless of what mistakes they made? If so, I wanna work there.


So a war is like your company? Give me a break.


They could be making command changes or strategy changes that we don't even know about. I love it how people are so assumptive.

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QUOTE(winodj @ Jan 17, 2005 -> 01:51 AM)
When the bigger goal is more of the same mistakes, someone oughta get fired.


In my company - if the CEO were to get elected, would that mean that everyone who stayed on the job would get to keep theirs regardless of what mistakes they made? If so, I wanna work there.


In a sense, winodj, Bush just got a majority "shareholder" vote. At my company, the CEO is a prick. Yet he stays because the investor group trusts him. I personally think someone can do a better job then him, but he's the best we have right now. I liken Bush to the same thing. I don't like it, but it is reality as most (or at least more) people see it.

Edited by kapkomet
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QUOTE(Rex Hudler @ Jan 16, 2005 -> 09:14 PM)
So a war is like your company? Give me a break.


They could be making command changes or strategy changes that we don't even know about.  I love it how people are so assumptive.


How many people lost their jobs by letting 9/11 happen?




How many people lost their jobs despite completely flawed intelligence regarding Weapons of Mass Destruction in Iraq?




How many people lost their jobs after misjudging the North Korean situation and is now faced with a probable nuclear North Korea?




How many people in the government lost their jobs after a paper trail showed that a culture of torture was being created towards PWs and ECs from the executive branch?




If I lose a sale at work, I could seriously get the s*** can. If American lives are lost, these guys get promoted or they get "medals of freedom." Governments ARE like companies, except the stakes are higher. Nobody here is faulting the military. But the military does what its told by its higher-ups. They are the ones who made the mistakes, and they are the ones that forgot to plan for a post-war Iraq (by the military's own historians' account.) But hey, it's only human life.

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QUOTE(ChiSoxyGirl @ Jan 16, 2005 -> 11:16 AM)
So, the above comments don't bother you at all? If my guy won and said stuff like that I would be PISSED. That kind of arrogance is an unbecoming representation of our country.


He wasn't "my guy". I didn't vote for him. I just get tired of hearing all of the teeth gnashing.

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If he says..."we messed up 'blank' part of the war" everybody in the world will jump on it....cause you are all just dying to have something to point at. If he stays steadfast and relentless in the fight..then only the people that nitpick every little f***ing thing he does anyway, will find something to b**** about.


I have no problem with what he said. We did have an election...part of that election was the Dems hammering home what a failure the Iraq war is and Bush won anyway. It is not the sole reason, but it is part of it..so why can't he acknwledge it. I know all the elitists want to think Bush only won cause of the religion issues or the gay marriage issues, but I hate to tell you....a lot of EDUCATED people that can careless about either issue voted for Bush. Why can't you just accept there are people with a different opinion than you...and no matter how much you rip the president and no matter how many celebrities get paraded in front of the cameras to degrade this administration and no matter how much hype a movie filled with lies gets....people still have minds of their own. Republicans are not sheep. We are not all flyover morons.

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QUOTE(Controlled Chaos @ Jan 17, 2005 -> 08:07 AM)
If he says..."we messed up 'blank' part of the war"  everybody in the world will jump on it....cause you are all just dying to have something to point at.    If he stays steadfast and relentless in the fight..then only the people that nitpick every little f***ing thing he does anyway, will find something to b**** about.


I have no problem with what he said.  We did have an election...part of that election was the Dems hammering home what a failure the Iraq war is and Bush won anyway.  It is not the sole reason, but it is part of it..so why can't he acknwledge it. I know all the elitists want to think Bush only won cause of the religion issues or the gay marriage issues, but I hate to tell you....a lot of EDUCATED people that can careless about either issue voted for Bush.  Why can't you just accept there are people with a different opinion than you...and no matter how much you rip the president and no matter how many celebrities get paraded in front of the cameras to degrade this administration and no matter how much hype a movie filled with lies gets....people still have minds of their own.  Republicans are not sheep.  We are not all flyover morons.


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QUOTE(DBAH0 @ Jan 16, 2005 -> 06:27 AM)
If Bush thinks the war on Iraq solely got himself re-elected in the 2004 Elections, well that's just ludacrist quite frankly. And if you think the voters agreed with him and his cabinet's policies on Iraq, tell that to the families of those American Soldiers killed, and the Iraqi's whose lives still today are in danger from suicide bombings etc.

Yep, it's "ludacrist", alright. :rolly

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The Democratic Party spent a year and a half in a campaign bashing George Bush. Their platform was basically "We are not George Bush". I remember Kerry giving this big speech in October, that he hammered on 4 points where Bush screwed up. He said Bush did this, I would have done this for each of these points. He never stood up and said, if elected I will do this. Considering the fact that I did not vote for Bush, Kerry had every opportunity to win my vote. The reason he didn't was that he failed to communicate his platform. The voices of the Democratic Party hit the American people with one message for a year and a half ... "We loathe and despise George W. Bush". Sorry ... you don't win my vote that way.

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QUOTE(YASNY @ Jan 16, 2005 -> 09:48 AM)
You know what people?  ... The American people picked the person they thought was the best man for the job of POTUS.  Get over it.


