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ACLU, that bastion of free speech.


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This is sooooooooooo priceless. I'm watching the O'reilly factor right now and ACLU board member Michael Meyers ( a 23 year ACLU veteran ) is on the air right now saying that he's about to be kicked off the board of that organization because he does not agree with several of the organization's positions on various issues, not the least of which, is litigation involving religous expression.


This one speaks for itself. Just more proof that you can say whatever you want around the left, just so long as you agree with them.

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QUOTE(NUKE_CLEVELAND @ Jan 21, 2005 -> 08:19 PM)
This is sooooooooooo  priceless.  I'm watching the O'reilly factor right now and ACLU board member Michael Meyers ( a 23 year ACLU veteran ) is on the air right now saying that he's about to be kicked off the board of that organization because he does not agree with several of the organization's positions on various issues, not the least of which, is litigation involving religous expression. 


This one speaks for itself.  Just more proof that you can say whatever you want around the left, just so long as you agree with them.


It will be interesting to see what happens there. But, coming from the 2004 Misinformer of the Year, there is probably more (or less) to this story that didn't come out on the show.


Maybe he originally read about this story in the "Paris Business Review"... you know, the news source O'Reilly MADE UP as a source for his MADE UP numbers on the billions of dollars the US boycott was costing France.

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QUOTE(jackie hayes @ Jan 21, 2005 -> 08:34 PM)
Here's the NYT article on this.  Unless the article is completely wrong, or something dramatic happened today that hasn't hit the news, you're totally misrepresenting this.


I can't imagine why...


:bang :D Because of the O'Reilly "No Spin Zone" reality distortion field I assume.

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Nuke, your initial post suggested Meyers was 'about to get kicked off,' and he may well believe that but it doesn't make it true. From the NYT piece, noting that th call for a hearing on this came from an Oregon Chapter member:


To the best of my knowledge, no current board member supports implementing any such proceedings, and I am aware of many board members who responded by expressing their strong opposition to the idea," Ms. Strossen wrote. "We will discuss the idea, but I predict that it will be resoundingly rejected."


It DOES sound like they're having problems, but even the bastion of free speech is going to have governance issues.

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QUOTE(FlaSoxxJim @ Jan 21, 2005 -> 07:49 PM)
Nuke, your initial post suggested Meyers was 'about to get kicked off,' and he may well believe that but it doesn't make it true.  From the NYT piece, noting that th call for a hearing on this came from an Oregon Chapter member:

It DOES sound like they're having problems, but even the bastion of free speech is going to have governance issues.



Mr Meyers certainly seems to think he's out and he sounded very pissed off about it all.

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QUOTE(NUKE_CLEVELAND @ Jan 22, 2005 -> 01:38 AM)
Uhh guys.........Oreilly was interviewing this guy on air.  Those words were Mr Meyers'  not O'reillys.


Try again.

Well then it's GOTTA be right!


I don't care whose words those are. The pres of the ACLU announced to the press that she doesn't think anything will come of it. The review request did not come from the board at all, it came from a chapter in Oregon. The request was made b/c the board members in question were airing their internal grievances via the press. There aren't many organizations that would tolerate that -- however, it appears the ACLU board members weren't too concerned.


You present it as, they're kicking him out b/c he wants school prayer. Huh??? :huh

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QUOTE(NUKE_CLEVELAND @ Jan 21, 2005 -> 07:56 PM)
Or maybe he's angry about the hypocrasy of the organization he works for.


And there's no hypocricy in the Bushie administration or the Republican party in general. Quit being such a partisan hack, its quite tiresome. There's bulls*** on all sides. I just love hearing O'Reilly rail on and on about the rich media elite while not talking about the 6-7 figures that he's pulling down every year or the fact that he had to pay out the ass (no pun intended) for sexually harassing a woman.


Christians, the most persecuted group in America I mean they sure read their Bible, right? "Beware of practicing your piety before men in order to be seen by them; for then you will have no reward from your Father who is in heaven. Thus, when you give alms, sound no trumpet before you, as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and in the streets, that they may be praised by men. Truly, I say to you, they have received their reward. But when you give alms, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing, so that your alms may be in secret; and your Father who sees in secret will reward you. And when you pray, you must not be like the hypocrites; for they love to stand and pray in the synagogues and at the street corners, that they may be seen by men. Truly, I say to you, they have received their reward. But when you pray, go into your room and shut the door and pray to your Father who is in secret; and your Father who sees in secret will reward you." (Matthew 6:1-6

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Once again Nuke hits the nail on the head. Conservatives, unlike liberals, agree on everything. All conservatives think the same and do not disagree about anything. From abortion (bad), to same sex marriage (very bad), to Howard Stern (the essence of evil), to Spongebob Squarepants (encourages homosexual behavior) they all agree.

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QUOTE(LowerCaseRepublican @ Jan 21, 2005 -> 08:03 PM)
And there's no hypocricy in the Bushie administration or the Republican party in general.  Quit being such a partisan hack, its quite tiresome.  There's bulls*** on all sides.  I just love hearing O'Reilly rail on and on about the rich media elite while not talking about the 6-7 figures that he's pulling down every year or the fact that he had to pay out the ass (no pun intended) for sexually harassing a woman.


Christians, the most persecuted group in America  I mean they sure read their Bible, right?  "Beware of practicing your piety before men in order to be seen by them; for then you will have no reward from your Father who is in heaven. Thus, when you give alms, sound no trumpet before you, as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and in the streets, that they may be praised by men. Truly, I say to you, they have received their reward. But when you give alms, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing, so that your alms may be in secret; and your Father who sees in secret will reward you. And when you pray, you must not be like the hypocrites; for they love to stand and pray in the synagogues and at the street corners, that they may be seen by men. Truly, I say to you, they have received their reward. But when you pray, go into your room and shut the door and pray to your Father who is in secret; and your Father who sees in secret will reward you." (Matthew 6:1-6


So now you're trying to justify it. It's hyprocasy on the highest order but since other people do it too it must be just fine. What temerity on my part for bringing this to light on here.



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QUOTE(NUKE_CLEVELAND @ Jan 21, 2005 -> 08:08 PM)
So now you're trying to justify it.  It's hyprocasy on the highest order but since other people do it too it must be just fine.  What temerity on my part for bringing this to light on here.




No Nuke. I'm saying that to proclaim that O'Reilly is some sort of bastion of righteousness is bulls*** -- just as dropping MOAB's is "compassionate conservatism". The fact that you tear things into "sides" is an act of partisan hackery. I remember during the election, you were one of the ones trumpeting the fact that Bush was God and everything against him was just lies etc. while everything that came out against Kerry was somehow valid. They were both softheaded, incompetent, moronic boobs that deserve to be beaten to death with woks. If you're gonna whine about one side pulling s***, then do it for both sides when they are in the wrong.


Gay marriage amendment? Cabinet position of Homeland Security? Increased drug war? Etc. -- Sure sounds like a conservative less government program set-up to me!

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QUOTE(Texsox @ Jan 21, 2005 -> 08:07 PM)
Once again Nuke hits the nail on the head. Conservatives, unlike liberals, agree on everything. All conservatives think the same and do not disagree about anything. From abortion (bad), to same sex marriage (very bad), to Howard Stern (the essence of evil), to Spongebob Squarepants (encourages homosexual behavior) they all agree.


Not the point at all. Last week you people spent an entire evening lecturing me about what a great champion of free speech the ACLU is but now, it seems, that one of their own board members can't speak his own mind and dare to not tow the party line without getting himself in hot water. Of course that's alright with you guys though.



Hypocrites is what they are.

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QUOTE(LowerCaseRepublican @ Jan 21, 2005 -> 08:14 PM)
No Nuke.  I'm saying that to proclaim that O'Reilly is some sort of bastion of righteousness is bulls*** -- just as dropping MOAB's is "compassionate conservatism".  The fact that you tear things into "sides" is an act of partisan hackery.  I remember during the election, you were one of the ones trumpeting the fact that Bush was God and everything against him was just lies etc. while everything that came out against Kerry was somehow valid.  They were both softheaded, incompetent, moronic boobs that deserve to be beaten to death with woks.  If you're gonna whine about one side pulling s***, then do it for both sides when they are in the wrong. 


Gay marriage amendment?  Cabinet position of Homeland Security?  Increased drug war? Etc. -- Sure sounds like a conservative less government program set-up to me!



Oreilly's only involvement in this whole thing is that he happened to be the guy interviewing this ACLU member. That's all. Mr Meyers was the one going off on the ACLU and that's very telling to me.


You're also DEAD WRONG asserting what I said about Bush and Kerry.


Bush: You of all people should know that I didn't think the postwar period in Iraq was planned well and in fact there was no coherent plan ( I guess you forgot all those posts I wrote to that effect and all the chats in PM on AOL Messenger to that effect ).


Kerry: I have also posted numerous times that I thought the Swifties attacks on Kerry's medals were over the top and bogus but as with the Bush example I guess you forgot all the posts and convos on AOL to that effect.


2 quick examples to quash that lie quickly.

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QUOTE(NUKE_CLEVELAND @ Jan 22, 2005 -> 02:16 AM)
Not the point at all.  Last week you people spent an entire evening lecturing me about what a great champion of free speech the ACLU is but now, it seems, that one of their own board members can't speak his own mind and dare to not tow the party line without getting himself in hot water.  Of course that's alright with you guys though.

Hypocrites is what they are.

WOW, what garbage. Everything you base your argument on is wrong, yet you still think you're right. What the world must look like through your eyes.