People? It's only about 3 or 4 people constantly bashing The POTUS no matter what he says or does Yas ;) .


You'd be better off :banghead than trying to reply to any of these BUSH IS SATAN INCARNATE threads.

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QUOTE(winodj @ Jan 16, 2005 -> 08:45 PM)
How many people lost their jobs by letting 9/11 happen?


This point is so laughable it borders on ludicrous. Even if Bush and Co. knew every conceivable point to Bin Laden's 09/11 plans before it happened and did arrest those to be involved based on intelligence, you, FlaSoxx, LCR, and a few other like KWF would have jumped all over the Bush Administration for being racist..... for profiling..... for violating the civil rights of the 19 or so "would-be terrorists" based simply on conjecture because..... after all..... they hadn't committed a crime..... yada, yada, yada.


Obviously, Bush will never do anything right in your closed-off, unfledgingly partisan'd mind, and the few of you here that constantly harp on him come off as nothing but a bunch of goddamn crybabies. Waa, waa, WAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!


I'm so sure that if Kerry would have been elected that the change in US government would have been so extreme it would have bordered on monumental.


At least that's what you and FlaSoxx would have posted for everyone everyday. At least LCR would post Kerry vitriol. If nothing else, he's consistent in his hate of everything related to the way the US government works.

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QUOTE(Controlled Chaos @ Jan 17, 2005 -> 10:07 AM)
If he says..."we messed up 'blank' part of the war"  everybody in the world will jump on it....cause you are all just dying to have something to point at.    If he stays steadfast and relentless in the fight..then only the people that nitpick every little f***ing thing he does anyway, will find something to b**** about.


I have no problem with what he said.  We did have an election...part of that election was the Dems hammering home what a failure the Iraq war is and Bush won anyway.  It is not the sole reason, but it is part of it..so why can't he acknwledge it. I know all the elitists want to think Bush only won cause of the religion issues or the gay marriage issues, but I hate to tell you....a lot of EDUCATED people that can careless about either issue voted for Bush.  Why can't you just accept there are people with a different opinion than you...and no matter how much you rip the president and no matter how many celebrities get paraded in front of the cameras to degrade this administration and no matter how much hype a movie filled with lies gets....people still have minds of their own.  Republicans are not sheep.  We are not all flyover morons.


Even the US military (US Army War College etc.) admitted that the post-war planning was not done well at all. And please don't lump all people who disagree with the President or his polices in with Michael Moore or random celebs that don't care for Bush because there are plenty of others that are not down with Bush in all political stripes.


I fail to see how he got a "mandate" on the Iraq war when now polls show 50% of the nation believing that the Iraq war was in error. Getting over the "I can make no mistake!" complex is good for that nation. He believes a lot of things -- like there were WMD in Iraq, that Iraq and Al Qaeda had a network, that its been "Mission Accomplished" but just because he believes it does not make it true.

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QUOTE(lvjeremylv @ Jan 17, 2005 -> 09:38 AM)
LMFAO. :rolly


Please learn the facts.  It will prevent the future utterance of horribly assinine comments.


Google executive order W199I -- It wasn't in Michael Moore's movie -- but it came out in British investigative journalism that there was an executive order put in place by Clinton but signed and enforced by Bush to prevent the FBI from investigating any possible Saudi/hijacker links that they could find.


Let's not be a partisan hack here. Clinton and Bush, at best, were incompetent and had 9-11 happen on their watch. At worst, they were complicit.


http://www.truthout.org/docs_05/011605X.shtml -- FBI fired whistleblowers that were talking about how much of a threat a possible 9/11 could be. That's just the tip of the iceberg but I need to go eat lunch. I'll post more if you'd like later.


And to quote you, here's a message that may help you out, "Please learn the facts. It will prevent the future utterance of horribly asinine comments." ;)

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QUOTE(CubKilla @ Jan 17, 2005 -> 05:29 PM)
This point is so laughable it borders on ludicrous. Even if Bush and Co. knew every conceivable point to Bin Laden's 09/11 plans before it happened and did arrest those to be involved based on intelligence, you, FlaSoxx, LCR, and a few other like KWF would have jumped all over the Bush Administration for being racist..... for profiling..... for violating the civil rights of the 19 or so "would-be terrorists" based simply on conjecture because..... after all..... they hadn't committed a crime..... yada, yada, yada.


Obviously, Bush will never do anything right in your closed-off, unfledgingly partisan'd mind, and the few of you here that constantly harp on him come off as nothing but a bunch of goddamn crybabies. Waa, waa, WAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!


I'm so sure that if Kerry would have been elected that the change in US government would have been so extreme it would have bordered on monumental.


At least that's what you and FlaSoxx would have posted for everyone everyday. At least LCR would post Kerry vitriol. If nothing else, he's consistent in his hate of everything related to the way the US government works.


??? how do you know. Just because you create your own scenario in your head and then reason it to yourself as fact. I guarantee if that would have happened it would have been covered as major terrorist attack averted. Well, at least in the real world. In the delusional world of the hard right, the media would have covered it too sympathetically towards the terrorists.