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QUOTE(NUKE_CLEVELAND @ Jan 21, 2005 -> 08:16 PM)
Not the point at all.  Last week you people spent an entire evening lecturing me about what a great champion of free speech the ACLU is but now, it seems, that one of their own board members can't speak his own mind and dare to not tow the party line without getting himself in hot water.  Of course that's alright with you guys though.

Hypocrites is what they are.


I cannot remember a time when the ACLU argued that atheists should be allowed on Church Boards, that Catholics should be allowed to be Rabbis, or that Liberals should be on the Republican board. Organizations have a right to set membership standards that reflect their organization. If the board member doesn't support their views, he shouldn't be on the board. I don't see an hypocrisy there. I disagree with the ACLU's positions on several of their cases, they biggest financial backers are far more liberal than I am. But I don't see it as being hypocritical that they want people whose views are aligned with the organization.


And by the way, not every Liberal endorses the ACLU, just like only a portion of Conservatives endorse the Aryan Nation.

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QUOTE(NUKE_CLEVELAND @ Jan 21, 2005 -> 08:16 PM)
Not the point at all.  Last week you people spent an entire evening lecturing me about what a great champion of free speech the ACLU is but now, it seems, that one of their own board members can't speak his own mind and dare to not tow the party line without getting himself in hot water.  Of course that's alright with you guys though.

Hypocrites is what they are.


Nuke, its one member whining and instead of redressing the grievances to the ACLU, he ran to the media and whined like a 5 year old. But I guess that the facts, logic etc. of the event aren't getting to this guy. Everybody else is saying its a minor dispute but he's out yelling and screaming like a buffoon. Can we say "15 minutes of fame"?

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Nuke, is your position that is this was a conservative group and a member was constantly criticizing the administration, they would encourage him or fire him?


Didn't the Republican Party and the NRA dump James Brady when he started campaigning for gun law reforms and more restrictions?

Edited by Texsox
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QUOTE(Texsox @ Jan 21, 2005 -> 08:25 PM)
Nuke, is your position that is this was a conservative group and a member was constantly criticizing the administration, they would encourage him or fire him?



I dont know if anything like that is actually going on but if you serve me up an example of something like that and I will shift focus and trash ( insert right wing organization ) for its own organization.

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Actually I believe you said that the ACLU attacked the practice of religion. And I challenged you to come up with an actual case involving the ACLU where they tried to keep people from saying any.


All anyone could come up with are stories that aren't true. I quickly came up with four concrete examples of the ACLU fighting on behalf of churches and religion. You came up with some "Oh, that one about the guy with the stuff and the things." Someone else came up with a case where a lawyer for the prosecution mentioned "I bet the ACLU would be pissed if this were Christian stuff."


So, you let the perception be the reality. Too bad you can't let reality be reality.

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QUOTE(winodj @ Jan 21, 2005 -> 11:47 PM)
Actually I believe you said that the ACLU attacked the practice of religion. And I challenged you to come up with an actual case involving the ACLU where they tried to keep people from saying any.


All anyone could come up with are stories that aren't true.  I quickly came up with four concrete examples of the ACLU fighting on behalf of churches and religion. You came up with some "Oh, that one about the guy with the stuff and the things." Someone else came up with a case where a lawyer for the prosecution mentioned "I bet the ACLU would be pissed if this were Christian stuff."


So, you let the perception be the reality. Too bad you can't let reality be reality.


Concrete examples? I prefer granite.


Examples of attempted censorship of VOLUNTARY and non-sectarian prayer.








Here's a nice long list of ACLU sponsored destruction of anything Christian and promotion of all that's wrong with America.




More shamefulness


September 1986 - The ACLU successfully sues fifth grade public school teacher Kenneth Roberts, forcing him to remove his personal Bible from his classroom desk. Roberts kept the Bible on top of his desk, and he read from it during his class' silent reading time. He never read it to his students or told them they had to read it. (Contrast this to the ACLU's actions in February and March, 2001, in Anaheim, California. This time, the ACLU threatened to sue the public school board if they did not put pro-homosexual propaganda on the shelves of the high school library.)


In 1988 the ACLU barred a doctor from telling a Kansas man's former wife that her ex-husband had tested positive for AIDS. In the words of the director of the ACLU's Privacy and Technology Project, "The benefits of confidentiality outweigh the possibility that somebody may be injured."


April 2002 - The U.S. Supreme Court struck down major portions of the Child Pornography Protection Act, which prohibited Internet porn hawkers from making "virtual" child pornography. The ACLU immediately declared victory, calling it a triumph for "free speech."


April 2002 - The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Tenth Circuit struck down a Colorado law requiring parents be notified when their underage daughters sought abortions. The ACLU supported the suit to have the law struck down.







Advocates for religous freedom my ass.


As I said earlier these people are all for stamping out christianity whenever and wherever it's found, replacing it with child pornography, foul and offensive language on the airwaves and taking the rights of parents to raise their children under the guise of privacy rights. How you can defend an organization who's clientele includes child pornographers, nazi's, smut peddlers and other assorted scum of society is beyond me.

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