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QUOTE(bmags @ Jan 17, 2005 -> 12:59 PM)
??? how do you know. Just because you create your own scenario in your head and then reason it to yourself as fact. I guarantee if that would have happened it would have been covered as major terrorist attack averted. Well, at least in the real world. In the delusional world of the hard right, the media would have covered it too sympathetically towards the terrorists.


I know because those that hate Bush will find any reason to rip on the guy. Nothing he could possibly do will ever be enough or good enough for them. It's not a stretch by any means to assume how Bush's detractors would react if a post-09/11 terrorist attack is averted. They'd immediately begin to pick everything apart..... GUARANTEED! It wouldn't be enough that a terrorist attack was averted. They'd immediately embark on a quest to prove Bush is incompetent. BOOK IT!

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I don't think this is really a Dem/Rep question. I'm trending Dem, but I didn't expect him to answer this question w/ a 'heads will roll'. Here's the type answer I'd expect to that question: 'I'm not going to fire someone just b/c they didn't have perfect foresight. We need to find out if mistakes were made, if procedures and guidelines were not followed. If so, people will be held accountable. But nothing of that sort has come to my attention.'


Now, b/c I dislike Bush, I wouldn't really believe that statement, but I wouldn't find it offputting.


What he in fact said was that after an election, the administration's entire 1st term record should not be scrutinized further. That's just not acceptable on its face. Mistakes were made, he's obligated in principle to find out why, so as not to repeat them.

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QUOTE(CubKilla @ Jan 17, 2005 -> 08:01 PM)
I know because those that hate Bush will find any reason to rip on the guy. Nothing he could possibly do will ever be enough or good enough for them. It's not a stretch by any means to assume how Bush's detractors would react if a post-09/11 terrorist attack is averted. They'd immediately begin to pick everything apart..... GUARANTEED! It wouldn't be enough that a terrorist attack was averted. They'd immediately embark on a quest to prove Bush is incompetent. BOOK IT!



so basically, you don't know, you just love to think that way because it proves your own point.

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QUOTE(CubKilla @ Jan 17, 2005 -> 02:01 PM)
I know because those that hate Bush will find any reason to rip on the guy. Nothing he could possibly do will ever be enough or good enough for them. It's not a stretch by any means to assume how Bush's detractors would react if a post-09/11 terrorist attack is averted. They'd immediately begin to pick everything apart..... GUARANTEED! It wouldn't be enough that a terrorist attack was averted. They'd immediately embark on a quest to prove Bush is incompetent. BOOK IT!


That's bulls*** and I don't know how to put it in any simpler terms...


As long as the administration keeps up with their s***, so will I. :finger

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QUOTE(KipWellsFan @ Jan 17, 2005 -> 05:13 PM)
That's bulls*** and I don't know how to put it in any simpler terms...


As long as the administration keeps up with their s***, so will I. :finger



Go right ahead, but remember that the reason your side lost the last election is because the best platform you could come up with was "Bush sucks, elect me". People would much rather vote FOR something rather than AGAINST something.

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QUOTE(NUKE_CLEVELAND @ Jan 17, 2005 -> 07:36 PM)
Go right ahead, but remember that the reason your side lost the last election is because the best platform you could come up with was "Bush sucks, elect me".  People would much rather vote FOR something rather than AGAINST something.


Well that's their job not mine.

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QUOTE(Controlled Chaos @ Jan 17, 2005 -> 10:07 AM)
If he says..."we messed up 'blank' part of the war"  everybody in the world will jump on it....cause you are all just dying to have something to point at.    If he stays steadfast and relentless in the fight..then only the people that nitpick every little f***ing thing he does anyway, will find something to b**** about.


I have no problem with what he said.  We did have an election...part of that election was the Dems hammering home what a failure the Iraq war is and Bush won anyway.  It is not the sole reason, but it is part of it..so why can't he acknwledge it. I know all the elitists want to think Bush only won cause of the religion issues or the gay marriage issues, but I hate to tell you....a lot of EDUCATED people that can careless about either issue voted for Bush.  Why can't you just accept there are people with a different opinion than you...and no matter how much you rip the president and no matter how many celebrities get paraded in front of the cameras to degrade this administration and no matter how much hype a movie filled with lies gets....people still have minds of their own.  Republicans are not sheep.  We are not all flyover morons.



Every time I watch some asshole on TV talk about how the president f***ed up this or should have done that I think to myself "Why SHOULD he reach out to the other side?" The truth is that the left hates Bush so much that it doesn't make any difference what he does, they'll just hate him more. Better to just bury them so deep in the minority that their shrill voices don't sound quite so annoying.

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QUOTE(NUKE_CLEVELAND @ Jan 17, 2005 -> 07:39 PM)
Every time I watch some asshole on TV talk about how the president f***ed up this or should have done that I think to myself "Why SHOULD he reach out to the other side?"  The truth is that the left hates Bush so much that it doesn't make any difference what he does, they'll just hate him more.  Better to just bury them so deep in the minority that their shrill voices don't sound quite so annoying.


This simply isn't true and I could only provide proof if Bush did anything to change our opinions.

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